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Art-Themed Virtual Reality for Mitigating Isolation on Long-Duration Space Missions


Abstract The space industry presents new challenges with the involvement of diverse individuals, particularly concerning extended isolation. Reports from astronauts and studies during analogue missions highlight isolation as a significant stressor, intensified during long missions like those to Mars. Hence, exploring restorative stimuli is vital to alleviate psychosocial stressors that could affect mission success. In September Read More

Effects of Microgravity on Human Health – Thais Russomanno


Abstract The presence of gravity on Earth has had an integral effect on the development of life over billions of years and has shaped the anatomy and physiology of human beings. Exposure to microgravity has been shown to affect the whole body, causing numerous changes, such as a reduction in heart size and blood volume, Read More

The Nutshell Kings: Roots of Resistance to Human Space Exploration and Settlement – Milan M. Ćirković


Abstract We should face the fact that in promoting a vision of human space exploration and settlement we face not only natural obstacles and technological challenges, but also active human resistance. Recent years have seen both a revival of space programs, mostly propelled by private industry’s increasing interest, and the (re)emergence of strong resistance to Read More