Can we expect that other intelligence in the cosmos will have music? Vision, hearing and even smell are all examples of what’s called “convergent evolution” – which is to say that because these senses are useful for survival, they have arisen in many species.
But what about music? While dogs sing and birds whistle, music is largely restricted to Homo sapiens. And even for our own species, it’s not clear exactly how or why we developed our talent for music.
However, and as we’ll discuss, if the aliens do have music, it’s probable that it will be somewhat similar to our own. We might not like it, but we’d probably recognize it.
Seth Shostak is Senior Astronomer and Institute Fellow at the SETI Institute. With degrees in physics and astronomy from Princeton University and Caltech, he has a long history of research in radio astronomy and in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI.
Seth has written more than 600 popular articles on science and technology, and hosts the weekly science radio show and podcast “Big Picture Science.” He has authored four books.