A call to the world wide Space Community: the Civilian Space Protocol

Space Renaissance International, together with Lifeboat Foundation, Team Synergy Moon and Seanasol, just launched a world wide initiative, called “The Civilian Space Protocol” (CSP). The protocol is a letter that we plan to send to the Governments of 194 Countries of Planet Earth, to solicit them to spend at least 20% of their military budget to fund the civilian space development.

During next two months we’ll do our best to bring onboard of the co-hosting team all of the space advocacy organizations of Planet Earth. During next two months we will also accept and evaluate proposals of refinement/improvement of the protocol and the preamble. The CSP Team is composed by one representative for each co-host organization. All the organizations are primus-inter-pares. Each organization holds one vote in the team, decisions are taken with 51% majority. The collected funds will be public on the web.

A clarification is due, since we received several emails, asking why only organizations, and not individuals, can join the Civilian Space Protocol: the Civilian Space Protocol is a project shared among several organizations, that’s why we don’t call for membership to it, but just other sister organizations to join.

Of course individuals are very welcome to subscribe to one of the co-hosting organizations. Namely, the Space Renaissance International!

This will be a very huge campaign, and definitely we need the support of all of the sincere space activitsts and enthusiasts!

Please use this form to register as a member

Hereafter the call. At the bottom the links to the relevant pages of the CSP website.

A call to the world wide space community

The signer organizations call all the space advocacy organizations of Planet Earth to join the Civilian Space Protocol world wide campaign.

If you share with us the idea that:

  • the civilian space settlement should be kicked-off before 2030,
  • such a new paradigm requires priority focus to enhance some enabling technologies, to allow civilian untrained passengers to travel, work and live in space for long time,
  • the private industry is making a great effort, but shouldn’t be left alone,
  • the Planet Earth’s Governments are spending too much for military and too little or zero for civilian space development,
  • the world wide space community should speak loud with one only voice, to recommend such an urgent development,

then you should join the Civilian Space Protocol worldwide campaign, in order to solicit a better expenditure of public money worldwide, to support the New Space industry to work in the good direction.

Space advocacy organizations of all Countries, join the Civilian Space Protocol!

Ad Astra!
Adriano Autino

Posted by Adriano