Potentially half of the world’s coming contributions toward a human presence on Mars could lie in the hands of women. They will surely help us get there – but – in order to get the full picture of how we got to this point, and to encourage future contributions, we should make clearly known our recognition of the contributions they’ve already made.
This presentation will share and celebrate several “modern” key female contributors. It will include an offering of their backgrounds, hurdles, motivations, and contributions; presented through both word and art. Images will include special selections from a new art collection highlighting these space luminaries in portraits; portraits with unusual storytelling approaches, but using very classic and embracing styles. Included will be women who have made contributions from Astronomy to Engineering, from Apollo program seamstresses to astronauts; from people who are household names, to those with names few are familiar with. Highlighted will be the encouragement and assistance these achievers and luminaries offered from family and friends, both male and female. “No man…(or woman – OR GREAT ENDEAVOR)… is an island”. Examples of the importance of reaching out and encouraging all potential contributors and allies will be shared. Our progress towards a human presence on Mars is not to be viewed as inevitable. It is not inevitable without contributions and support from all. The presentation will close with a call to encourage, assist, and invest in future contributions from women.
An essential bio
Priscilla Thomas shares the wonder that exists where space & soul collide. Her art has been featured in books & in magazines, including Astronomy Magazine’s 50 Greatest Cosmic Scenes edition. She has presented at the Space Renaissance International Fair in Berlin, Germany; and at the Mars Society’s International Convention. Her art was shared at the month-long “Space and Soul Together” solo show. She has multiple pieces on loan, including a piece displayed at Lowell Observatory. She’s also attended and covered multiple space launches, and numerous NASA media exclusive open house events.
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