
SRI Newsletters



This week we kick-off a cycle of (tentatively) weekly newsletters, each one developing an aspect of our proposal of an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The alliance for #Space18SDG is growing daily, and currently consists of 20 organizations, including (together with Space Renaissance International) some of the biggest and most influential space advocacy organizations: the National Space Society, The Mars Society, the Lifeboat Foundation, the Space Tourism Society, the Beyond Earth Institute, the Human Space Program (see the complete list). In this first issue, Adriano V. Autino, the founder of Space Renaissance International, briefly discusses the concept of a true sustainability.

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Posted by Adriano in Articles, Blog, Newsletters

Space for All, on Earth and Beyond

Space Renaissance International has recently launched a world-wide campaign for adding an 18th SDG to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Our initiative suddenly resulted to be in tune with similar initiatives, undertaken by other space advocacy organizations, e.g. the National Space Society of USA, and many others. All of these promoter organizations are now working to a joined campaign. Two initial milestones will be the presentation, by the NSS, of the #Space18SDG to the COPUOS (the United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Use of Outer Space) the first week of June, and a panel organized by SRI at the UN General Assembly in New York, for the 18 of September.

“Space for All, on Earth and Beyond, a civilian-led space development, with human communities living and working in outer space to expand and multiply benefits to all the peoples of Earth.

The above is the main concept supporting our proposal, trying to make it evident, in few words, that, though we praise and consider very important the huge contribution so far given by space technologies to the achievement of the Earthly 17 SDGs, we think that they will not be enough to overcome the global crisis of human development on our mother planet, should humanity remain closed and confined inside its limits.

We know that it will not be easy to make a space 18th SDG to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda. Since its very first steps, our initiative raised criticisms and objections. Yet we believe that our initiative is very opportune and timely, while the U.N. are going to a review of the SDGs, likely within 2025, a kind of mid term milestone, on the 2030 road-map. Furthermore, the #Space18SDG initiative will offer to the space movement a perfect opportunity to explain a simple concept still hidden and mystified in the public opinion at large: that 8 billion terrestrials can any longer make it on one only planet, and that we urgently need to start expanding, moving our development outside.The New Space Economy is gaining momentum, and each year it exceeds and contradicts expert predictions made by the experts: the dimension of $1 trillion will likely be achieved not in 2040, but before 2030 already.

The New Space Economy is confirming itself as the most dynamic sector, de facto leading the global economy to grow up, giving a chance to SDGs 7, 8 and 9 (energy, industrial development and jobs) to make their essential job, sustaining all of the social SDGs (no poverty, no hunger, etc…). All of the social SDGs need growth. The environmental SDGs, as well, need energy and technological growth, to be implemented. Yet industrial and economic growth, if closed inside the Earth’s boundaries, dramatically conflict with the environmental SDGs. In fact, the web society needs more energy, not less. The electrical mobility increases the demand of electric energy as well. The electronic society, in general terms, needs some materials, that can be mined in few places on Earth: resource wars just changed their subject, from oil to rare earths… conflicts and violent confrontations are increasing, not decreasing.

A civilian-led space development will solve, in perspective, both the above issues, and many others. Firstly, abundant resources, including rare earths and many other precious materials,  can be found on the Moon and on many asteroids, ending the shortage on raw materials for the production of electronic components. That will contribute to peace on Earth, to increase jobs and to restart economic growth. On a second consideration, progressively moving industries into the geo-lunar space, we will relieve planet Earth’s environment from the burden of industrial development, allowing mother Earth to take a breath and possibly recover from climate crisis and pollution. Third, moving industries outside will halve the energy demand on Earth’s surface, since industries will take energy supply in space, directly from the Sun, and the energy demand on Earth will be just the private citizens demand.Last, but not least, expanding civilization into outer space will re-ignite creativity in all the peoples of planet Earth. The young generations suffered too much, during the last years, due to the covid19 pandemics and now for the raising wars and violent confrontations. The education systems were jeopardized everywhere. Though new distant learning techniques were developed, many students lost their interest, and school dropout raised, as well as psychological issues, in a general sentiment of fear and distrust of the future.

The launch of big projects, building on the Moon, in the Lagrange points and beyond will rekindle the hope and the enthusiasm of the young generations, motivating new waves of engineers, humanist philosophers, scientists, technicians.

Will our children tomorrow be astronauts? That was the Apollo age, when kids watched Buzz Aldrin walking on the Moon and dreamed of being astronauts… The vast majority will now be space citizen, and space workers. Space citizens will need civil rights to be extended into outer space. Space workers will claim their rights too. Living and working in space, will we be protected from cosmic radiations? Will we have simulated gravity, to avoid decay of our bones and muscles? Will we have green environments in the space habitats?

The 18th SDG demands all of the above, to give more priority to the related scientific research. And more, we also propose the history of space and of the scientific research to be added to all of the educational programs, from Primary to University. We need to teach the history of love, not just of aggressions, colonizations, empires and wars. Our children have to learn the history of the people who dedicated their life to humanity, for the progress of civilization. The 18th Sustainable Development Goal shall bring onboard this great educational value too.

This campaign “Space4all on Earth and beyond” can develop the action plan we agreed at 2021 SRI Congress, fostering space science, technology, economy and jobs,  international collaboration, peace, resources, inspiration, education training, and de facto a space renaissance.

Bernard Foing, SRI, President

Adriano V. Autino, SRI, Founder and former President

12 June 2023: Follow the livestream on the Space Renaissance Youtube channel:
Click ‘going’ to the Facebook event:

Sign the #Space18SDG pledge:

Add your organization to the promoters group:

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also download this newsletter in pdf format

Posted by Adriano in Articles, Newsletters
Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Spaceal 2023!

Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Spaceal 2023!

Many many Wishes to all the Space Renaissance Friends, Supporters and Members everywhere they are!

I wish you a serene and joyful Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever recurrence you’re going to celebrate, and a Great Spaceal 2023!

After eating and drinking during the various celebrations, take some minutes for reflection. I wish you that your mind was driven to think about the absurd yet exciting times we are living. Among the absurdities we may list the waste of money and human lives in wars aimed to conquer territories on Earth surface, instead of moving outside, in the outer space, to achieve new space and resources for every earther citizens. Also, let’s think about the absurdity of a police corps that call themselves “the moral police” while raping and killing a 14 years old girl… Where is morality in rape and murder??

Among the thrilling things we may list the first orbital flight of the Space X’s Starship, the first fully reusable space vehicle! We wish very much that it can happen as soon as possible, opening the way to civilian space development. Such event will be a powerful antidote against the rape of morality and the rape of the logic of language. Flying to orbit, Starship will smash and revert the perverse de-growthist slope, breaking the absurd evil spell that is smothering our civilization.

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Posted by Adriano in Newsletters
29 November 2022 – join us at SRI Giving Tuesday… we need a bit of your money!

29 November 2022 – join us at SRI Giving Tuesday… we need a bit of your money!

Dear SRI friends and supporters, in these days we are experiencing, let’s say, a troubled weather! Last, but not least, our beloved Manny (Manuel Perez, president of Space Renaissance USA) sadly passed away at just 69, while he still had so many things to do…

Now we have to work harder, also in order to carry ahead, and upwards, the mission of developing the space renaissance, to which Manny dedicated a meaningful part of his life.

Developing the space renaissance chiefly means to build Space Renaissance, our organization, and assure the sustainability of our program for 2023.

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Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Newsletters
Invitation to the SRI Giving Tuesday – 29 November 2022

Invitation to the SRI Giving Tuesday – 29 November 2022

All of the supporters and friends of Space Renaissance are warmly invited to the SRI Giving Tuesday – 29 November 2022, from 17:00 to 22:00 UTC, in a mini-marathon Zoom meeting.

The meeting will also be livestreamed on the Space Renaissance TV YouTube channel.

All of the participants will have the possibility to talk, asking questions, discussing about any space topics, and also tell us what they think about SRI, our outreach activities, the efficacy of our arguments, the usefulness of our initiatives to UN, to IAF, to ISU and the Academic world, in which measure we are reaching the large public opinion, and… donate some money to SRI!

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters
Planet Earth is now home to 8 billion citizens.  The 18° SDG is very urgent.

Planet Earth is now home to 8 billion citizens. The 18° SDG is very urgent.

The world’s population officially passed 8 billion people the 15 of November 2022. According to a projection from the United Nations, such threshold represents a “milestone in human development, before birth rates start to slow”. Such a crucial day falls during the COP27 in Sharm-El-Sheik (the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference), and the G20 summit in Bali. Please note, just in these few words, that “birth rates start to slow” is given as a discounted, normal thing to happen, or even to advocate for.Yet, even while the global population keeps on raising, the growth rate has fallen to less than 1% per year. The UN projects the global population to peak at 10.4 billion people in the 2080s and then remain steady until 2100. The “remaining steady” is also given as a normal thing to occur. Now, did you ever see a steady species? In addition, may a cultural species achieve a steady demographic status? Just to mention one criteria, consider the extreme volatility of our psychological moods, that strongly determines growth and de-growth.

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Posted by Adriano in Articles, Blog, Newsletters
Space Renaissance has done great things at the 73rd IAF Congress, in Paris!

Space Renaissance has done great things at the 73rd IAF Congress, in Paris!

This year’s IAC was really special! In fact, for the first time in history we were able to set up our own booth –the mythical D11b – thanks to the collaboration with several partners, including: Lunex/EuroMoonMars, MMAARS, Mark Yaeger’s Origin, EuroSpaceHub and ITACCUS.  It was a small booth, 3×3 m., but very intense. Each day we held interviews, events, cocktail parties, and we even made some good jam sessions, playing Moon songs and other jazz standards!

As official member of IAF, SRI participated to the IAF General Assembly, voted on several motions, including the choice of locations for IAC 2024 (Milano, Italy) and 2025 (Sidney, Australia). This last choice witnessed an intense discussion, because the first proposal was Saudi Arabia. The assembly voted against such motion, after several speeches, due to the policy of the Saudi government, oppressive against women and their rights.

Our members authored or co-authored about 30 papers: Adriano V. Autino, Bernard Foing, Celia Avila-Rauch, Emmy Jewell, Ghanim Alotaibi, Julio Rezende, Kaja Antlej, Marie-Luise Heuser, Marie-Pier Boucher, Marlène Losier, Susan Jewell, Werner Grandl, Cole Armagost, Ioana Roxana Perrier, Jerry Stone, Maria Moukarzel, Marie-Pier Boucher, Niamh Shaw. Our president Prof. Bernard Foing chaired some technical sessions, the Lunar session first of all.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters


Space Renaissance International is participating to the 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022, in Paris, from Sunday 18 to Thursday 22 of September.The IAC 2022 theme is Space for @ll to reach beyond the space community and bringing together all communities to offer great opportunities for networking and forging new contacts and potential partnerships.SRI decided to invest in a booth at the exhibition center, together with our partners LUNEX EMM, MMAARS, ORIGIN, ITACCUS. Our place is D11B.

SRI is now a proud member of IAF, with which we are increasing collaboration in several committees.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, News, Newsletters, SRI Announcements
ARTEMIS I launch and pre-launch comments, by Space Renaissance and EuroMoonMars

ARTEMIS I launch and pre-launch comments, by Space Renaissance and EuroMoonMars

Monday August 29th , at 8:33 US EDT (12:33 UTC) an historical mission will launch from Kennedy Space Center.
ARTEMIS I is expected to reach the Moon orbit, to release some payloads and return to Earth.
Space Renaissance will follow the launch with two live events.
During the first livestream – the 28 August, in collaboration with EuroMoonMars – we will give some information about the main goals of the Artemis and SLS programs, and what Artemis 1 will actually bring to the Moon.
We will also briefly discuss what Artemis 1 represents, in this critical period of transition from traditional aerospace to the new space paradigm.
The panel, starting 12:00 UTC, includes:

  • Serena Crotti – Moderator
  • Bernard Foing – Artemis program overview
  • Cole Armagost – Artemis 1 Payloads and goals
  • Kete Rok – Space Launch System (SLS), launch and mission profile
  • Adriano V. Autino – What does Artemis mean for Civilian Space Development?
  • Gautam Kiran – What does Artemis mean for young explorers?

Other guests will take part to the discussion.

Here’s the link to follow the livestream on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel:

The second livestream, 29 August, will follow and comment the launch live:

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, Newsletters
SRI News – The Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival, Berlin – a reportage

SRI News – The Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival, Berlin – a reportage

From 7 to 9 July, the much anticipated Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival came to a close in Berlin Germany. Nearly one hundred in-person participants joined a larger virtual audience at the Archenhold Observatory for a celebration and exchange of ideas surrounding civilian space development and the Space Renaissance.More than 1000 people already viewed the sessions on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel.

In total, the program spanned three full days and saw over 60 speakers/artists presentations.

The full Acta of the Festival -– with links to all the speeches on YouTube –- can be seen on the SRI website.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, News, Newsletters