Franz Renz is Austrian, got his first degree in mechanical engineering, studied chemistry and obtained his PhD at TU Vienna. After a PostDoc in Japan and Germany he obtained his habilitation at Mainz University (JGU). Since 2008 he is professor of inorganic coordination chemistry at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). He had several visiting professorships, such as CAS DICP/China, in Tsukuba, Yokohama, Tokyo TODAI/Japan and is known for his contributions to the discovery of the SF-LIESST, HAXITH and HAXIESST effects in molecular magnetism. In 2022 he was honored with a doctor honoris causa. He is devoted to the element iron and his favorite molecule is water. His main research interests are in molecular switching and the study of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. He is heading the research and development of the miniaturized Mössbauer spectrometer (MIMOS), of which three are on the surface of planet Mars. He is member of the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Missions Spirit and Opportunity. Currently his group builds devices for further space missions, among them to the Moon.