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Artemis 1 pre-launch comment – 12:00 UTC


Space Renaissance International and EuroMoonMars will comment and provide basic information on the Artemis 1 mission. Panel: - Serena Crotti - Moderator - Bernard Foing - Artemis program overview - Cole Armagost - Artemis 1 Payloads and goals - Kete Rok - Space Launch System (SLS), launch and mission profile - Adriano V. Autino - Read More

Artemis 1 launch watch and comment live – 12:00 UTC


Space Renaissance International and EuroMoonMars will follow live the launch of Artemis 1 mission. Prof. Bernard Foing (SRI President and EMM Chair), will comment live from the launch site. Click 'going' to the Facebook event: Follow the livestream on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel:

The hunt for life on Mars, with Ulrich Köhler


Is there, or was there life anywhere else out there in the Solar System? This question could indeed be answered in our time. The spacefaring nations and organizations sent and send super high-tech spacecraft to our neighboring planet Mars where scientists think the life had good chances to exist in the past, or even today. Read More

The Cosmic Zoo Hypothesis and the Expected Diversity of Planetary Alien Habitats


The Cosmic Zoo hypothesis states that if life originates on a planetary body it will eventually evolve to become complex, meaning plant- and animal-like, if the planet or moon stays habitable long enough (in general billions of years). Multiple biochemically pathways have been invented through natural selection to arrive at Earth´s biosphere as it is Read More



SRI supports peaceful, civilian expansion into outer space. But there is another point of view about space and expansion into it, not just as peaceful. Geopolitics is the study of international relations in consideration of geography – that is, how human as well as physical geography affects the relations among states and state-like organizations. The Read More

Creating a Global Policy Framework that will Enable the Creation of Communities Beyond Earth – with Steven Wolfe


There is a great deal of earnest work to be done if humankind is ever to achieve the ultimate goal of expanding beyond Earth and establishing new branches of civilization throughout our solar system. Certainly, there are many technical issues that need to be addressed. But just as important are the international policies that can Read More

Water in space: The third underground.


Water in space: The third underground. Mars Underground, Moon Underground, and the "water Underground" A green environment is paramount important, in any space habitat. Learning how vegetable life works and reproduce (or not reproduce) itself is a key challenge, on the roadmap to space settlement. Equal attention should be paid to water. As human life Read More