Is there, or was there life anywhere else out there in the Solar System? This question could indeed be answered in our time. The spacefaring nations and organizations sent and send super high-tech spacecraft to our neighboring planet Mars where scientists think the life had good chances to exist in the past, or even today. They observe the planet’s surface and its atmosphere from orbit, and they sniff for biosignatures with mobile robotic devices on the ground. Samples taken today will be brought to the laboratories on Earth in about ten years.
A brief bio
Ulrich Köhler is a planetary geologist at DLR’s Institute of Planetary research in Berlin. He studied Geology in Munich and spent a year for his diploma thesis at Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro (SP, Brasil). At DLR he started 1991 with the analysis of multispectral imaging data from NASA’s Galileo probe passing the Moon twice and arriving 1995 at the Jovian system, transmitting image data from the Galilean Satellites. 1999-2000 he was at Brown University (Providence, RI) on a NASA grant. Returning to DLR, besides the Moon his focus then was Mars where DLR has the famous High Resolution Stereo Camera in orbit on ESA’s Mars Express orbiter. Ulrich is the coordinator of the institute’s Education and Public Outreach activities.