New human societies forged off-world will face unforgiving constraints imposed by their physical environment. Respecting those constraints, these societies will otherwise have wide organizational discretion. We propose that such societies should be derived from core consensual principles, identified through discussion and debate by prospective residents. All culture and law can then emanate from these principles. We expect that amongst these principles will be a commitment to maximizing personal liberties consistent with protecting the society as a whole from existential threats, and providing for all material necessities through automation. In addition, we argue that a commitment to the scientific method including first principles-based thinking and ever-evolving systems of systems, will be wise. While many favor some sort of democratic system, we note that such experiments have consistently failed over time. We argue that effective and sustainable democracy is possible only when the Citizenry is well informed and committed to a shared vision and principles codified as a Charter. We therefore propose ending birthright Citizenship, instead making it into an office, available to all residents through a hard-won Rite of Passage. The Citizens can then BE the government; fulfilling the dream of government “Of, by and for the People”. Others, whether Residents or Visitors, will have certain inalienable rights but no role in governance, other than a veto on changes to the Charter. Much of this was accomplished in the highly successful yet largely forgotten Venetian Republic, which failed only because it underestimated Napoleon. We can add systems of sustainable technological abundance based on emerging technologies and a deeper understanding of money. In particular, given that all material wealth is some confluence of raw materials, energy, and organizing intelligence (AI software), such societies can be structured to automatically meet the basic needs of their residents whilst preserving individual liberties.
Jonathan Kolber is an author and investor. He wrote Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations: a 21st Century Translation and Commentary, followed by A Celebration Society. He was the last seed investor in Cambridge Quantum Computing, which later became Quantinuum. He proposes raising the experimental and disruptive approach of Silicon Valley to the level of society itself, albeit tempered by consensual values. Jonathan shares his vision of science-driven model society, based on ever-evolving systems, which he and his allies call A Celebration Society. This provides a scaffolding upon which many different societal designs can be built. The preferred design offers a comprehensive solution that celebrates human greatness to inspire more greatness, encouraging and building upon humanity’s finest qualities.
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