An online webinar on Space Safety, with:
Tommaso Sgobba – Executive Director at IAASS (International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety, The Netherland), space safety
Jonathan Tate – Director of The Spaceguard Centre, UK, defence from dangerous asteroids
Luigina Feretti – Scientist, INAF Bologna (Italy), human life protection from cosmic radiations
Stefano Antonetti – D-ORBIT Marketing Manager, space debris avoidance and recovery
Joe Pelton – Dean Emeritus International Space University and Co-founder of GALIX (The Global Alliance for International Collaboration in Space), Space Weather
In our discussion, towards the 2021 Space Renaissance Congress, we understood that the feasibility of the Civilian Space Development is mainly tied to Space Safety: protecting human life and health in space (space vehicles endowed with low acceleration and safe reenter in the atmosphere, protection against cosmic radiations, artificial gravity in the space habitats, green environment in the space habitats); defence from asteroids; space debris recovering and reuse; space wheather; space traffic control.
Also see the 2021 Space Renaissance Congress Call for Papers
Our main questions to the panel:
- The raise of commercial space activities, in Earth orbit, on the Moon and Cislunar space region, will require more people to travel outside planet Earth: such a growing space citizenship will be more and more composed by civilians, without astronautical training. They cannot bear strong accelerations nor hard re-entry conditions. Most of all, long residence in space will require artificial gravity and protection against cosmic radiations. Are such arguments considered with due priority by space agencies? Will the guidelines on ergonomics and comfort of the new space vehicles (Space X) be an accepted and followed tendency?
- What is the state of the art, and the most efficient technologies, for cosmic radiations protection?
- Is any project on artificial gravity experimentation being developed in the world? What is the main space agencies understanding of the urgency of this activity?
- What is the state of the art of defense against asteroids potentially impacting Earth? Is there a sufficient understanding of the relevance of this issue, by the space agencies and governments? And about the big possible synergy between the defense from asteroids and the opportunity to mine their resources for the construction of space infrastructures? Should a killer asteroids be rooted to Earth, would we be able to eliminate the risk? By which tools and methodologies? Do we need an orbiting manned SpaceGuard?
- What is the state of the art of the space debris and wreckages recovery and possible reuse? Which are the most advanced programs on this subject? Are the main space agencies giving the proper priority? Are international institutions (UNOOSA and others) issuing directives to governments, in order to make laws on responsibility to avoid making new debris, by de-orbiting devices or proper techniques-methodologies, to make the satellites reentering the atmosphere at the end of their operative life? Is a proper action to evolve the space law towards the right of property of any recovered wreckage in space undergoing?
The conference will take place online, via Zoom, and will be broadcasted via Facebook.
Click “going” to the Facebook Event.