Goodnight Moon Base: turning childhood dreams into physical reality.
What do people who have achieved world-changing impact have in common? Their stories often describe how they would fall asleep every night as children, dreaming of their future as a successful astronaut, sports star, or whatever it may be. What if we could inspire children across the world to have vivid, passionate dreams of people living peacefully and prosperously on the moon? If enough children are captivated by this vision in their earliest memories, they will create an irresistible force to turn this vision into a physical reality for our species. This is the belief and hypothesis of Brett Hoffstadt, a former aerospace engineer who has become an author and publisher of children’s books about space, engineering, and other STEAM topics. In this presentation you will get a preview of his upcoming children’s bedtime book “Goodnight Moon Base.” Is it scheduled to be published before the end of 2021. Can the dreams of children change the course of human history beyond Earth? Join this presentation to see one person’s mission to make it so.
Brett Hoffstadt is an established engineer, project manager, author, and book publisher with two aerospace engineering degrees, three aviation patents, and dozens of books published on STEAM topics for adults and children. He is currently employed as an engineer and is finishing his upcoming children’s bedtime book, “Goodnight Moon Base.” He can be contacted through LinkedIn, through his website HowToBeARocketScientist.com, or on Twitter @BrettRocketSci.