Signatures for the Space Renaissance

Support the Space Economy Revolution!

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List of subscribers: last update, May 1st 2012. Number of subscribers: 335.

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Name Organization Country Comment
Subscribers to the first CALL FOR A WORLD SPACE RENAISSANCE FORUM (2009)
Adriano V. Autino Technologies of the Frontier (TDF)”> Italia
Patrick Q. Collins Space Future, TDF Japan
Michael Martin-Smith Space Age Associates,TDF UK We have seen that merely producing money and services cannot build an enduring civilisation. To achieve this, we must, like many ancestors, expand into new frontiers. Space is now the only frontier available to us which is limitless and involves no conflict.
Charles Radley Stratowave, The Moon Society USA
Alberto Cavallo Eurinome, TDF Italia
Feng Hsu NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA Wishing all the successes to the great human endeavors in space as called for by the SRI
Rick N. Tumlinson Space Frontier Foundation / XTreme Space / Orbital Outfitters Inc. USA It is time for borders to fall away and the life of Earth to begin its expansion outwards. It is not enough to save this planet, it is imperative that we move outwards.And we must do so together, with each contributing as they can, and all united in a common goal. I am pleased to support the work of the SRI. The group is young, not perfect and has much to learn. But wisdom comes by doing – not by waiting for perfection. I wish this group the best and will do what I can to help it grow, refine itself and further its goals. RNT 2009
Diana Baroni Tecnologie di Frontiera (TDF) Italia
James Rogers USA
Trevor Cooper Canada I want to help…
Mark I. Wallach USA
Yul Tolbert USA
John Cochran USA
Svetlana Shkolyar USA
R.D.Wright UK I would like to help you to organasing such a conference. Perhaps it could be held in Vienna?
Nebojsa Stanojevic South Africa ‘Most People Go To Bed To Dream – Only Few, Get Up From Bed, To Live Their Dreams’- Nebojsa Stanojevic
Human synergy [definition] relates to interacting humans. Synergy usually arises when two persons with different complementary skills cooperate. For example, say person A alone is too short to reach an apple on a tree and person B is too short as well. Once person B sits on the shoulders of person A, they are more than tall enough to reach the apple….
David A. Hardy UK I have been painting, illustrating and writing about the need for Man to expand into the new frontier of the universe since the early 1950s. Space is the logical place for industry (zero-g, near-vacuum, solar power), for valuable resources without further plundering, desecratingandpolluting our own planet, for tourism, and for sheer exploration and discovery, and eventually colonisation. So naturally I support this initiative.
Let’s make sure that EVERYBODY knows about the exciting future that it waiting for us ‘out there’!
David A. Hardy (My regards to Patrick Collins)
Andreas Bergweiler Germany
Chip Proser USA Animated moon series Tranquility Dome premiering on Strike.TV Dec 12.
Federico Raimondo Italy
Riccardo Defilla Italy
Franco Modesto Malgarini Italy
Larry Kellogg lunar-update USA
Andrzej Kotarski Polish Astronautical Society Poland I support this idea.
Peter Kokh The Moon Society USA I am pleased to add my signature and support.
Neville Marzwzell NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology USA Yes, I am supportive for the Space Renaissance forum, and I can be a contact for the Forum in the USA to expand the circle, if desired.
Luca Derosa iMEX.A Italia Yes, I join the group!
Vincenzo Zappalà Astronomic Observatory Pino Torinese Italia I subscribe to the call!
Zenon Kulpa Space Exploration Poland I am all for that!
Andrea De Giorgio Italy
Uthpala Herath Sri Lanka
Hal Fulton MarsDrive USA This is a great endeavor, and we will support it however we can.
Kevin Myrick InterPlanetary Ventures USA The InterPlanetary Ventures corporation is delighted to be invited to join the Organizational/Scientific Committee of the Space Renaissance Initiative, and we gladly accept your invitation. As CEO of IPV I will spread the word to our various online groups and promote the Call for signatures. I look forward to the first 2009 event, and hope we can take and the space advocacy community in a whole new direction.
Massimo Poletti AUSL Ferrara Italy
Narada Thomas Canada
Mirko Wenter Officina Utopia Italy We have to start a real race towards space, and we have to do it as soon as possible. Science in space is necessary, caution is also necessary but private enterprises have to start going out there fot the best of all mankind!
Dan Smith USA We are in desparate need of an independant space exploration body. Pooling the amount of Money and research is the only way to develop the next generation of space travel.
Daniele Biacchessi Italia
Stan Alam student USA
Clark S. Lindsey USA
Misuzu Onuki Space Frontier Foundation Japan
Martin Dudziak Tetradyn USA We are not just academics and a few companies, and while we do not have the clout or financing of NASA or ESA, or their major contractors, or the backing of a Richard Branson, we have components and system architectures that now are very promising on the basis of tests and simulations.
Azur Dervisagic USA
Chuck Lesher Writers Cramp Publishing USA Colonizing space is essential to the continued well being of the human race. We cannot survive for long without its resources. By the turn of the 22nd century the Moon must be another destination on Travelocity or humanity will be confined to Earth fighting over what’s left.
Jim Sealy Jr. The Moon Society USA
Leonard David USA Good luck on Space Renaissance – keep me posted and onward!
Bipin B Agravat Motionsonique India Full support of the Space and relative exploration
Azam Shaghaghi Iran
Sean Key Liftport USA I agree that a knew discovery for our exploration of space is needed. A forum for those ideas to be exchanged is needed and I support it.
Ralph Buttigieg Australia
Thilina Heenatigala Sri Lanka Astronomical Association Sri Lanka Excellent idea and I am pleased to add my signature and support. Would like to get involved more, perhaps our association could promote it among our members, schools, other astronomical socities etc.. It’s important that we understand our position in the universe, how unique we are as a life form! We all are Earthlings no matter what difference we have.
Bruce McKenzie Mars Foundation USA
Peter Wainwright Space Future USA
Carol Pinchefski Space Future USA Humanity’s future is in space. Let’s start right now.
Giovanni Colombo Rosa Bianca Italia Remember: Earth is Pregnant!
Antonella Cavallo Italia
Bert Murray NSS Space Elevator Team USA Spaced Based Solar Power and Orbital Ring Based Space Elevator are projects that Humankind can undertake now. These projects have a very little or no impact on earth’s environment, and will provide affordable renewable energy. The space elevator will allow affordable access to space. Both of these projects are doable with today’s technology.
Kumaran Sanmugathasan Sri Lanka I totally suppport your call. Great website.Have you heard of this company called Unitel Aerospace. They have patents on a starship that can travel instantaneously to other star systems by quantum tunneling through higher dimensions. It can also travel through time and to parallel universes. The technology is based on back engineering of a UFO sighted by the CEO Larry Maurer. Website is . Check it out. I loved it. I believe this is the best way to travel to the stars. Tell me what you think.Man needs interstellar travel to expand his horizons. Please tell me what you think.
Kieran Griffith PSE Ireland I would love to be a full time volunteer for this forum and maybe contribute something in the field of Space Tourism.
Brook E. Mantia USA I think it’s very important to act on this initiative, since the world desparately needs alternative solutions to the problems we face, and those solutions increasingly point towards developing the space frontier and transforming ourselves into a spacefaring civilization.
Andreas P. Bergweiler Space Travellers International Germany It’s time to move on to show some people, where we came from, where we are living and where we will go. Earth is a habitat for all of us, but some people forget this every day and doing promises without using their head.
Karen Cramer Shea USA
Boris Petrovic Nikola Tesla Society Serbia In the beginning of the 21st century, there is a need for further support for commercial space endeavors. The “Nikola Tesla” Society in Serbia supports the Space Renaissance Initiative as a way of popularizing science.
Enrico Richetti Italy
Giovanni Anselmi Coelum Astronomia (italian montly magazine) Italy I just want to say that I totally agree with the “Space Renaissance” concept.
Richard Dell the Advanced Aerospace Resource Center USA This is a worthwhile petition, articulating a very worthwhile goal.
Arthur Woods Ars Astronautica Switzerland We need a Space Age not a Stone Age!!
Franco Pallavicini Technologies of the Frontier Italy
Imran Majid UK There is a need to go beyond regional limitations and understand cultural traditions and to explore space as a natural advancement of human terrestrial habitat!
Paolo Monti OASI Observatory Art Science Innovation Italy Grazie molto, di avere esteso il manifesto dello spazialismo, fontaniano del 1947. grazie anche per aver compreso il pacchetto futurista, marinettiano dove quest’anno si celebrano i 50 anni. Grazie ancora
Jeff Krukin NewSpace Business Development USA Many believe we shouldn’t explore space until we solve all our problems here. Humanity isn’t going to solve all its problems, ever. We are too dynamic, solving problems yet creating more. We go into space for reasons that humans have historically gone elsewhere; for resources, freedom, and better lives. If humans didn’t leave home until all was well, we would all still be in Mesopotamia, crowded and miserable.
Nils R Grotnes Norway
Hamid Reza Hosseini Tarhavaran Iran
Maria Haanpää Finland
Dr. Adel Dagher Fahed Budagher ADF research center Barhein it is important to enhance the knowledge inolved in the research center. a research work is important and it should be supported bu tables, charts, diagrams,… etc, knowledge in any field is like the sea what ever water you remove it will not be afftected. so let’s work hard for better knowledge and better future and better developments.
Frank Hensel Germany Only way to go!
Nancy Ostertag USA
Keith Wetzel USA
Sergio Lebid NanoSpire, Inc. USA I support the call for a World Space Renaissance Forum. We are in a critical period and this is a critically important forum.
Chelle Pasarich USA
Brian Mueller USA
Tihamer Toth-Fejel Foresight Institute/National Space Society/General Dynamics/Society of Manufacturing Engineers USA Progress in technology is moving faster than human population growth, but because this technology can be used for good or for evil, this technological progress only emphasizes the importance of settling elsewhere in our Solar System. Just as the political vacuum in the New World allowed the experimentation of more efficient and more just forms of government, our expansion into Space will help us develop better societies.
Patrick Cashin Ireland this is really great,, this needs to happen , i totally agree with you guys that expansion is the funure of life as we know it…
Alan Libert University of Newcastle Australia
Jamie Guinta USA It is Our manifest destiny to colonize space.{Native Americans cringe now}
Robert de Lambert USA We need to start moving off the planet for a lot of good reasons mentioned before. We also need to have a long-range challenge to spark us all up again and get us busy doing productive research and building.
James McEnanly USA
Jeffrey Corn handyman-computers UK
Michal Moroz Polish Astronautical Society Poland We support the initiative. Hope to see you at the Forum!
Andrew Krummenacher USA
Peggy Manierre D+I+W=K USA The Space Renaissance Initiative is one of the beginning signs that we care about our future, on Earth and on other planets. Don’t give up the purpose of a future filled with focus. This is and always has been our challenge it and we will face it.
Alexander Knotts USA I have been wounting to get involved with Space exploration and colonization for some time now, mabey this will speed up the process.
Craig Holm self employed – science fiction author USA If, over the next century we manage to successfully colonize the Moon, Mars and other places in the solar system, we will then have guaranteed the survival of humanity regardless of essentially every possible disaster which can occur in nature. While this is a noble goal in itself, the shorter term benefits to human exploration and exploitation loom large. They range from low cost and inexhaustible supplies of energy and more mineral resources than can ever be found on Earth, to igniting the human desire to explore and discover. The challenge is to make the entire Solar System humanity’s home. And as the spread of humanity will certainly change the Solar System, the challenge of the Solar System will certainly change humanity.
La’Ray Yother USA Investing in space is investing in the future of the human race.
William J. Tuttle Tuttle Inc. USA Together may we find solutions to the problems and obstacles faced by current and future generations.
Frederick Hills The Moon Society USA Space – The 21st Century Destination For Humans
David Dunlop The Moon Society USA This call reflects a growing consensus about the need for a whole Earth effort to gain the resources of cislunar space to meet the human and environmental demands of the Earth. The breakdown of the international financial system makes efforts to fix the problem involve not just the G-8 but the G-20. This forum reflects a greater fraction of the human population and the overwhelming majority of the economic power of the world.
Bruce Irving The Moon Society USA Great idea – I hope our leaders can spare some attention for this long-term solution to our economic problems, but it will probably seem too “far out” to most who are immersed in the short-term problems of the worst economic crisis in decades. I think the Obama Administration will be open to many new ideas, but they have a lot to deal with in their first year! I read an analogy in a forum somewhere about oil drilling. If you had suggested in (say) 1932 that it would be a good idea to set up oil drilling platforms in the North Sea, no one could imagine that this would ever make sense. Yet today off-shore platforms are common, an essential part of world oil production. In the future people will be amazed that we considered the Earth to be all we had to work with when we are immersed in solar energy and surrounded by many sources of material from the moon and near-Earth asteroids. Things will change.
Adam Quirk USA
Vojtěch Straka Czech Republik
Gerald McCartney USA It is our duty as an intelligent species to spread life throughout our solar system, and beyond.
Christina Buckley The Moon Society Brighton England Behind you 100%
Virgiliu Pop Researcher, Romanian Space Agency Romania
Brian Shiro USA
Brian Lundquist Nanotechnology Now USA
John J. Szucs USA Now is the time to begin using the resources of space to help solve our problems here on Earth and bring hope back to the future of our children. We have the resources. We have the talent. We can become a space-faring civilization and open the doors to real growth while ensuring our survival for eons to come. All we need is the commitment.
Marco Francesco Fabbri Italia
James Boylan Organization for Space Exploration and Colonization USA I think many of the ideas in this project are quite valid. A Mercantile and Privateering system would be a solid basis for space travel, resource gathering and colony propagation.
David Schrunk Quality of Laws Institute USA Within the next decade, a functioning solar cell will be fabricated on the Moon from lunar regolith materials. That milestone event will establish the link between human cultural / technological expertise and the unlimited resources of space. From that beginning, we will be able to explore and colonize space on a grand scale, and supply the Earth with an abundance of energy and material resources. [From Schrunk, Sharpe, Cooper, and Thangavelu, “THE MOON: Resources, Future Development, and Settlement” Springer-Praxis, 2007.]
A. Karriem A. Khan ak2consulting USA
Mark Tillotson Today in Astronomy USA
Eric Hunting First Millennial Foundation – Living Universe Foundation – TMP2 Project USA
Prasanna Deshapriya Sri Lanka It’s great that I have the privilege of contributing the international effort.
Gennaro Russo CIRA Italy I do appreciate the initiative !
Niklas Järvstråt Literati, Bombadil Publishing Sweden,
Udden 4 71372 Gyttorp Sweden
Sayandeep Khan InterPlanetary Ventures Germany
Filipo Mendoza Mexico In times of economic crisis the world needs to hear a new way of economy of good will, based on the purpose of making space usable to solve the problems on Earth.
Daniël Konrad Tosta Link SDL Consultoria e Representações Ltda / SBDA Brazil Very important initiative.
Laurent Artola SpaceTravelFoundation France First people who will be able to send to space by community Foundation’s goals GOAL 1:This group must be the first one to send someone to space. GOAL 2 : Post pictures from the amazing scenery given by the cosmos. Post video too. GOAL 3 : Promote space tourism. Encourage to develop space research.
Giorgio Chiaruzzi Republic of San Marino Youth Forum, SGAC Republic of San Marino Good idea the World Space Renaissance Forum, I hope it will involve the biggest Space administration of the world.
Caterina Giustiniani kiara & co srl Italy I will take part in this event with pleasure.
Arturo Volpe Italy
Marko Gacesa University of Connecticut USA
Cosmic Artist Murphy Art. Elliott Earthling USA Asteroid mining the first step in the stairway to the stars.
Mary Moore English With Mary Moore USA This is fantastic! The ETs are here to stay and will make it big.
Ismar Twin aviation USA Excellent forum, very interesting.
Emanuele Disco Italy
Marcello Demuro Italy
Silvia Alessio Italy I like the idea of a development of humankind starting from people and not from governmental organizations. And as an Italian, I like the idea of a new Renaissance.
Giulio Matteucci Italy I agree with all the purposes of the organisation, I like the idea that the next stage of human history shall start from people and not from the governmental organisations, like a new renaissance.
Britt-Inger Johansson Sweden Excellent initiative – don’t have space suit but would be happy to go to the Moon all the same!
Matthew A. Bentley Solar Skiff USA I fully support the Space Renaissance initiative, beginning with the development of fully reusable spacecraft, Lunar settlement and industrialization, and the development of space-based resources, including new sources of energy. My newly published book, “Spaceplanes: From Airport to Spaceport” specifically addresses the feasibility of operating spaceplanes between the Earth the Moon.
Al Ross USA
Elliott Maynard, Ph.D. Arcos Cielos Research Center USA As Founder and President of Arcos Cielos Research Center in Sedona, Arizona, I have been working to develop unique new Paradigms for thought and action, in areas of Science, Education, and Leading-Edge Technology. From this perspective I am a proponent of breaking out of our old ways of thinking, and forming a new World Space Renaissance Forum, based on a consensual agreement for standardization of non-strategic hardware, software, modularization of Launch Vehicles, Habitats, Life Support Systems, Robotics, etc. This kind of mutual cooperation would result in a much more efficient use of financial, hardware, scientific, and manpower resources, and would serve to establish a Global Space Knowledge Base which would support future Space Exploration and Colonization Efforts. By viewing Space as a “Global Commons” this would serve as a platform for tapping the Solar, Asteroidal, and Lunar resources with the ultimate objective of stabilizing the Global Economy, and expanding existing earthbound resources.
John Pieper John Pieper Enterprises USA
David R Harris Low Light Images UK
Kenneth Udd Finland It’s time to do extensive international co-operation in this.
James Gholston The Moon Society USA
Michael Delaney The Moon Society Ireland
Joe McCormack USA Industrialization of the Moon should be the first step. Let’s get started.
Matteo Vinci SD Innovative Solutions Australia we as intelligent conscious beings have the ability & responsibility to ensure the future of our survival, not only on planet earth but elsewhere in the universe. we have enslaved ourselves for too long with artificial wealth, ie: money. we need to work together as a species combining all our ideas for the betterment of us all. we live on a fragile planet, with its life bound to the activity of the sun. we have placed demands on our world far beyond anything in nature. it is time we took responsibility for our actions & enabled every one of us to contribute to the future of humanity both on earth & beyond .
Shaun Moss Star Multimedia Australia
Andrea Italia
Frank R Shaug USA
Annie O’Hara Bynum Fidelity National Information Services USA Exploring light-years beyond Earth’s Atmosphere is a personal and professional goal of mine. Too bad I did mathematics instead of mechanics. Oh well 🙂 There’s always time after the MBA for a PhD :D:D:D:D:D
Enrico Dini Monolite UK ltd UK Hope to give our contribution to Space Renaissance with our Moon-o-lite building printing technologies.
Ronald J. Kohl R. J. Kohl & Assoc. USA I have been involved in space advocacy for nearly a decade and have a particular interest in Earth Orbit infrastructure services, as we convert Earth Orbits (LEO, MEO, HEO, GEO) into an economic development zone.
Ron Drummond One Woman One Way USA As this organization grows, it is crucial that you keep the lines of communication both open and two-way, and not isolate your governing board from active interaction with your members at all levels. The Forum itself should be available to all for participation — it should broadcast its calls for papers and presentations as widely as possible, and not only be open to but actively seek the participation of non-politicians and non-academics and non-bureaucrats and, more to the point, artists and writers and composers and sports fans (taking professional basketball to the moon might get us back there quicker than anything else) and independent scholars and filmmakers and campaign managers, etc etc.
James Lacey USA
Toni Pustovrh Slovenia
Maria Catalina The Astronaut Teacher Alliance & Space Port Academy USA Join The Astronaut Teacher Alliance and help us create education for the Space Generation.Best Regards, Commander Catalina, MDRS Crew 80
Hamid Reza Hosseini Tarhavaran Iran I accept
Daniël Konrad Link SDL Consultoria Brazil
Daniel J. Walt USA
Anton Volkonskiy Human Sinergy Project Russia
Adam Glickman USA Interested in promoting Technology to further peace and in creating a better World.
David Dunlop The Moon Society USA It was great to meet Adriano! I look forward to working together!
Randa Relich Milliron Interorbital Systems USA Interorbital Systems and Trans Lunar Research’s goal has always been to establish a transportation link between Earth and Moon. This is the first step towards the establishment of our permanently occupied lunar base.
Lidia Forlenza Italia
Michele Emer Italia
Cmdr. Ronnie Nader Ecuadorian Space Agency Ecuador I think this is a long needed initiative for the future of our species and i personally support it
Advanced Cavitation Institute Advanced Cavitation Institute USA
Ben Peterson Biometer USA Really interested in doing whatever I can to get us all to space!! Interest in everything.
Michelle Cadiuex CommunitySafetyPrograms USA and
André Sionek UFPR Paranà
John Moltzan European-US Marketing Inc. USA I support all commercial and explorational space ventures and wish the Space Renaissance Forum much success in reaching its objectives.
Alessio Mattarei Faculty of Economics, Trento University Italia The mankind must continuously expanse their boundaries, otherwise there would be a regression in culture, as Isaac Asimov wrote.
Jan Vandenbos USA
Raffaella Spada Arte Città Amica Torino Italia Signatures collected during the presentation of the book “La Terra non è malata: è incinta!” – March 12th 2009
Donato Felice Italia Signatures collected during the presentation of the book “La Terra non è malata: è incinta!” – March 12th 2009
Luisa Schierano Italia Signatures collected during the presentation of the book “La Terra non è malata: è incinta!” – March 12th 2009
Antonio Robella Italia Signatures collected during the presentation of the book “La Terra non è malata: è incinta!” – March 12th 2009
Danilo Tacchino Italia Signatures collected during the presentation of the book “La Terra non è malata: è incinta!” – March 12th 2009
Douglas Mallette USA
Cayetano Santana Gil Planetropolis Ltd. Spain
Jerry Stone Spaceflight UK UK
Lisa Fortwangler USA
Shawn Rutledge USA
Jacob Gissendanner USA Onward to space!
Yohan Ferreira Sri Lanka
Jonatan Ferlenda Italia i’m very happy to join you…i hope to meet soon with you
Donatella Crosta ITIS-LST “G. Peano” Torino Italia Signatures collected during the presentation of the book “La Terra non è malata: è incinta!” – March 27th 2009
Bernard Farkin HumanSpace Netherlands
Tibor Pacher peregrinus interstellar Germany / Hungary Ad Astra!
Adam M. Glickman USA
Savan Chhaniyara King’s college London UK Space Renaissance is very interesting initiative. I always thought of similar ideas and which were and are driving force for my career. I will try to be part of it in any form if possible. We can do it. All the best for Space Renaissance movement.
Seth Frederiksen USA
Brian Shiro NOAA USA
Rolando Villanueva Perù
Ludmila Dmitriev-Odier AIAA, International Space Activities Committee USA I believe that this is the most important and significant initiative of our time, and very timely too.
Raz Tamir Israel
Jacob Gissendanner USA
Anna Hill Space Synapse UK
Steven Fawkes UK
Simon Vanden Bussche Belgium
Charles Wesley Faires Intergalactic MixMazzter/Owner of Alnilam, Alnitak and Mintaka USA Hell yes. This is exactly what I was trying to tell the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee last year, before Vassilios called UN Security on me. He saw that my badge said “Private Sector”, yelled alot since it was supposed to be “International/Intergovernmental Distinguished Delegates Only”, and said that he would “make sure this never happened again.” Well, dude, you obviously didn’t read the letter I put in your mailbox, because you just proved my point.
Khannea Suntzu Order of the Cosmic Engineers NL
Alysyn Bourque The Griffith Corporation USA I look forward to joining this initiative and working with you toward the goals of this forum.
John W. Rickey, FUTUREWATCH.TV, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA I look forward to joining this initiative and working with you toward the goals of this forum.
Donny Mott WhiteRiver MFG USA This needs to be done sooner than later. It will help the economy and the stability of our little blip in the galaxy. Lets stat building something.
Douglas Mallette The Space Advocate USA If the cause is just, it is worth supporting, and no cause can be more worthy than the support of mans exodus from Earth into the stars.
Tom Pollard Moon Robot Initiative UK The Moon Robot Initiative fully supports the aims of the SPACE RENAISSANCE INITIATIVE, whatever they (the moon robot initiative, the space renaissance initiative, and their aims) might be.
D. Barker Mars Advanced Exploration and Development, Inc. USA Sooner than later, any single planet species, presumably with adequate self-awareness, foresight and know-how, will go extinct due to procrastination and sloth. Just a thought!!
Kate Doolan Freelance Spaceflight Researcher/Writer Australia
Ben Boverman USA
Michael Martin-Smith UK Human(e) civilisation is in danger from coming resource shortages , possible climate change, and , significantly, totalitarian proposals to deal with them in a closed society. We need a new Frontier- beyond Earth’s narrow limits, if we are not to decay and perish
Eric Hunting USA
Nigel Rider European Space Agency NL Humanity, like any biological population, must either grow or decline…and this planet is just about full. Global environmental management is only possible with a global view…from above. For whatever reason, the habitability of this planet cannot be guaranteed in the long run, our duty as future ancestors is to open new, extraterrestrial havens for our descendants. The domain of scientific investigation cannot be limited to the surface of one planet. Q.E.D.
Dave Huntsman NASA USA
Subscribers to the SPACE RENAISSANCE MANIFESTO (since September 2009)
David Galea Australia
Kate Doolan Australia
Justin Leighton Advanced Energy Research Organization US Lets develop the space technologies of the future, today!
Andrea Alfonsi Italia
Alexander Declama United States
Francois Badaud France Space is the next step for humankind so i support this WW initiative.
Oliver Page SciSys UK My focus is the design and development of space habitats, orbital or interplanetary self supporting artificial worlds from small to medium scale, based on realistic technology for semi-permanent habitation independent of a host planet. Whether curently recognised as such or not, this technology is a key enabler of any realistic starships or space activity.
Sergio M.L. Tarrero Lifeboat Foundation Spain
Mark Nall Lifeboat Foundation USA
Charles E. Smith Navigating from the Future USA Dr. Smith is author of the Merlin Factor, Leadership for Strategic Intent and numbers of articles on leadership, coaching and breakthrough thinking. He is Author of Navigating from the Future; What it Takes to Transform Complex Systems.
Ben Baldassare USA
Mark Lang Mark S. Lang USA Refer a friend, or bid NOW to end the auction of my satellite patent. Invitation: Visit the site and use the icon links for further information. Contact the seller to ask a question or negotiate.
Stephan Thomas White Naviciti USA Graci!
Jim Pass Astrosociology Research Institute USA The Astrosociology Research Institute (ARI) seeks to develop astrosociology into an academic field and assist others to participate in this endeavor. Astrosociology is defined as the social, cultural, and behavioral patterns related to space (i.e., astrosocial phenomena). ARI’s mission fits nicely within the Space Renaissance Initiative’s objectives.
Thomas Gangale OPS ALASKA USA Although reaching beyond Earth in a sustained effort does not lessen our responsibility to manage Earth responsibly, it opens possibilities as yet unfathomable. The promise of space, although easy to oversell and challenging to fulfill, is impossible to abandon. –“The Development of Outer Space”
Mike Robertson USA
Jill McDonald USA
Royce Wells Double Love Band USA
Rameshwar Gupta Yash Technologies Pvt Ltd India Hi Space exploration people, I could be interested to be part of this group since i could like to explore about the Space revolutions like in other planets, there survival for existence, charecteristics of planets, there process of formation and degradation at later stage. Would be quite interested to be part of this team. regards, Rameshwar Gupta
Neda Ansari Ghopeh Team SYNERGY MOON USA The human mind…has made space travel possible. Let’s make space travel available to all, so the mind can continue to evolve in quest of challenging possibilities beyond.
Andrea Cantarutti MSC.Software Italia
James Smith The Office of Tomorrows Mars USA We dedicated to developing cost effective transportation, colonization and Science research services. We insure a return on investment and growth rate from findings within the areas colonized and other enterprises developed from these efforts. We are here to solve unsolved problems with innovativeness and beyond the “impossible” To give unlimited opportunity to ALL humans regardless of Race, religious belief or other forms of human divide. We hold dear to the belief that we must preserve and improve human life. To give ordinary persons the chance to realize their dreams and to go beyond the bounds of earth just the same as the select few have for years past. Our Values are of grand scale and for all.
David De Biasi Iran
James Smith Network dei Transumanisti Italiani Italy I represent the Italian Transhumanists Network (non-profit organization). We share your goals and philosophical roots. We also support space colonization and the development of intelligent life on earth, the planets and in the universe.
Patti Taylor Australia
Girardot Alexandre France Nous ne pouvons pas rester au berceau indéfiniment. Il nous faut quitter la Mère, même si c’est douloureux. C’est le prix pour devenir adulte.
Tom Pollard Moon Robot Initiative United Kingdom, Earth The Moon Robot Initative fully supports the space economy revolution. The sooner a robot is delivered to the moon, the better.
Andrea Del Pin Moon Robot Initiative Italy the space colonization is the only answer to question about the end of oil and the end of the other non nenewable energies. On the moon or mars we can find the exit strategy to solve the world problem.
John Pritchard Team FREDNET US ultra light, robotic, open source access to space.
Danny Royce Jones Exploration Partners, LLC USA
Fatih Al Unido-ICHET Turkey I m a master student in RWTH Aachen University and also a project asistant about SOFC in Jülich Research Center.I m interested in the Future,I m going to work solar system or fuel cell in space station.I m a dream of space elevator.I want to join group about space elevator in the future.
Tihamer “Tee” Toth-Fejel Member #265, L-5 Society; National Space Society; Foresight Nanotech Institute USA As I pointed out in the National Space Society’s position paper on Nanotechnology, and also in the Foresight Nanotech Institute’s position paper on the High Frontier, it is imperative that our civilization move out from Earth, and nanotech can make it possible earlier for a lower cost.
ALEXANDRE TANO KAN KOFFI IVOIR’ASTRO Côte d’Ivoire I share SPACE RENAISSANCE MANIFESTO and i would like to share my experience with everyone.
Julio Gonzalez-Saenz Part Time Scientists Spain I share SPACE RENAISSANCE MANIFESTO and i would like to share my experience with everyone.
John Lee Leeward Space Foundation USA From John S. Lewis’s “Mining The Sky”. “As we enter the 21th century, humankind must deal with the energy crisis, the depletion of natural resources and the pollution of the earth. The solution to all these problems lies beyond the earth by tapping the vast resources of the solar system, in particular the asteroids, as a source of materials and the sun as a source of power, which will also remove to outer space some of the major sources of pollution. Uncountable dollars worth of metals, fuels, and life-sustaining substances await in nearby space. Vast amounts of these important substances are locked away–for now–in the asteroids, comets, and planets of our own solar system. The abundant resources of the solar system, including effectively limitless solar energy, could support a vast civilization of 10 to the 16th people; that’s over a million times our present population. The shortage of resources is an illusion born of ignorance.”
Benjamin Swem United States
Jamie Rich United States Our species simply *must* take the first steps now, to get off this planet! The only reason we don’t already have permanent colonies on other worlds is twofold: politics and money. We Humans actually *can* afford to do this, but the Politicians continue to mire our world’s population in the traditional, self-defeatism, that has been the course of history. It’s time for us to assert ourselves in the effort to join hands, work together, and realize that borders are only within the heart, and mind.
Cliff Williamson United States
Vincent Simanjuntak Red Cross Indonesia
Tim Key USA
Ralph Ewig OpenAerospace.Org United States The SRI is a timely and worthwhile endeavor. History is not a spectator sport – if we want a space based human civilization in our future, it is up to each of us to roll up our sleeves and contribute. All it takes are human resources and the will to see it through; from there the sky is no longer the limit.
Adrian Tymes USA Asteroid mining, in particular, can be done with today’s technology. A large enough project could capture a metal-rich asteroid, return it to the Earth-Moon L4 or L5 point, and set up mining there for returning platinum and other high-value metals to Earth, and possibly earn a profit without even considering the value of the iron left in space.
Kim Peart Island Earth Australia After writing my article ‘Creating A Solar Civilization’ in 2006 I was excited to find that a group existed in Italy with similar views about the Earth and our future in space. I have been honoured that my article has had a home on your web site, where many people have been to visit its contents. I am heartened that the seed has now grown into the Space Renaissance Initiative that looks toward the creation of a Solar Civilization. How soon will we make it so? Kim Peart.
Stas Rutkowski 360 Degrees USA May peace prevail from the Earth out.
Beatriz Alicia Kelly-Serrato Aerospace-Science Consulting Consortia, LLC, SDB USA I’ve read the manifesto and I concur with the objectives and goals. I will support the SRI and the manifesto…I think it’s cool that all these wonderful intelligent people are working towards a common future vision. Without vision we have nothing but chaos.
Theodore Key The Moon Society USA
Steven Zuckerman Next Gen Expo USA
Azur Dervisagic SYNERGY MOON USA Space exploration and travel have long been possibilities for only a chosen few. As extreme adventuring efforts continue, we are all quickly seeing how much closer the common man has really come to participation in space tourism and interplanetary exploration. We view the cutting edge sciences as a collective accomplishment of the whole human family, and a testament to the ingenuity of our species. We see art and culture as an essential reflection and expression of the collective accomplishments and that such contributions can be used to focus attention on what builds our humanity as a unified global culture.
Lee Robinson Petzer Global Consulting Services Chile Lee Robinson – Co-Founder & Director GCS (Chile), Management Consultant, Entrepreneur, Open Networker, Analyst (Contact Centres, Reporting, SEO, MIS, Marketing, Social Media), MENSAN, Transhumanist, Futurist, Space Proponent, Future Astronaut.
Ashish Chhonkar ABES Engineering College India
Daryl Washington Brothers in Arms Against Poverty USA I truly believe we need to look into greater ways to insure humanities existence. I truly believe that space exploration is one of the greatest movements that we can endeavor. My non profit organization, looks to create opportunities to eliminate poverty. We can always create better opportunities in space.
Norman LaFave Pardigm Shift Institute USA
Maria Antonia Soares Silva Portugal
Riffi Temasamani Med Saïd Royal Centre for Remote Sensing Morocco
Alain BENSOUSSAN University of Texas at Dallas and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University USA I support the objectives of the space renaissance initiative
Malindra PADMAPERUMA Cadenza IT Private Limited Sri Lanka
Lola Liliya Kolyada Russia-Ukraine
Samokisha Kateryna Russia-Ukraine We should translate all information and start your company in Russian-speaking area! So we started doing it
Trevor HM Cooper (Tasha903) Canada HotelsInSpace APlaceInSpaceToPlay
Laura Bellis Imperial College London UK Thanks for letting us be part of such a brainstorming group. We would love to innovate. We are Aerospace Engineering students and love brainstorming on innovative ideas that take into consideration Physics,Astrophysics,Astronomy, Propulsion,Aerospace Vehicle Design,Flight Vehicle control,Solid Mechanics,turbomachinary,signals , Space Systems Engineering, Fluid dynamics/thermodynamics,Flight mechanics,Robotics lab,Aerodynamics. We feel certain, our strong initiative and commitment to excellence making innovations with our newly acquired technical skills and making a difference around to the best of our abilities and leadership will be of immediate value to this group.
Foy Kum Hubert James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies USA Enthusiastic about the idea.
Balwant Rai BR Group India I took part in MDRS crew-78 as health and safety officer, Join Aeronautic Dentistry and help us create education for the Space Generation.
Bryan Kramer USA
Anthony AR de Caluwe Hemelrijk EUROLINK SPACE SECTION El Salvador To Secure Our Being Of Terrestrial Life, We Need To Secure Our Future In Space – EuroLink Space Section
Fred Monroe Wiggins Sr. USA
Alexander Knotts USA
Bernard Mbeng Buo CamCCUL (Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League) Cameroon This is a wonder initiative. If well developed and implemented it could pre empt some crises in the future that only expose the third world and some great economies to suffering and immeasurable losses. It is therefore urgent to do something to spare mankind from any further crises.
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn Nuance Webzine, Freelance writer- Los Angeles Chronicle UK I support the ethos and values expressed in the SRI manifesto. I am convinced that the Space Renaissance Initiative will be a valuable resource site both now and in future years, promoting modern, ethical approaches to the many practical environmental challenges we face. Glad to have found an organisation of likeminded, thoughtful intellectuals.
James Smith SmithwaySecurity Canada
William Mook Mok Industries LLC USA Reducing the cost of momentum delivered by rockets reduces the cost of maintaining mass flows between worlds and enriches everyone on Earth equally since space flight transcends Earth’s surface and entirety of Earth’s surface is at the same potential energy relative to the cosmos.
Jasdeep Kaur SmithwaySecurity India Promote Aeronautic Dentistry. Its upcoming branch, also I would like to invite articles for the journal of aeronautic dentistry.
Zorba Parer Space Shaft Project Australia The manifesto captures the intent of my belief that humanity must take serious efforts to realise a game changing technology to enable a Solar civilization to emerge.
Nelson Semino Space Shaft Project USA, Belgium
Jesper Jorgensen Spacearch Denmark
Paul Ziolo University of Liverpool UK Permanent colonisation of space constitutes an evolutionary step far greater than the transtition from sea to land in our planet’s prehistory. It will involve a deep transformation of human nature in directions we cannot at present forsee. For those committed to such a transition, whether we weep or exult in its realisation will be our own affair…
Giulio Manzoni Microspace srl(u) Italia
Derek Webber Spaceport Associates USA We have figured out how to leave the Earth. Thanks to all the brave pioneers who took the risks and got us to this point. Now we need to take the next steps.
Logan Knox Colonize the Moon USA I’ve waited a long time to throw in my help. Please direct me to whomever wants to market the idea. We have to crack the idea into the public’s consciousness.
Eerik Suurmaa Estonia
Nicola Pecile Italian Air Force Test Centre Italia Good luck for your great initiative! Only by convincing the public opinion that space is an absolute frontier that we need to face and to conquer, we can save us as a human civilization. Indeed, the only solution for humankind will be to become a complete space-fairing civilization! I wish you all the best!
Giuseppe Ferraioli Italia
Lee Robinson Petzer Global Consulting Services Chile Global Consulting Services, Chile (Astronautics) is a subsidiary of Global Consulting Services, Chile. It is a management consultancy aimed exclusively at the emerging Space 2.0 industry to provide Management consulting, analytical, BI, marketing, PR and web 2.0 expertise globally.
Pujo Fulcanelli Italia
Nigel Banks UK We are at the dawn of a new age. After years of waiting the time is coming when we will be able to purchase a ticket and fly into Space. This ability has been the domain of government astronauts since manned space flight started in April 1961. Now in October 2010 less than six hundred humans have travelled into space. Most of them have stayed in Low Earth Orbit. Twenty seven have left Earth’s gravity and travelled to the Moon. Twelve have walked on the Moon’s surface. Nine of them are alive today. It is a very exclusive club.This exclusivity is about to be lost as President Obama has signalled his intention that he wants the business of getting into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to be taken away from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and given to the commercial sector.
Neel Sheth Moscow Aviation Institute Russia
Jennifer Bolton Island Earth Australia
Brady C. Jackson Space Junkie USA The Renaissance was a time of scientific endeavor and explosions of innovation and invention. It represented the raw power and clarity that could be extracted from a human mind focused with vision and gumption. If we are to truly live during a space renaissance, may our time be another such occasion. May our minds drive the engines of the novel. May our men and women build the foundations of the future. May our species rise to the challenge and the glory of the stars. May our lives not be wasted, but be utilized to conquer the black infinity revealed to our eyes every night!
Jesús Raygoza B. Mexican Space Society (SEM) Mexico The Space Renaissance Initiative is a great idea. A progressive species like ours has to move forward, and this inherent potential must find what to profitably do. Historically, when humankind was not going into, natural mere survival or into the exploration and settlement of new lands, which is the main reason for such a drive, then or species has gone into war. This is the price we pay for our natural innate progresiveness. And like it or not, want it or not, this drive is inseparable from the drive toward growth and expansion. In Nature, many successful species colonize new ecological niches; this is one of the fundamental features of Life. When a species cannot find a new niche, and the resources of the old one are no longer sufficient, it dies out. If the resources remain sufficient; it lives, but is unchanging from generation to generation. There are no cases in biology of progressive development unaccompanied by expansion. And, as technology is here to stay, to talk of getting rid of technology is foolish. To say the truth, our problem is not that “we have too much technology” but that we have too little. The great rocket scientist Krafft A. Ehricke, who earnestly worked for the Apollo Program, he concretely spoke of a society of the abundance, such as it is. He, more than accurate, pointed out that the specific road, the only one, that will allow Humanity to access practically endless resources is our way to the stars. At his lunar initiative speech, President John F. Kennedy clearly said that, “the space achievement… in many ways may hold the key to our future on Earth”. For him, the Apollo Program was not the problem, but a part of a real solution to our problems on this planet.
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn Socioastronomy UK Socioastronomy is a new resource site supporting the emerging sphere of Socio-Astronomy research. This homepage will also feature a developing collection of post-graduate published work on the Space Renaissance Initiative by Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, (online Editor for and ‘Nuance’ webzine.)
Joe Latrell Photos To Space USA
Marcello Demuro ITALIA
Kristian Chickey Plan A USA
Scott V. Brown Telluride Tech Festival USA How about having the spring conference at Spaceport America. NM I live here and can set it up. I know how to do this stuff. I am the founder of the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, Telluride Film Festival, Telluride Tech Festival, Mountainfilm and I have declared myself in charge here at Spaceport
Gary Marshall USA
Rob Hunt Australia We have to get off this rock!
Allen Kuzmanovic Australia
Susan Singer, SCPM Susan Singer Consulting USA
Tom Mallard Mallard Design Company USA My contributions can be: Purifying wastewater using fresh-water plankton, biomass, using a grow-harvest unit where lighting and all is piped in-out, this pressed for biodiesel, the pressed cakes soil enhancers preserving soil moisture along with a some minerals, and, I have research suggesting the ability to eliminate the boundary-layer shear using a process ending in a physical system applied to the vehicle’s surfaces.
Andrej Mejač Slovenia
Chetan Kumar G. Shetty Experinn Research India Consider me as fellow of SRI.
Steve Keane USA
Bahadır Hilmi ALPER Ankara University Turkey
Darren Oliveiro-Priestnall Red Skies Technology Limited United Kingdom An ambitious but positive manifesto which supports education and development in the space sector, potentially leading to more engineers and scientists contributing to the growing space sector.
Ojus Johri India I remember how I got admission to my first school when I was 3 years old. The school I wanted to study in was La Martiniere College, Lucknow founded in 1845 C.E. When I was being interviewed I remember I was shown a photograph. The board asked me “what is this?” I replied: “a star”. From my early childhood I have been fascinated about things beyond the perception limits of the common mind. When I was in 2nd grade I remember my friends making fun of me. I suggested to them that “there is no such thing as GOD”, and to them I was joker like figure who does not believe in GOD. When I was in 3rd grade the movie ‘Jurassic Park’ was a sensation. After watching the film several times decided to learn further about these marvelous creatures. I bought as many books on dinosaurs my pocket could allow at that time. Researching on Dinosaurs was a fascinating experience; it lasted until I was in 6th grade. By the time I was 11 years old, I knew most of the constellations and would go on to spot them as soon as there was a power cut. One evening I remember I gathered a crowd of about 20 illiterate people, and made them see the comet ‘Hale Bopp’. (The comet was dubbed the Great Comet of 1997) Later on my interest shifted towards binoculars. I created my first telescope by using an eye-piece in combination with a Bi-Convex lens. Much later I came to know that bi-convex lenses can be used to project images on a wall or a screen. Using this simple phenomenon I created a Projector. I used my small black & white TV set. The television’s screen acted like FILM and the bi-convex lens focused it on wall 5 times magnified. This happened in 1998. Same year I created a small submersible water pump using a tape recorder motor which ran on five 1.5 v batteries. I made that pump in 1998, now I don’t know who got the same idea I had but sadly now it’s being sold out in the market as a pump used in desert coolers. In the year 2000 I created a sound system consisting 4 speakers and it was able to deliver surround sound. In 2006 I upgraded that model with better amplifiers and placed 2 more speakers. Now it was a Boom- Box. My interest shifted from science to Humanities after 12th grade. I decided to study social sciences at Lucknow University. The past 3 years have been very thought provoking. I am formally studying sociology as well other fields of sciences like Astronomy on my own. I was never a hard working student. I’ve only topped one examination until now. I’m not a topper, not a studious fellow wearing thick glasses. Now I realize I don’t like to go by the book, but I like to go beyond the book.
Jonathan Johnson Nyago Computer Florescent Uganda Uganda
Vidyasagar Bhargava India
C Bangs USA The environmental challenges facing humanity today are too serious to be resolved simply by conservation and current technologies-as important as they are…Rather than losing heart, we need to recognize that the answer to these problems lie in being good stewards of the planet and in the development of space.” “Paradise Regained:The Regreening of Earth”, Johnson, Matloff, Bangs “Biosphere Extension: Solar System Resources for the Earth”
Gregg Matloff USA
Chidananda India
Barbara King Xylonor 328 Media and the Arts South Africa Thank your for this initiative, I am a producer/director of documentaries and a visual artist, with a long interest in space and the benefits of space to humanity, particularly the ‘third world’ countries and the artists world wide. Also interested in visual artists, graphic designers and filmmakers participating in the dissemination of the information.
Martin Peniak University of Plymouth UK An ambitious manifesto, which is very good. I fully support the case. Keep up the great work!
nishma bolwar India
Bernhard Britz Germany
Darren Oliveiro-Priestnall Red Skies Limited United Kingdom
Zach Royer USA Thanks a lot!
Sourabh Kaushal Student India we are working on the concept of space debris and mitigation. Space debris has become the growing issue from last few years and we proposed some methods to mitigate it. And help in the developement of space technology. Hope SRI support us and we both working on this global issue of space debris.
Jeremy Wilcome USA With dwindling resources, overpopulation, creeping desertification of habitats, & incresing acidity of our oceans, we MUST have a mass Exodus off-world! Our very existance depends on it!
Rahul SANTECH USA Space Renaisance, a nice place to get focussed.

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