15 September is done, and was great!

It was done! The 15 of September is now in the past, and it was great! We had 30 speakers, in presence and from remote, giving beautiful contributions to our cause.First of all thanks a million to everybody who concurred to the success of yesterday! To the ones who have worked hard, to our colleague Henk Rogers, who generously sponsored the room, at United Nations Plaza 777, 11th floor, to everybody who spread the invitation and the message of the #Space18SDG! And thanks to our colleagues of the NSS, and of the other Co-promoter organizations, for their work too!

But may we think that the work is done? Not at all! The true work has just kicked-off!

First, our final statement could not be proposed and approved yesterday, as it was announced, since we had so many excellent contributions and suggestions, that couldn’t be summarized and integrated in such a short time.

A well conceived Final Recommendation is in progress of preparation, integrating our work of yesterday, and I believe it may be ready in few days.

In the same time, we are restlessly seeking a State Party that can present a resolution for the Space 18th SDG to the U.N. General Assembly, and working at COPUOS for such goal. We hope that, having we made such a great event yesterday, it will be a little easier to reach that goal.

The Co-promoters organizations are now 60, including Asgardia, the space nation, who joined officially yesterday, after a resolution of their Government. Our online change.org petition: now 336 (2 days ago 260!). And the total sum of signatures, including the ones collected on our website, is 363.

In case you missed, here’s the whole day recorded video: https://www.youtube.com/live/3dyrsT5jtaM

Please watch, spread the link, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!

The #space18sdg campaign is growing: let’s make it viral!

To sign the Space 18th SDG petition: https://www.change.org/space18sdg

To add an organization to the Space 18th SDG Coalition: https://spacerenaissance.space/sign-the-18th-sdg/

See the abstract here: https://spacerenaissance.space/the-18th-sustainable-development-goal/

See all the updates: https://space18thsdg.space/

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Adriano V. Autino, SRI CEO and Founder

Adriano Autino

Posted by Adriano