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SRI supports peaceful, civilian expansion into outer space. But there is another point of view about space and expansion into it, not just as peaceful. Geopolitics is the study of international relations in consideration of geography – that is, how human as well as physical geography affects the relations among states and state-like organizations. The Read More

Creating a Global Policy Framework that will Enable the Creation of Communities Beyond Earth – with Steven Wolfe


There is a great deal of earnest work to be done if humankind is ever to achieve the ultimate goal of expanding beyond Earth and establishing new branches of civilization throughout our solar system. Certainly, there are many technical issues that need to be addressed. But just as important are the international policies that can Read More

The Fifth Season: the “Bingo” surprises of space


Large public opinion usually thinks about space as a very difficult, dangerous and unsafe environment. Recent and less recent catastrophes reminded to us how Earth can be unsafe, causing the death of thousands people in few minutes. It is very urgent to bring to the public attention some benefits of space, and points where space Read More



SPACE RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL and LUNEX/EUROMOONMARS will comment the launch of the ARTEMIS 1 mission, onboard the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket carrying the Orion spacecraft. The launch window -- 69 minutes long -- is planned Monday, Nov. 14 at 12:07 a.m. US ET, 06:07 CET, 05:07 UTC. Artemis I is an uncrewed flight test to launch Read More

The SRI Giving Tuesday 2022!


The SRI Giving Tuesday 2022! Donate to Space Renaissance International Join SRI as a Member Sponsor Space Renaissance International Participate live to the Space Renaissance Giving Tuesday 2022! Nov 29, 2022 17:00 - 22:00 UTC / 18:00 - 23:00 CET / 2pm - 7pm US ET Join the SRI Giving Tuesday Zoom Party Also follow Read More

Espansione della società Civile nello Spazio


Adriano V. Autino, Natale Viscomi ed altri ospiti terranno alcune presentazioni per studenti delle scuole medie e superiori. Fra i temi presentati e discussi: "La 5a stagione: le belle sorprese dello spazio (fuori dal pozzo)" "Il Diritto Spaziale Internazionale" "La nascita dell'Universo" Segui il webinar dal vivo sul canale YouTube di Space Renaissance: Clicka Read More

Water in space: The third underground.


Water in space: The third underground. Mars Underground, Moon Underground, and the "water Underground" A green environment is paramount important, in any space habitat. Learning how vegetable life works and reproduce (or not reproduce) itself is a key challenge, on the roadmap to space settlement. Equal attention should be paid to water. As human life Read More

Space Renaissance Christmas Special 2022


The last event of 2022 will take place December 19th: Christmas Special meeting. with our president Prof. Bernard Foing! We’ll have a look at what we have done in 2022, and we’ll announce the program of 2023. The Zoom meeting will be open to all of the SRI Members and invited friends! All participants will Read More

Outer Space Activities and the Future of City


We create and shape our surroundings. Thereafter, our surroundings shape us. New cities are emerging, established towns are growing and expanding, and many metropolises are merging to become megalopolises around the globe. And urban infrastructures around the world are coping hard to adjust to new pressures including the huge population migration from rural to urban Read More

The Sociology of the Lunar Settlement – with Riccardo Campa


Abstract The possibility that, in a not too distant future, a human settlement could be established on the Moon becomes increasingly real. Sociological knowledge invites us not to underestimate social problems that could arise in a dangerous lunar environment. Issues of social order and effective collaboration among settlers from different cultures may be particularly sensitive. Read More

Humanity expanding to space – with Jacob Mulder


Abstract Homo Sapiens is doing very well, here on the planet we call Earth, but the Sapients also notice that there are limits to growth. As Adriano Autino wrote in his "SRI Open Forum" statement of 17 November 2022, the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals could and should be extended with an 18th one: kick-off Read More



MOON VILLAGE ASSOCIATION - Cultural Considerations Working Group in cooperation with SPACE RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL The webinar will take place Wednesday, February 8, 2023, at 17.00 CET AGENDA Remo Rapetti: Introduction Giuseppe Reibaldi and Bernard Foing: Welcome address Frank White: The Universal Insight and the Overview Effect Annahita Nezami: Going boldly where no human has gone before: Read More