“A greater world is possible!”, the book, presented by the author, Adriano V. Autino

Monday 16 May 2022 Adriano Autino held a lecture, in the frame of the Space Renaissance Academy Webinar Series, conducted by the unparalleled Sabine Heinz.
The topic was his last book, a philosophical essay titled “A greater world is possible!”. Already in the subtitle we can understand what this book discusses: “The expansion of civilization beyond the limits of our home planet is the moral issue of our time”.
DISCLAIMER BY THE AUTHOR This book contains many highly infectious ideas. So read it at your own risk: you might come out with a completely changed perspective and view of the world, i.e. a hopeful one, and a fresh will to do semething in the good direction.
So, if you feel comfortable watching the desctruction of the civilization in tv, then don’t read this book, nor watch the lecture.During his presentation, Autino proposes a deep look into several concepts, as they are described in the book, connecting them to the nowadays situation. In a random way:

  • the long promised utopian future still not realized, and the gloomy future already foreseen during last 40 years by dystopian  sci-fi already awfuly present.
  • the controversial relationship between humankind and the rest of nature, and the deep awareness that we are part of nature, and we cannot resign from our responsibilities, as the most intelligent and aware species
  • recrudescence of resource wars and anthropology devolution in the closed world
  • morals: humanist scheme of values vs. nihilist sov
  • Prometheus today: giving 100% reusable transportation vehicles to humans, to faciitate the imminent evolutionary step
  • to kick-off civilian space development before 2030, in order not to loose the “Launch window” (a comversation with Gregg Maryniak)
  • all of the 17 UN SDGs depend from the 8th: “Decent work and economic growth”, and that is possible only expanding into outer space
  • the indivisible knot among energy, pressure and evolution (Kardashev and more)
  • the metaphysical warming on planet Earth, and its byproducts
  • value of human life and patrimony, vs. de-growthist doctrines
  • Earth is part of a cosmic ecology, and not a separate special object
  • demography and human fertility decline
  • ideologies, utopias and other dangerours yet necessary tools
  • the hope: evolutionary factors and how to sustain them

The lecture can be vieved on the Space Renaissance Youtube Channel https://youtu.be/1HNyjLkfyAI 
(don’t forget to subscribe to the channel: it is free, but very important, to raise our audience!)

The book can be purchased on Amazon, in ebook or paperback format

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Adriano Autino

Posted by Adriano