World wide call: support the Space Renaissance!

2017 is a wonderful opportunity, being the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, to bring to the public attention the theme of the expansion of civilian activities and expanding civilian rights into the Outer Space. Trying to be coherent with the commitments we took in our last congress, a few months ago, we are developing several projects, in different countries, naming just some of these initiatives: - a primary Space Renaissance Tour in Nigeria, next October - an event at USIP, in the USA, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, and solicit a revision and further implementation of it - a similar event in Italy, in collaboration with ASI and ESA - conferences in the UK, with universities in Glasgow and Edinbourgh - developing Space Renaissance Academy, an high profile Institute for education and outreach.

Dear SRI Friends and Supporters,

2017 is a wonderful opportunity, being the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, to bring to the public attention the theme of the expansion of civilian activities and expanding civilian rights into the Outer Space.

Trying to be coherent with the commitments we took in our last congress, a few months ago, we are developing several projects, in different countries, naming just some of these initiatives:
– a primary Space Renaissance Tour in Nigeria, next October
– an event at USIP, in the USA, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, and solicit a revision and further implementation of it
– a similar event in Italy, in collaboration with ASI and ESA
– conferences in the UK, with universities in Glasgow and Edinbourgh
– developing Space Renaissance Academy, an high profile Institute for education and outreach.

Besides, the SR International is strongly committed to sustain our supporters in all countries where they are working to create a Space Renaissance Chapter: India, Nigeria, UK, and other ones.

In this respect, i’d like to communicate here what is our spirit and setup, promoting local chapters of SR International.
Local chapters are very important, for us: without local chapters no international organization would exist.
Only local chapters allow people to work together in the real life, and not only on the web. To see each other face to face, and not only via electronic means. A real solidarity and practical sharing of goals and activities can ve developed only by human direct contact. The network is important, of course: just think about how it was hard, for international organizations to develop, 50 years ago, without the world wide web…
The network is a necessary but not sufficient condition, for an international to develop, national groups of activists need to meet, to agree their agendas, to work in their own country reality, political environment, people’s cultural perception level…

SR International is not a political party, we don’t claim to create a world wide political leadership.
The aims of the International are to develop the philosophy, to understand the current status of civilization, by means of our social analysis, and this is what we make in our international congresses.
We give general indications, about priority industrial developments.
We suggest equally cooperation and fair competition, among nations, for the opening of the space frontier, for the extension of civilian rights in outer space. In this respect the International acts like FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association).
So we encourage peaceful and fair competition, and the generous sharing of know how and experience, achieved by the already space-faring Countries, with the Countries that are initiating their journey into space.

Should a SRI local chapter publically work for the primacy of its Country, for the leadership in the conquer of space? Yes, of course! Any real progress in the human expansion in outer space will be however for the benefit of the whole humanity!
Yes, history will always remember who was first in Earth Orbit, who was first on the Moon, who will be first on Mars, who will be the first capturing and asteroid and transforming it in a geo-lunar habitat…
But noting will prevent others, after the first, to do the same! And the acquired know how will be precious.

So, dear friends and supporters, be patriots, and be earthling citizen, at the same time, and give birth to Space Renaissance local Chapters!

However, i am here today also to ask you for money, to support all what we do.
Your contribute is precious: without your registration fees, we could sustain our websites, our newsletters, our tax duties, nor provide a small support for kicking-off new chapters.

Please register as a member.

If you register to a local chapter, you will be however also a member of the International.
Please also consider a donation.

    Also, you can donate to our crowdfunding campaign for the Space Renaissance Tour, if you like so.

    If you live in the UK, you might like to contact Ryan J. Curtis, to help him creating the SRI UK chapter.
    And, if you live in India, you could write to Sourav Karmakar.

    Choose your preferred way, but please support the Space Renaissance!

    Ad Astra!

    Adriano Autino

    Posted by Adriano