
Event announcements and news

A webconference on Space Tourism, in view of the 2021 Space Renaissance Congress “Civilian Space Development”

A webconference on Space Tourism, in view of the 2021 Space Renaissance Congress “Civilian Space Development”

October 26th 2020, a first webconference took place on Space Tourism, in view of the 2021 Space Renaissance Congress (3rd SRI World Congress) “Civilian Space Development”.
The panel was composed by five of the best experts of the matter worldwide: Andreas Bergweiler (Germany), Patrick Collins (Japan), Sam Coniglio (US), Al Globus (US), Rino Russo (Italy).
Adriano Autino, SRI, President, moderated the meeting, proposing a number of questions, based on the concept that Space Tourism is the first step on the way of expanding civilization into outer space.

Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in Events, News
Webinar on space awareness, hosted by Space Renaissance India

Webinar on space awareness, hosted by Space Renaissance India

More than 50 participants attended to a webinar on the theme of space awareness, held Sunday June 21st 2020, by the Space Renaissance International Indian Chapter.

Bharathi Sharma and Sachika Bhatia made many sharp questions to Adriano Autino (SRI President) and Michael Clanton (SR Academy Chair), about the history and the goals of the Space Renaissance Initiative, lasting since 2008.

The SRI President had the opportunity to answer in details to questions about the journey of SRI since 2008, which are the main goals of SRI, whta is the need of space exploration vs. space settlement for humanity, the needs for alternative planets or O’Neill space habitats, why the Earth’s global problems cannot be fixed without expanding into space.

Both Adriano Autino and Mike Clanton  have been questioned about the future space industry with private companies, if space commercialization will be useful for civilization progress and evolution.

The Civilian Space Protocol was briefly exposed as well and, finally, the Space Renaissance Academy Mentorship programme was for the first time publicly announced.

Themes for Graduate Theses    —   Disciplines for Mentorship

Last but not least, Mike Clanton had the opportunity to talk about Additive Manufacturing, as a disruptive technology, that will revolutionize the whole mechanic production, as it is already radically changing the space production of rocket engines and other space products.

You can see the whole videorecording of the webinar here:

Posted by Adriano in Events, India, News, Space Renaissance Academy
Spacecom 2018, Houston, What’s Moving On The High Frontier

Spacecom 2018, Houston, What’s Moving On The High Frontier

SpaceCom, the Space Commerce Conference and Exposition, supported by NASA’s Johnson Space Center, since it’s beginning in 2015 has become one of the most important events in the United States, dedicated to commercial applications of space technologies. Concluding a very intense 2018, in which SRI participated in several important space events — the Space Renaissance Italia 2nd National Congress in May at INAF in Bologna, UNISPACE+50 in Vienna, IAC 69th in Bremen — we participated to Spacecom 2018, November 27th and 28th, in Houston, TX USA. Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano
Space Renaissance at International Astronautical Congress 2018, Bremen

Space Renaissance at International Astronautical Congress 2018, Bremen

Space Renaissance will be present at IAC2018 in Bremen, October 1st to 5th! The title “Involving everyone” is particularly suitable and interesting, perfectly in tune with our main goal: to kick-off the civilian space development, civilization expansion into outer space, industrialization of the geo-lunar space, developing civil passengers transportation and accommodation in space. We will promote the paradigm change: from space exploration to space settlement!  Our presentation “Building in Space: first steps in civil expansion beyond Earth” will be given October 3rd, in the morning, during the D4.2 Symposium:  D4. 16TH IAA SYMPOSIUM ON VISIONS AND STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE   D4.2. Contribution of Space Activities to Solving Global Societal Issues. The paper is co-authored by Adriano Autino (SRI, President), Stefano Ferretti (ESPI), Luigina Feretti (INAF), Alfredo Roma (ex Coordinator of the Galileo Project for Italy), Stefano Antonetti (D-ORBIT). The following text will be handled to the IAC attendees.


The development of the NewSpace sector, which is triggered by the advent of reusable rockets, new materials and processes, including additive layer manufacturing technologies, is quickly generating a unique industrial and cultural revolution. This remarkable paradigm has the inherent capacity of ensuring the right to development for all Earthlings, as was stated by the UN “Declaration on the Right to Development” in 1986. In progressively shifting the context and burden of industrial development outwards from the Earth’s surface, it will also support the goals of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. This important potential describes the social perspective that we have called the “Space Renaissance”.

We take this opportunity to renew our most urgent recommendations: that the International Astronautical Federation act within all their means to support the immediate prospect of the industrialization of Earth orbit and of geolunar space; based on a long-term strategy that includes the human expansion, and extension of civil rights, into outer space. We are aware that humanity could keep on just exploring space for other 50 years, and the high frontier to remain closed to privates, enterprises, civil expansion and settlement. More: we could even begin exploiting space resources, mined by means of automated machines endowed by artificial intelligence, without expanding civilization into space, avoiding a true colonization. All of that would just increase the pressure on our world, should the planet remain closed. Only a true expansion of mankind into the outer space will reverse the global crisis that our civilization is going through.

A solid industrial perspective

Some industrial activities can give a ROI in a reasonable times. Recovery and reuse of space debris and wreckages, at least in its recovery part, is very much needed, for orbital safety. With proper orbital infrastructures, to capture debris, the logical next step will be to re-process them, getting powders for 3D printing, a platform for orbital ISRU, very first bricks of orbital factories. Assembly of satellites and vehicles in orbit is a large industrial perspective, that will decrease the cost of design, construction and launch: a first step towards a self sustaining space industrial development. There’s a number of in-orbit operations: transport and maintenance of satellites in orbit, refuelling stations, repair shops, orbital sites, orbital yards, spaceports, habitats. All the activities tied to space tourism, such as hotels and lodging facilities, passengers transportation systems (Earth-Orbit, inter-orbit, Earth-Moon). Products from zero gravity, asteroid and lunar mining are other very promising industrial activities, on which several startups were already born.

Priority to enabling technologies

Acknowledging the dramatic need to start moving and accommodating civilian untrained passengers in space, we urge a strategy to achieve as soon as possible few key objectives: low-cost, safe and comfortable transportation of civilian passengers in space, protection of their life and health during travel and while working and living in space; recovery and recycling of space debris; construction technologies in-orbit, along with dedicated programs for in-orbit validation to be initiated at the earliest phase; exploitation of asteroids and planetary resources, enabling the construction of large rotating infrastructures in geolunar space. Priority shall be given to enabling technologies. Humanism is a necessary background for any scientific and technological design and development: starting from the need of real persons is key. If technicians and businessmen need to travel in space in large number, the cost of the transport vehicles shall be reduced. Moreover, the vehicles need to be properly designed to transport civilian passengers, who have not been trained as astronauts. Accelerations should not exceed those of a normal airliner, not too much at least. A new spirit of collaboration among different NewSpace sectors, space vehicles developers, reusable rockets producers, space tourism, space agencies and civil aviation, is highly recommended. Softer and safer atmosphere return technologies are required. Protection against cosmic radiation is top priority, and so is artificial gravity. Last, but not least, man cannot live in a full metal artificial environment: any space habitat, be it constructed on a celestial body surface or in orbit or in a Lagrange point, shall be endowed with vegetable terrestrial life, not only for food production, but also for the sake of environmental / psychological health. That means to accelerate the experimentation of artificial ecosystems in closed environments.

A brief speech given at UNISPACE+50 in Wien, 19 June 2018

During the “Space and Society” plenary session, the President of SRI, Adriano Autino gave this brief note: “Humanity is facing three main challenges. The first one is the so-called save-the-planet thing, many goals of the 2030 agenda include these goals, climate change and other things. Let’s say to use space for Earth environment. The second challenge is space exploration, that will maybe take us to Mars with a first expedition. The third challenge is to save the civilization. Our analysis at Space Renaissance International is that this third challenge is disregarded and underestimed, because eight billion terrestrials cannot save their civilization if they will not begin immediately to expand into space. Expansion of civilization into space is a different thing from the exploration of space. Exploration can be done only by trained astronauts, able to bear acceleration of 4-5G’s, and to face hard and dangerous re-enter in the atmosphere. So, what we need, if we are serious to carry civilian passengers into space, is a full change of paradigm in the mission requirements. If we want to travel work and live in space we have to be protected by cosmic radiation, we have to have artificial gravity in order to avoid the problems for health, low acceleration, safe reenter, etc. A full change of paradigm. I would like to see not only the space tourism branch to face this problem. I would like to see many other industrial, commercial and governmental branches to be aware of this challenge, to save our civilization from a possible implosion caused by the many problems that we have on this small planet now.”

Who we are

  • Space Renaissance International is a global, open-membership volunteer organization, with a strong philosophic background inspired by the legacies of the 14th century Renaissance, New Humanism and Astro Humanism.
  • Our organization is present in 25 countries, in five continents: Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
  • Our philosophy is the strong bond based on human equality without ethnic, religious, political or gender discriminations and our efforts are focused to expand civilization in the outer space.

Our mission and goals

  • We are dedicated to trigger a change in worldwide perception and policy towards space travel and its uses, by increasing the financial and human investment in space many-fold and helping to focus that investment effectively.
  • We seek to begin a new Renaissance that will lift humanity from the cradle of Earth, open up the Solar System and, eventually, the stars, moving forwards from education and culture towards an advanced scientific and technological development.
  • We connect aerospace and NewSpace companies, institutions, NGOs, Governmental Organizations, space agencies and individuals in order to boost civil expansion in space.
  • According to the resolution of the Space Renaissance International II World Congress, held in October 2016, we focus on the bootstrap of civilization expansion into outer space, by promoting civilian space development as top priority worldwide.
  • Build orbital, lunar and asteroid settlements to create a strong sustainable space economy and a culture based on a larger perception of the world, extended to the whole solar system and its surrounds.

Our Vision

  • Space development on a massive and exponential scale will significantly contribute to a global political stability as it will provide a fast growing economy, with constant evolving markets. The rapid development of this resource will require the cooperation and participation of all nations and peoples.
  • We strongly support the UN Charter of Rights and we feel the urgency to expand mankind’s horizon into extraterrestrial space, as Earth resources are limited, growth is dramatically needed, but further growth is unsustainable within the limits of our mother planet.
  • We need quick solutions to avoid the regression and decay of civilization. We can reach this goal only by cooperating globally, better using existing space technologies and developing new ones, and working to enter a new era: the age of Space Renaissance.

Our Academy

  • Space Renaissance International develops its Education & Outreach effort in a dedicated branch: the Space Renaissance Academy 
  • SR Academy hosts, so far, an overview of some projects and three main classrooms:
    • the Gerald O’Neill Room, includings webinars and e-lectures
    • the Krafft Ehricke Room, including technical sessions
    • the Konstantin Tsiolkowsky Room, dedicated to talks, video recorded, among space philosophers, scientists, writers
  • Space Renaissance Academy offers seminars, courses and master-classes on philosophies and technologies for a new industrial and cultural development, to students, companies, education entities.

Our Corporate Membership Offer (abstract)

  • Networking: sharing experiences and meeting new partners; contacts feed the business and are the key to success
  • Business Services: supporting business growth through the expansion of business relationships
  • Advocacy: working as an intermediary between companies and institutions, to ensure that the addressed issues are submitted to the most appropriate decision makers; safeguarding own interests is easier when having allies
  • Edu-coaching: supporting companies who plan to expand in the NewSpace market, providing their expertise and relationships
  • StakeHolders analysis: supporting NewSpace and Traditional Aerospace companies analysing the requirements of possible stakeholders, with the goal to identify innovative solutions and projects

Also download a pdf version of this text, suitable to be handled as a flyer.

Posted by Adriano
An Open Letter to UNISPACE+50 Conference

An Open Letter to UNISPACE+50 Conference

Newsletter n. 4 – 25/06/2018

The UNISPACE+50 conference is of great significance, addressing a crucial juncture in the crisis of growth that civilization is experiencing. Only an outlook for long lasting cultural and socio-economic growth will properly mitigate social imbalances and fears, and act as the leading factor for peace.

The development of the NewSpace sector, which is triggered by the advent of reusable rockets, new materials and processes, including additive layer manufacturing technologies, is quickly generating a unique industrial and cultural revolution. This remarkable paradigm has the inherent capacity of ensuring the right to development for all Earthlings, as was stated by the UN “Declaration on the Right to Development” in 1986. In progressively shifting the context and burden of industrial development outwards from the Earth’s surface, it will also support the goals of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. This important potential describes the social perspective that we have called the “Space Renaissance”.

We greet with enthusiasm the announcement that UNISPACE+50 welcomes the participation of NGOs, including Space Renaissance International, an organization that promotes expansion into space, as a means to reverse the global crisis and ensure the continuation and progress of civilization.

We take this opportunity to renew our most urgent recommendations: that the United Nations act within all their means to support the immediate prospect of the industrialization of Earth orbit and of geolunar space; based on a long-term strategy that includes the human expansion, and extension of civil rights, into outer space. In such a strategy the following leading objectives should be pursued:

  • Low-cost, safe and comfortable transportation of civilian passengers in space, and protection of their life and health during travel and while working and living in space;
  • The development of technologies for the recovery and recycling of space debris, as a high priority;
  • The developing of construction technologies in-orbit, along with dedicated programs for their in-orbit validations to be initiated at the earliest phase;
  • The exploitation of asteroids and planetary resources — which could eventually enable the construction of large rotating infrastructures in geolunar space — building on upcoming initiatives and programs (e.g. cislunar Deep Space Gateway, Moon Village), in order to allow permanent living and working conditions in bespoke space settlements.
We recommend that the United Nations:
  • Encourage the definition and adoption of national laws for the avoidance of any further proliferation of space debris and the removal of existing space debris and wreckages;
  • Promote the sharing, within the leading industries of the NewSpace sector, of the best practices for the creation of virtuous supply chains;
  • Support national policies favorable towards NewSpace companies, through various incentives, making the sector’s industries competitive, and leading to the hiring of both young graduates and expert personnel;
  • Encourage the creation of thematic investment funds suitably designed to support the development of the NewSpace industry.

We believe that these plans could significantly advance notable objectives in working towards the scope of a full maturity. The engagement of the United Nations for a creative paradigm, would uphold international cooperation in space and enhance the universal benefits of space activities for humankind. It is of paramount importance that the United Nations supports the NewSpace community in creating a virtuous circle, with the involvement of new actors that will enable both public and private investments for civil activities in space.

In conclusion Space Renaissance International recommends the United Nations fully inform the veracity and coherence of the existing and guiding principles of space law vis-à-vis the new kind of space activities and the multitude of actors involved (being both public, private, governmental and non-governmental platforms). Within this context, the Outer Space Treaty, which had recently celebrated the 50th anniversary, is universally recognized as primary basis and equitable foundation of space activities. Considering that various interpretations are now being developed at national level, it is becoming very apparent that appropriate and inclusive global governance structures could ensure the adequate exploitation of extraterrestrial resources by ensuing commercial and private activities. In this way supporting the effective enterprises of the NewSpace economy, in developing plans to conduct commercial activities in outer space, on the Moon, asteroids and other celestial bodies.

This letter was handed to about 200 participants to the UNISPACE +50 conference, at UN Centre in Wien, from 18 to 20 June 2018. Adriano Autino pronounced a brief recommendation, during the “Space and Civil Society” plenary session, the June 19th: watch here a videorecorded clip and the full transcript. We’ll come back soon, with a summary report from the conference.

Also download a pdf version of this letter here.

Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Newsletters
Adriano Autino briefly talks to UNISPACE+50 conference in Wien, the July 19th 2018

Adriano Autino briefly talks to UNISPACE+50 conference in Wien, the July 19th 2018

During the “Space and Society” plenary session, Adriano Autino talks about the three main challenges that Civilization is facing:

  • the so called “save the planet” challenge (climate change, etc…)
  • the space exploration
  • to save civilization from possible implosion

In this short speech at UNISPACE+50, in Wien, the President of Space Renaissance International points out that eight billion terrestrials can save the civilization only by kicking-off immediately the civilian expanse into outer space. But such a challenge is not properly considered, by the decision makers. And it is essential to give the highest priority to it.

The full transcript of Autino’s recommendation:
“My name is Adriano Autino and I am the president of Space Renaissance International.
I think many of you saw our open letter to UNISPACE +50, that we are giving around to potentially interested friends.
Humanity is facing three main challenges. The first one is the so-called save-the-planet thing, many goals of the 2030 agenda include these goals, climate change and other things. Let’s say to use space for Earth environment. The second challenge is space exploration, that will maybe take us to Mars with a first expedition. The third challenge is to save the civilization. Our analysis at Space Renaissance International is that this third challenge is a little bit disattended and neglected, because eight billion terrestrials cannot save their civilization if they will not begin immediately to expand into space. Expansion of civilization into space is a different thing wrt the exploration of space. Exploration can be done by trained astronauts, able to bear acceleration of 4-5G, and to face hard and dangerous re-enter in the atmosphere. So, what we need, if we want to carry civilian passengers into space, is a full change of paradigm in the mission requirements. If we want to travel work and live in space we have to be protected by cosmic radiation, we have to have artificial gravity in order to avoid the problems for health etc., low accelleration, safe reenter, etc. A full change of paradigm. I would like to see not only the space tourism branch to face this problem. I would like to see many other industrial, commercial and governmental branches to be aware of this challenge, to save our civilization from a possible implosion caused by the many problems that we have on on this small planet now. Thank you and sorry for taking your attention.”

Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Newsletters, Philosophy, Press Releases
Manuel Perez and Adriano Autino talk about the USIP event and requirements for an Outer Space Law

Manuel Perez and Adriano Autino talk about the USIP event and requirements for an Outer Space Law

Space Renaissance USA, together with Lifeboat Foundation, will held an event, next October 10th 2017, at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in Washington.

The event will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies” (Outer Space Treaty, proposed in 1967, by the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union. Later it was signed by 106 Countries, and other 24 Countries are going through the process for signing it.

The Treaty was never updated, and it only provides rules for national governments operations in outer space, for the peaceful use of space environment.

In our last international congress (October 2016), SRI approved a short list of requirements, for the quick implementation of an Outer Space Law, to provide rules for civilian activities, expanding human rights into the Outer Space.

Also read:

Posted by Adriano
We will not be astronauts!

We will not be astronauts!


Dear SRI Members, Supporters and Friends, Renaissance People,

As you might already know, Space Renaissance International will hold its 2nd World Congress from September 30th to October 2nd. The Congress will be held online, via SKYPE chat, 3 hours per day starting at 15:00 GMT.

Though SRI needs to increase its public visibility, we chose not to hold a live congress this time. Our main goal is to update our analysis and strategy, and to share this discussion with the highest number of renaissance men and women, that we are sure greatly outnumber SRI supporters, worldwide! Holding an online chat congress, participants will be allowed to register for free, avoid any travel expenses and be able to comment and participate even when everyone else is offline. During the three days of the congress we will discuss five “theses” or thought documents, covering what we understand to be the key issues during next four years, up to the SRI 3rd world Congress, in 2020.

The title of the congress is “From Space Exploration to Space Settlement”.

We propose that world leaders need to understand that humanity urgently requires a change in direction from exploring space to developing civilian activities in space, finding ways to create human space settlements. A global renaissance is fighting the global crisis, producing social, technological and scientific transformations: in order to win, it needs to be taken off planet, to be a space renaissance!

“Thesis 1 – Our Committment to Astronautics” is an update of our analysis, about the current status of the civilization, faced to the challenges of nurturing the needs and industrial development of seven and half billion humans, avoiding further deterioration of the planetary environment, addressing the ever-increasing shortages of raw materials and energy sources. We will compare the history of the last five years, to the forecasts we made during the 1st SRI World Congress, held via SKYPE in 2011, especially as far as the development of civilian astronautics is concerned. We ask: “How can we influence global public opinion, demonstrating the extreme need for humanity to expand beyond Earth’s limits?” “Which are the most promising social and industrial processes, to be supported and further expanded?” And, “Is the science fiction scenario we used to love during the past century nothing more than a nostalgic dream, characterized by a romantic, vaguely retro, flavor?”

It is likely the term “astronaut” doesn’t apply to the civilian space passengers: Astronauts were sci-fi heroes, and are now military trained individuals who are carefully chosen and prepared for their missions. What we are talking about is our dream of taking a space vehicle as if we were taking a normal air flight, flying to the Moon or a Lagrange city whenever we desired. During such travels, one would not expect to go outside the vehicle in a space suit, just as we are not likely to sit on the wings of a jumbo jet during a flight from Milano to NewYork. We will not be “astronauts” at all, not even when we will reach our destination in space, where we will mostly live in closed environments.

Does a proper narrative exist, already, to stimulate people’s curiosity and make them feeling interested in space life? Do we need a new “futuristic” art movement? Perhaps we had enough futuristic visions, that always postponed to a more or less distant future the human expansion into space. A new art movement is deeply missed, but it should talk about our possible civilian life in space now, more than about future. An avant-garde awareness that we are late, from all points of view, and we have nomore time to waste. A word for defining such a movement doesn’t exist, yet. Usually, movements have birth before definitions.

Our duties, as awakened and conscious renaissance people, are enormous, and we could be terrified by the challenge… but we will not surrender. When looking up in the night sky and see the majesty of the Milky Way we know the possibilities waiting there … Looking at the sky is our power, the stars are our evolutionary destination. Like the first hominids who strained to stand up in upright position, we strive to think ourselves among the stars, in a 3d environment, limitless in every direction and degree of the space sphere.

“Thesis 2 – Space for Peace” discusses the rise in global conflicts that constitutes the biggest threat to the future of civilization. The underlying causes for these conflicts are numerous but most have to do with exerting control over natural resources and territories and the populations living in these regions by financial and geopolitical interests. Any major war that may occur in the next few years would have unpredictable consequences. As an alternative to the possibility of global war, we propose a civilian space development program that expands human activities into geo-lunar space, as the only valid counter measure to mitigate the risk of a global conflict and avoid an implosion of civilization. This theme will be a key part of our next four years program having a key place in all of our public events.

“Thesis 3 – Building the Space Renaissance” defines our program for next 4 years, including a primary initiative that will touch the five continents, distributing our space renaissance proposal around the world by lobbying the governments, collaborating with space agencies, trying to reproduce the exemplary experience of SpaceX to the entire “NewSpace” industrial segment. And, in addition, developing our proposals in the area of space law in the context of the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty – the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies – which entered into force in October 1967 and provides the basic framework on international space law.

“Theses 4 – A New Communication Strategy” defines how we plan to multiply our out-reach, making a growing number of people aware of our proposals and initiatives, and encouraging them to join SRI and work with us, to wake up other renaissance people.

With “Theses 5 – Space Renaissance Academy” we will describe and set up our education program, that in its first phase will see the development of webinars (soon to be available online).

Please register to attend the congress for free, if you want to be sure you will be part of the SKYPE chat.

Registration only takes a few seconds, and will allow us to optimize the organizational process.

We also want to invite you to check out the theses documents, and feel free to propose a paper of your own or amendments to what you read:

An online form is available to upload your proposals to the congress.

Should you like to add any contribution/proposed amendments to the theses documents, please follow this procedure:

  1. read the theses documents (the above link)
  2. identify which theses document(s) your proposal(s) apply
  3. in case you want to submit a paper, use the proper template
  4. upload your text or paper

Are you a renaissance person? Do you think what we do is useful? Please also consider joining the Space Renaissance!

Download a pdf version of this article.

Posted by spacere in Events, News, Newsletters, SRI Announcements
The SRI UK Chapter to be incorporated the 11th of July, in Dornie, Scottish Highlands.

The SRI UK Chapter to be incorporated the 11th of July, in Dornie, Scottish Highlands.

The incorporation of the UK Chapter will be on the 11th of July. The meeting will start 11.00am at the Dornie Village Hall Committee Room, and will continue after lunch.
9.30 visit of the Dornie Castle.
Introductory speeches (at least) by:
– Marianne Rugard (chair of the SRI UK Chapter),
– Adriano Autino (Space Renaissance International, President),
– Patrick Collins (SRI, VicePresident),
– David Ashford (Bristol Spaceplanes).
The founders will discuss the basic strategic plan for SRI UK, and how to promote space tourism and civilian astronautics development. The main projects and activities to be developed will be presented and discussed as well.
The official incorporation ceremony of the SRI UK Chapter will close the meeting.

Posted by spacere in Events, Location, News, UK