
Event announcements and news



Space Renaissance International’s executive committee has adopted the theme “Space, not War” for SRI’s Second International Congress, which will be held sometime during the middle of next year in Italy, the home of the original Renaissance and SRI’s incorporation. A call for papers along the theme will be issued soon, along with an exact location and date. Participation by all space enthusiasts and organizations worldwide is invited for the conference, which also will contain a closed session for only paid SRI members who will decide the organization’s direction for the next four years.

The public conference will offer a variety of presentations and symposia on different topics as they relate to the 2016 theme, which recognizes that war is a tragic and wasteful legacy of our past that humanity can no longer afford, whereas our future lies in peaceful extraterrestrial development. Approval of the Congress came during a meeting by the SRI executive committee and national chapter leaders on March 15.

Posted by spacere in Events, News, Newsletters

SICES 2010 Clean Energy Summit

The Space Renaissance invites all of our members to participate and support the SICES 2010, The Sichuan International Clean Energy Summit, promoting Space Based Solar Power!

Posted by spacere in Events

SRI First International Congress

The Space Renaissance Initiative will hold its first International Congress within the springtime of 2011, in a location to be defined.

Posted by spacere in Events