Press Releases

SRI Press Releases (NOTE: not press releases from other organizations – put those under ‘News’)

PRESS RELEASE: Space Renaissance International Achieves Observer Status at U.N. COPUOS

Space Renaissance International Achieves Observer Status at U.N. COPUOS
Championing Space Development for Humanity

VIENNA, Austria – July 2, 2024 – Space Renaissance International (SRI) is proud to announce it has been granted provisional observer status for three years at the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). This milestone decision was achieved during the 67th COPUOS General Assembly held from June 19-28, 2024, in Vienna, Austria.SRI joins four other newly approved non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in receiving this esteemed status: the African Astronomical Society (AAS), the Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA), the Outer Space Institute (OSI), and Space Data Association (SDA). After the three-year provisional period, SRI will be eligible to become a Permanent Observer.

“SRI unwaveringly supports the values and member states of UN COPUOS, along with fellow prestigious observer organizations such as the IAF, COSPAR, IAA, ESA, and EU“, said Professor Bernard Foing, President of SRI. ”Our SRI geographically diverse community, with renowned expertise in space techniques and humanities, approved a 5-year action plan in 2021, giving birth to the Space 18th SDG Space4All movement, to serve citizen development on Earth and Beyond.”

“I personally feel emotionally proud for SRI, as I co-organized the July 1999 Space Generation Congress at UniSpace III in Vienna, which led to SGAC Space Generation Advisory Council to UN, and many great results and follow-up progress. And I participated in multiple events with U.N. since 1995,” adds Professor Foing.

“This recognition by COPUOS marks a significant step in our mission to promote space development and its benefits for all of humanity,” said Adriano V. Autino, CEO and Founder of SRI. “We are honored to bring the perspective of space philosophy to this crucial international forum.”

“Of course, people know the benefits of satellite technologies on Earth’s surface, such as for example, GPS, climate monitoring, water management, and disaster recovery. What many people do not know, or yet fully comprehend, is the urgency to initiate civilian space development and civilization expansion into outer space,” Autino explained. “Our mission remains to advocate for this urgent expansionist view within the U.N. and in the broader public. We will continue to promote the global benefits of space.”

The 67th COPUOS General Assembly focused heavily on space sustainability and the role of space in achieving sustainable development goals. A key advance was the formation of the Action Team on Lunar Activities Consultation (ATLAC) by the Romanian delegation, with support from South Korea. This signaled growing international interest in collaborative lunar resource exploration and exploitation.

The assembly highlighted the potential of the incoming cislunar economy as a constructive and collaborative alternative to current geopolitical challenges. Discussions addressed major space initiatives like the Artemis Accords and the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), indicating them as possible best practices.

SRI’s observer status at COPUOS will allow the organization and the Space 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Coalition members to contribute to critical space-related issues. This includes SRI’s significant progress in the ratification of an 18th SDG focused on space sustainability and the power of space to accelerate and ensure the success of all the other 17 SDGs. This initiative has garnered significant support from several delegates, in informal talks.

Ms. Aarti Holla-Maini, Director General of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), expressed her appreciation for SRI’s commitment to bringing space philosophy into COPUOS discussions.

SRI extends its gratitude to its delegation at the 67th COPUOS General Assembly: Werner Grandl, Marie-Luise Heuser, Bernard Foing, and Adriano Autino.

Special gratitude goes to Robert Katz, Mikhail Baskov, Frank White, Gary Barnhard, Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, and the entire Space 18th SDG Coalition for their invaluable previous and continued support.  Most notably, they recently convened a well-received Pre-COPUOS Summit to assemble, assess, and aggregate recommendations for COPUOS General Assembly topics from the Coalition’s 82 international member organizations.  An analogous follow-on Pre-General Assembly Summit will be held in person at U.N. Plaza in New York City, and virtually, on September 13, 2024, to coincide with and support the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 79).

“This achievement is a testament to the collective effort of our global community,” Autino added. “We look forward to collaborating with UN COPUOS member states, space agencies, and other observer NGOs like the National Space Society, IAF, COSPAR, Moon Village Association, and Secure World Foundation in advancing space activities for the benefit of all humanity, including future space-based communities.”

Looking ahead, SRI plans to identify countries supportive of the Space 18th SDG proposal, continue to support COPUOS and its vital mission and increase public awareness of UNOOSA and COPUOS activities.

For more information about Space Renaissance International and its initiatives, please visit

About Space Renaissance International:

Space Renaissance International (SRI) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the peaceful civilian development and further exploration of outer space for the benefit of all humanity. SRI advocates for space philosophy and sustainable space development as key factors in addressing global challenges and securing a prosperous future on Earth and Beyond.

About Space 18th SDG:

The Space 18th SDG initiative, led by Space Renaissance International and the National Space Society, is spearheading and accelerating global efforts to establish a new Sustainable Development Goal focused on sustainable civilian space development and leveraging space technologies to accelerate the achievement of the existing 17 SDGs. This proposed goal recognizes the critical role of space in overcoming global challenges and ensuring a sustainable future for humanity both on Earth and beyond.

About U.N. COPUOS:

The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) was established by the General Assembly in 1959 to govern the exploration and use of space for the benefit of all humanity. It serves as the primary international forum for the development of laws and principles governing outer space activities, and for fostering international cooperation in space science and technology applications.

Join the Alliance of the 82 Co-promoters:

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Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases, SRI Announcements

PRESS RELEASE: Space 18th SDG: Collaborating with U.N. COPUOS, Making Space Truly for All

Space 18th SDG: Collaborating with U.N. COPUOS, Making Space Truly for All

Virtual Round Table – 12 June 2024

—— For immediate release ——

On 12 June 2024, a Virtual Round Table will be held by the Space 18th SDG Coalition, on the theme of “Collaborating with U.N. COPUOS, Making Space Truly for All”.Organized by Space Renaissance International (SRI) and the National Space Society (NSS), the Space 18th SDG Coalition celebrates nearly 100 organizations from all corners of Planet Earth.

The United Nations established the U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), and the Committee for the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS) in 1959 to govern space exploration and space use for all humanity, with peace, security, and development. Including 102 member states, COPUOS represents the main international connecter among both space-faring and aspiring spacefaring countries.

COPUOS holds its 67th session General Assembly from 19 to 28 June 2024. The Space 18th SDG Coalition’s Virtual Round Table, held a week prior, will urge the international space community to establish more public and proactive positions on key priorities. In anticipation of the emerging cis-lunar economy and civilian-led peaceful space development, this collaboration seeks full and harmonious inclusivity for all stakeholders from all Countries.

The highly interactive workshop-style event, moderated by Robert S. Katz[[1]] (WIN), kicks off with a featured opening keynote by the Space 18th SDG Coalition’s visionary founder Adriano V. Autino[[2]] (SRI).  Following his call-to-action address, five eminent duos of highly esteemed space thought leaders chair five focused one-hour panels:

Panel #01 (15:00 UTC)  Use of Space Resources

Panel #02 (16:00 UTC)  Orbital Debris

Panel #03 (17:00 UTC)  Space Law and Private Entities in Outer Space

Panel #04 (18:00 UTC)  Sustainable Benefits 4 All Peoples of Earth

Panel #05 (19:00 UTC)  Sustainable Space Development and Space for Sustainability

Registration is still open! Register now to become a panelist and engage via Zoom with the chairs.

Panelist Registration                                 
Full Program                                                  
Speaker Bios

Join the Space18thSDG Coalition
Watch 12 June Roundtable on YouTube


  • Adriano V. Autino +39 335 8244435
  • Alfred B. Anzaldúa +1 520 409 5797

[1] Robert Katz, CEO & Executive Director of World Innovation Network (WIN)

[2] Adriano V. Autino, CEO & Co-Founder of Space Renaissance International (SRI)

Posted by Adriano in Events, Press Releases
PRESS RELEASE: SRI stands on the side of NSS, mourning our beloved Anita Gale

PRESS RELEASE: SRI stands on the side of NSS, mourning our beloved Anita Gale

Space Renaissance International wants to pay tribute to Anita Gale for her achievements as an engineer working on the space shuttle programme, as a space role model for women and as a dedicated leader at the National Space Society. She has been a great inspiration for many, and an engaging and positive person in number of space initiatives, including the SDG18 Space4All with NSS partnering with Space Renaissance. We shall bring Anita in our heart and memories during our ventures on Earth and beyond Earth.

Bernard Foing, SRI President

It is very sad that we now have one competent woman less, and no longer at our side, in the fight for expansion into space.

Marie-Luise Heuser, Head of Space Renaissance Academy Philosophy Laboratory

The passing away of Anita is an unrecoverable loss for the space expansionist movement. SRI is standing on the side of NSS, mourning our friend and colleague. Anita wanted the NSS to be a partner proposer of the Space 18th SDG, in memory of the late David Dunlop. We will continue your restless work, Anita. Wherever you are bringing your extremely brilliant and supportive thoughts and actions, have a safe and joyful trip to the stars! Ad Astra!

Adriano V. Autino, SRI, CEO and Founder

Anita was an intelligent, gracious, and wise person. Her gift was being able to see the big picture and not get bogged down in trivial details of little consequence. That is why she was an excellent leader. As a friend, she was generous and thoughtful. I am already missing her greatly.

Alfred Anzaldúa, NSS, International Committee; SRI, Board of Directors


Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases
PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 65 Space Entities held a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023 United Nations Plaza, 777 – The Final Recommendation

PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 65 Space Entities held a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023 United Nations Plaza, 777 – The Final Recommendation

—— 29.09.2023 – For immediate release ——

Final Recommendation of the Space 18th SDG workshop, at United Nations Plaza 777, the 15 of September 2023

Distinguished State Members of the United Nations,

We, representatives of 65 organizations convened on the 15th of September 2023 at U.N. Plaza 777, in concomitance with the U.N. General Assembly 78, recommend developing and introducing a resolution for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), called “Universal and Sustainable Space Development”.

We note that the Earth is in space, it has always been in space, and it will always be in space. Space is the context in which the 17 SDGs exist. Earth is the domain of life, and only by expanding this domain beyond Earth can we fulfill the 17 SDGs in the long term. Our proposed 18th SDG aims to accelerate humanity’s united expansion into the solar ecosystem to create sustainable capabilities for living and working in human communities in LEO and beyond, harnessing the lessons learned there to benefit people both on Earth and in Space. Collectively, we believe that the space environment should be available to benefit all of life. Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 47 Space Entities to hold a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023

—— 22.08.2023 – For immediate release ——

Space Renaissance International (SRI) and the National Space Society (NSS), on behalf of 47 space advocacy organizations (this alliance is expanding), will host a panel at the United Nations in New York, on the 15th of September, 2023, from 9:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., to officially present their proposal for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), focused on Space Development, to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The hybrid panel will take place in the U.N. district, United Nations Plaza, 777 11th Floor, just in front of the U.N. headquarters[1].

In addition to SRI and NSS, the coalition includes The Mars Society, the Lifeboat Foundation, the Human Space Program, the Moon Society, Beyond Earth Institute, Space Development Foundation, EarthLight Foundation, space agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations. The complete list of Co-promoters may be found online at:

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Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases
PRESS RELEASE:  NSS and SRI urge COPUOS State Parties for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, SDG18 Space4All focused on Space Development

PRESS RELEASE: NSS and SRI urge COPUOS State Parties for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, SDG18 Space4All focused on Space Development

Vienna (Austria), June 7th 2023
NSS and SRI urge COPUOS State Parties for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, SDG18 Space4All focused on Space Development
In an historical UN COPUOS session, the 5th of June 2023, Karlton Johnson from NSS gave a speech on behalf of the National Space Society (NSS), Space Renaissance International (SRI) and many other space advocacy organizations. The speech proposed an 18th Sustainable Development Goal to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The #Space18SDG fosters Universal and Sustainable Space Development, Space for All, on Earth and Beyond. From the Johnson’s discourse: “We need sustainable initiatives to reclaim our planet from destruction. And we need to emphasize sustainability as part of our space activities. Therefore, in partnership with SRI, the National Space Society places a proposal on the table urging COPUOS State Parties to develop and introduce a resolution for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). This proposed 18th SDG aims to accelerate humanity’s expansion into space with a focus on creating sustainable capabilities for living and working human communities in LEO and beyond, harnessing the lessons learned there to benefit both Earth and other space-related activities.”

SRI, together with NSS, has already obtained large support from 31 organizations (and counting) to promote this resolution. Such noteworthy alliance includes, but is not limited to, Beyond Earth Institute, The Human Space Program, The Mars Society, The Lifeboat Foundation, Expanding Frontiers, The Space Tourism Society, Gen Space, The International Moon-base Alliance, and many others. Says Adriano Autino (SRI founder): “We will have a first event, June 12 to follow up, and a special session at Science Summit U.N. General  Assembly 78, on 18th September”.

“Our space4all SDG initiatives builds on decades of activity in research, capacity building, and development of new space society and economy,”  says Bernard Foing (SRI President), “it is now the right moment for the Space Renaissance to go further for the benefit of all on Earth and beyond.“

The SRI president will also give a presentation on Space4all on 7 June afternoon for UN COPUOS Assembly.

In his closing remarks, Karlton Johnson underlined the uniting character of space activities for many decades so far: “Humankind’s further expansion into space to establish a permanent presence there can garner the same effect in the near future.” And more “Solving our global challenges, encouraging innovation, expanding and sharing what we learn, and planting the seeds for humanity’s continuance for eons to come; this can be one of humanity’s greatest and enduring achievements.”

Join the alliance of the 31 Co-promoters:

Sign the petition for #Space18SDG on

Follow the live event “Space for All, on Earth and beyond”

Posted by Adriano in Press Releases
A serious mourning has struck our community

A serious mourning has struck our community

— Press release by Space Renaissance International – November 22nd 2022 —

Manuel Perez “Manny”, the President of Space Renaissance USA, passed away the 21st of November 2022, at the age of 69, following a long illness.

Manny was a great space activist, embracing a broad, generous, humanist vision of the world and humanity.

For all of us, in the Space Renaissance community, Manny has been a fond friend, who never failed to provide assistance to enhance our outreach to the global community, making complex things simple to be understood and shared by our first interlocutor: the people, human society, at large.

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Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases
Moon Village Association and Space Renaissance International sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Moon Village Association and Space Renaissance International sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Vienna, Austria – (November 9 2022)
On 9th November, 2022 during the Moon Village Association’s Workshop and Symposium taking place in Los Angeles, California, leaders of the MVA and of the Space Renaissance International announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for furthering their shared goals of researching the developments in the space sector.
The Memorandum of Understanding has the scope to start collaborating in a joint effort to promote space activities, science public outreach, education and international participation of space stakeholders into research in all subjects related to the development, use and further exploration of outer space.

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Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases, SRI Announcements
Make space, not war!

Make space, not war!

The world seems to be regressing back to Twentieth Century. Due to the war in Ukraine, humanity is paying a heavy price in terms of lives lost, as well as the severe cultural damage humankind is experiencing in many areas – including collaboration in scientific research, technology development, artistic enterprise, and (ultimately for us most consequential) international collaboration in civilian space development. The global economic cost of this war is difficult to determine, although we can estimate this must be in the order of trillions of dollars or euros. In just a few days, the stock exchange lost hundreds of billions. Moving weapons and soldiers into Ukraine and nearby countries has come at a very high cost. The global economy is being jeopardized, with incalculable damages to many companies – big and small. The cost of energy – already rising, now that the Covid19 pandemics is loosening its grip on the throat of civilization – continues to increase.

Let’s first reflect on what could be done, in space, with even a small fraction of the enormous amount of resources that this and other wars are wasting – including (1) a substantial boost to the realization of low-cost, safe, and 100% reusable launch vehicles, (2) the first rotating large space station, to start experimenting artificial gravity, (3) protection from the sun and cosmic radiation, (4) accelerated Moon settlements, (5) space debris recovering and reuse, (6) the inauguration of Moon and asteroid mining, and (7) the first steps toward manned Mars exploration.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters, Press Releases
Space Renaissance tribute to Prof. Dieter B. Herrmann

Space Renaissance tribute to Prof. Dieter B. Herrmann

We want to pay tribute to Prof Dieter Bernhard Herrmann(*) who just passed away, and has been member and  supporter of Space Renaissance International. He has worked as an astronomer, and he has been author of numerous popular science literature books on astronomy. In his scientific work he dealt, among other things, with the early development of astrophysics and the application of quantitative methods in the history of science.

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Posted by Adriano in News, Newsletters, Press Releases, Space Renaissance Academy