Press Releases

SRI Press Releases (NOTE: not press releases from other organizations – put those under ‘News’)

A Planet B strategy, taking care of Planet A!

A Planet B strategy, taking care of Planet A!

  • This is the right time to embark on grand epochal projects, fit to change our world and our future.
  • The Green Transition may only be useful if accompanied by a powerful development plan.
  • The internet society and digital money may require much more energy, not less.
  • The Green Transition alone has a high cost, and may produce new social inequalities.
  • Capable sustainable development is “off our planet”: kick-off civilian space development.

With reference to our analysis of the status of Civilization[1], updated in the 3rd SRI World Congress 2021, we propose that the issue of the Climate Change should be approached within a widescale and holistic view, also addressing all SDGs Sustainable Development Goals and identifying other interrelated threats to civilization: the Covid19 Pandemics, the global economic crisis, raw materials and energy crisis, water scarcity, the growth of conflicts and refugees, the pollution of the seas, the loss of biodiversity and, in more general terms, the enormous social effects of such Armageddon. Specifically, the Coronavirus pandemics have quickly demonstrated how eight billion citizens, constrained within the narrow spaces of our mother planet, may see dramatically decreasing freedom to move, socialize, work together, love and have children. What we need is a Global Sustainability Initiative and a Global Sustainability Agreement to identify both threats and opportunities what would allow the global community to accomplish these tasks.

The “Green Transition” as undertaken by several Countries, will be useful, in obtaining a grace period, and allowing the development of strategies to combat the multiple crisis and retake the path of growth and evolution. Yet this incidental process is exactly the point: the Green Transition, alone, in being focused mainly on passive actions, does not represent an active strategy. It can be helpful, but only if sided and supported by a powerful development plan. Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in News, Newsletters, Open Letters, Philosophy, Press Releases
Space Renaissance International to participate to the International Astronautical 72° Congress, at Dubai

Space Renaissance International to participate to the International Astronautical 72° Congress, at Dubai

The Space Renaissance International will participate to the International Astronautical 72° Congress, at Dubai, next 25-29 October 2021. Several representatives of SRI will present papers: Prof. Bernard Foing, SRI President, Executive Director of ILEWG International Lunar Exploration Working Group, manager of EuroMoonMars programme, guest professor at VU Amsterdam/Leiden Observatory; Adriano V. Autino, SRI Founder and Former President, SRI Ambassador; Susan Ip Jewell, SRI Vice-President, CEO/Co-Founder of MMAARS,Inc, (Mars-Moon Astronautics Academy & Research Science). The SRI representatives will participate to several activities, such as: B. Foing will coordinate A3 Space Exploration Symposium 25-29 Oct, and chair 5 sessions, coordinate many committees, in the frame of ITACCUS. SRI will hold meetings with members, partners and friends. SRI will also handle a leaflet to all of the participants to the Congress.See some more detailed information about the SRI mission to IAC2021.

Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Press Releases


The 3rd World Congress of the Space Renaissance International “Civilian Space Development” took place since June 26th to 30th: five days of intense discussions, which were preceded by 7 webinars, since October 2020. The congress saw 10 keynote speakers, 80 submitted papers, 66 live presentations, 15 symposium sessions, and a poster session. The SRIC3 Committee held 20 meetings, since November 2020. We had more than 200 registered participants, and the YouTube recorded live sessions have up to 200 visualizations each. The whole congress was done on Zoom, attended on Attendify and broadcasted live on the Youtube Space Renaissance channel.The last day, Day 5, the Congress approved a final resolution, and two motions on thesis 1 and thesis 2. These approved theses elements  on “threats to civilization and opportunities through expansion” consolidate the Space Renaissance Credo and the rationale for SRI future actions, during next 5 years.

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Posted by Adriano in News, Newsletters, Press Releases, SRI Announcements
Adriano Autino briefly talks to UNISPACE+50 conference in Wien, the July 19th 2018

Adriano Autino briefly talks to UNISPACE+50 conference in Wien, the July 19th 2018

During the “Space and Society” plenary session, Adriano Autino talks about the three main challenges that Civilization is facing:

  • the so called “save the planet” challenge (climate change, etc…)
  • the space exploration
  • to save civilization from possible implosion

In this short speech at UNISPACE+50, in Wien, the President of Space Renaissance International points out that eight billion terrestrials can save the civilization only by kicking-off immediately the civilian expanse into outer space. But such a challenge is not properly considered, by the decision makers. And it is essential to give the highest priority to it.

The full transcript of Autino’s recommendation:
“My name is Adriano Autino and I am the president of Space Renaissance International.
I think many of you saw our open letter to UNISPACE +50, that we are giving around to potentially interested friends.
Humanity is facing three main challenges. The first one is the so-called save-the-planet thing, many goals of the 2030 agenda include these goals, climate change and other things. Let’s say to use space for Earth environment. The second challenge is space exploration, that will maybe take us to Mars with a first expedition. The third challenge is to save the civilization. Our analysis at Space Renaissance International is that this third challenge is a little bit disattended and neglected, because eight billion terrestrials cannot save their civilization if they will not begin immediately to expand into space. Expansion of civilization into space is a different thing wrt the exploration of space. Exploration can be done by trained astronauts, able to bear acceleration of 4-5G, and to face hard and dangerous re-enter in the atmosphere. So, what we need, if we want to carry civilian passengers into space, is a full change of paradigm in the mission requirements. If we want to travel work and live in space we have to be protected by cosmic radiation, we have to have artificial gravity in order to avoid the problems for health etc., low accelleration, safe reenter, etc. A full change of paradigm. I would like to see not only the space tourism branch to face this problem. I would like to see many other industrial, commercial and governmental branches to be aware of this challenge, to save our civilization from a possible implosion caused by the many problems that we have on on this small planet now. Thank you and sorry for taking your attention.”

Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Newsletters, Philosophy, Press Releases


Release n. 1 – 14/06/2018

Vienna 18-22 June 2018 – The Space Renaissance International Association will participate to the UNISPACE +50 conference, the first United Nations Global Space Summit of the 21st century, organised by the UNOOSA (UN Office for Outer Space Affairs) in Vienna from 18-22 June 2018.

UNISPACE +50 is an important event, having the aim of strengthening international collaboration, building, with the support of all the involved actors, a new concept of space governance, in line with Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. The conference will further confirm the great social benefits of space as an area of innovation, inspiration, interconnection, integration and investment, based on the exploration and peaceful use of space.

During the first two days, UNISPACE +50 Symposium will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which took place in 1968, and will offer the international community the opportunity to consider the future course of global space cooperation for the benefit of humankind. Hundreds of representatives of the space community, representatives of governments, the private and industrial sectors, academia, non-governmental organisations and more than 20 space agencies from around the world are expected.

The UNISPACE +50 High Level Segment of the 61st session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) will be held on 20-21 June, to allow member states and UN permanent observers to reflect on the outcome of the three previous UNISPACE conferences and consider the future of international cooperation in the peaceful uses of space. Member States are expected to adopt a UNISPACE +50 resolution on 20 June, which will be presented to the UN General Assembly in the form of a resolution to be considered at its 73rd session in 2018.

For Space Renaissance International, the opportunity to participate in this conference is a first acknowledgement of a path that led us to put together, during the works of the 2nd National Congress of Space Renaissance Italia (the Italian chapter) held in May in Bologna, more than forty speakers from the most prestigious Italian and European research centers and aerospace organizations.  — said Adriano Autino, the president and founder of Space Renaissance International, who will also attend to the works of the High Level Segment UNISPACE +50 — This symposium will open the doors of COPUOS to a debate in which the many NGOs active in the space sector, including ours, which promotes civil expansion in space, to ensure the continuation and progress of civilization itself, will be allowed to participate. Space Renaissance International will bring to Vienna its most urgent recommendations: that the United Nations act with all its means to support the quick start of the industrialization of the Earth’s orbit and of the geo-lunar space. To this end, the Association promotes the reuse of space debris, the low-cost transportation of untrained civilian passengers in space, the protection of life and health in space, the use of asteroid and lunar raw materials, fostering public and private investment in civilian activities in space.”

Notes for editors

Space Renaissance International is an international astronautical-humanist organization dedicated to broadening the awareness that human expansion into space is fundamental to the sustainability of today’s civilization and its indispensable growth. The Association intends to trigger a change in public opinion towards space travel and the use of space resources, in order to achieve a substantial increase in investment in human space activities and a focus of these investments on concrete actions oriented to civil expansion in space.

Space Renaissance Italia is the Italian chapter of Space Renaissance International.

Space Renaissance USA, Inc. is the USA chapter of Space Renaissance International.

UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) is the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, based in Vienna, which provides the secretariat for COPUOS. Its tasks also include the management of the register of space objects launched into space. The current Director is the Italian astrophysicist Simonetta Di Pippo.

COPUOS (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space) was established by the General Assembly in 1959 to govern the exploration and use of space for the benefit of all mankind: for peace, security and development. The Committee has been mandated to review international cooperation in the peaceful uses of space, study space-related activities which could be undertaken by the United Nations, encourage space research programmes and study legal problems arising from space exploration.


  • USA (MEDIA) – Walter Putnam +1 4044 051388
  • SPACE RENAISSANCE USA, Inc. – Manuel Perez +1 718 7264111
  • ITALY (PRESS) – Marco Pavesi +39 338 392 0509
  • ITALY (OUTREACH) – removed due to privacy

Download a pdf version here: SRI_Release_01 

Posted by Adriano in News, Newsletters, Press Releases, SRI Announcements
An Open Letter to United Nations, on 50th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty

An Open Letter to United Nations, on 50th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty

Upon a proposal issued by Space Renaissance International, eight organizations signed an open letter to United Nations, UNOOSA, all governments and their space agencies, to support the development of an equitable and coherent outer space legal system for the benefit of humanity.

The letter refers to the 50th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, recurring October 10th 2017.

Read here the full text of the open letter.

Also download a pdf version of the letter.

Also watch this video by Adriano V. Autino, SRI, President.

Posted by Adriano in News, Newsletters, Press Releases
The SRI Board announced a position paper on civilian space development

The SRI Board announced a position paper on civilian space development

Planet Earth, December 21st 2016
The SRI Board announced a position paper on civilian space development
At their meeting on Saturday December 17th, the Board of Space Renaissance International (SRI) approved a position paper on civilian space development, refined during the two months since the 2nd SRI World Congress, and kicked-off the organization of the “Space Renaissance Tour
The position paper focuses the priorities of the international space advocacy association for the next four years, in response to the current global situation, as the Space Renaissance continues to unfold – led by the test-flying of fully reusable sub-orbital launch systems. Such epochal achievement will eventually lead to the dramatic reduction of the cost of traveling to orbit, making commercial civilian and industrial activities in space feasible.
The paper identifies three essential developments, which SRI will support with immediate outreach actions:
  1. Developing Low Cost Access to Earth Orbit
  2. Addressing the issues of the protection of civilian life and health in space, and
  3. Consolidating a suitable set of laws for the global governance of activities in outer space, i.e. to collate and extend international civilian rights in space.
This aspect has particular relevance in view of the coming celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, signed in 1967.
Some key technological advances, including fully reusable rockets and additive manufacturing, will allow the rapid growth of a wide range of manned activities in Earth orbit and provide the first steps towards industrial growth in the region of “near-space” around the Earth and Moon.
SRI will promote and support this ongoing process – encouraging the cultural paradigm shift from quasi-military space exploration to civilian expansion into outer space, which is now overdue in order to create new opportunities and relieve the stresses of a world becoming more crowded and jobless.
Following the recent SRI World Congress resolution, the Board has invited the SRI Executive, in which all the national groups and chapters are represented, to take initiatives in the frame of the Space Renaissance Tour, a broad outreach program aimed at bringing popular awareness of the Space Renaissance, and the urgent need to promote it, to as large a part as possible of the general public world wide.
Also download this press release in pdf format.


Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases, SRI Announcements
Crowdfunding for a Space Renaissance Tour, to  support the Renaissance vs. new Middle Ages

Crowdfunding for a Space Renaissance Tour, to support the Renaissance vs. new Middle Ages

Dear friends,

we are living in a very critical age. The Renaissance, which began more than 500 years ago, has developed through several scientific and industrial revolutions, and is now aiming directly towards outer space. Should this step be misunderstood, misinterpreted or set-aside, the Renaissance will be defeated and mankind may enter into yet another dark age. The risks are real, should the current global crisis win over the Renaissance, or if continuing global conflicts emerge with unpredictable consequences. Our duty is to support the Renaissance everywhere, with all of our pacific and positive means.

Two months ago, the Space Renaissance International (SRI) 2nd World Congress updated its analysis of the status of civilization, and defined our program for the next four years, working towards 2020. We have identified three essential developments, which SRI will support with outreach actions: establishing Low Cost Access to Earth Orbit, addressing the issues of the Protection of Civilian Life and Health in Space, and advocating for a suitable set of Laws for the global governance of activities in Outer Space, i.e. to collate, and extend international civilian rights in space.

Some key technological advances, including fully reusable rockets and additive manufacturing, will allow the inception of comprehensive manned activities in Earth orbit, and the first steps for industrialization of the space surrounding the Earth and Moon region.

SRI will promote and support such an ongoing process. Nothing will be easy or discounted. We have a wonderful opportunity, next year, to focus public attention on the civilian space development: the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, signed in 1967. While, in 2018, the UN will convene the fourth International Conference on the peaceful uses of outer space UNISPACE+50 which will define outer space development for the 50 years which lie ahead. It is paramount that the public at large fully understands what is at stake within this few years: extending civilian rights in outer space, in order to allow civilian passengers and settlers to travel, live and work in space. Something that, so far, has been definitely missing, within any space program. Travel in space, for the few private astronauts who have visited the International Space Station, was obtained under military rules: very low protection for human life and health, no warranties, no responsibility from the agencies for possible injuries or health damages, and a long military training needed. Within the perspective of the geo-lunar space civilian development and industrialization, we need a full commitment, both by the scientific community and by governments worldwide, to solve the main life protection issues — cosmic radiations and zero or low gravity — and to define a proper outer space law system.

Our congress approved a very effective program for next four years, including a world wide Space Renaissance Tour, prizes for young artists and scientists, and to develop the Space Renaissance Academy, a wide philosophical, scientific and cultural education project.

But then not make long turns of phrase: we need funds.

In 2016 we made several meaningful steps forward. SRI is now present in almost twenty countries world-wide. In two countries — USA and Italy — we have formally incorporated local non-profit chapters. In two countries — UK and India – chapters will be incorporated in few months. In many other countries our members are working to aggregate supporters for local chapter activities. Everywhere we’ll take public initiatives.

Even so everything we plan to do, basing on volunteer effort, also implies hiring specialized services: web marketing and events management, just to name two. So the very first very urgent step is to create a seed fund, enough to hire the needed services for at least one year.

We have started a crowdfunding campaign, and we are asking you very seriously to help us, in one or both of two ways:

Ad Astra!

Adriano V. Autino, SRI, President


also download the pdf version of this article

Posted by Adriano in News, Newsletters, Press Releases, SRI Announcements
The space frontier is opening! The outcomes of the SRI 2nd World Congress

The space frontier is opening! The outcomes of the SRI 2nd World Congress


The Space Renaissance International 2nd World Congress took place on Skype, from September 30th until October 2nd, 2016, and it was a great event, with participants from all continents. During the three days, five thesis documents and a final resolution were discussed, amended and voted upon. The SRI Board was renewed, to represent the active and collaborative international team that is now leading SRI, and that signed important results. These include, the incorporation of the Space Renaissance USA chapter, in April 2016, the more than doubled SRI presence on social networks and the application to the MacArthur 100&CHANGE prize (link at the bottom of this page).

The SRI first World Congress was held five years ago, in 2011. Since then, many things have changed and finally the space frontier has initiated the opening process. Fully reusable rockets have had their first successful experimentation this year and the obsolete monopoly of expendable rockets is now finally broken. This is also a good time for assessing SRI’s capabilities to understand and foresee the social processes, since this is one of the conditions that justify the existence of an organization like ours. The result is the Final Resolution of our recent Congress that we agreed to. Below is a large excerpt from the resolution. The complete acta of the Congress will be available soon.

Fully reusable rockets are now a reality thanks to a collaboration between the NewSpace industry — Elon Musk’s SpaceX — and NASA. Space tourism is a growing and meaningful part of the Newspace segment, endowed with a high capability to develop on its own capital: Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada, Skylon, XCOR, and many other space companies are working hard to initiate commercial flights. The paradigm change has finally arrived: reusable rockets reduce the cost of launching into Earth Orbit. So we were right, when we said that the NewSpace industry, in order to meet this unprecedented evolutionary challenge, needed, and still needs, the support of public money as well as a positive public opinion. If this awareness was more largely shared, maybe the history would have been different. However we are working restlessly for the space frontier to be opened in time.

The experience of SpaceX demonstrates that private industry, working with government agencies contracts, can in fact reach the goal of lowering the cost of the Earth-Orbit transportation by several magnitudes. As such, many other objectives can now be targeted, including a substantial industrialization of the geo-lunar region. Space tourism and other civilian space activities, such as orbital manned services, asteroid mining, advanced research settlement and space based solar power will all benefit from the reduction of the Earth-Orbit launch costs. That’s why our main commitment, during next four years, will be to work towards a general extension of such a method: a broad collaboration among the government agencies and the NewSpace private industry.

If most people continue thinking that the world is closed, it will remain so. Instead of this, if we are able to build on these recent achievements and extend these into a meaningful vanguard, then the space-enabled future can become a reality. The first essential step on such road is to accelerate the development and the marketing of technologies that enable low cost civilian passenger transportation into space.

We are not working for a revolution, but for a renaissance of civilization. A revolution is violent, while a renaissance is fundamentally joyous and peaceful. The true conflict nowadays is between those who aspire to growth and change (the Renaissance), and those who want de-growth, de-industrialization, cultural involution, which will eventually lead to the implosion of civilization. The global crisis of the closed world has worsened, but the renaissance is going ahead and aiming to reach space. We do not fear robots: humans do it better, are more efficient and more cost effective in the space environment.

The next 10 or 15 years will see the technical and social opportunities brought about by the renaissance of the last 500 years to balance the threats, the conflicts, the huge risk of a World War III, that could be the last global war that humanity wages, since the next wars will be fought with sticks. A peaceful expansion of civilization into outer space via a peaceful development of civilian space activities, will be the core of our celebration of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty which will have its 50th anniversary in 2017. We will bring our proposals of principles for a space law, which development is urgent, to the United Nations in order to provide democratic rules for commercial and industrial activities to be conducted by private entities in outer space.

SRI will develop a narrative of our near future, of our possible present civilian life in space, requiring artists to represent what cannot yet be photographed because it doesn’t exist, yet. Elon Musk announced his Interplanetary Transport System, to carry passengers to Mars for a relatively modest ticket price in few years. Jeff Bezos announced his plan to start migrating heavy industries into outer space, making of Earth a beautiful garden. Jeff Greason is working to develop manned activities in Earth orbit. All of these great space programs are not very well known by the general public. They are not yet part of educational programs in schools and colleges. SRI wants to raise such awareness and push the urgent narrative in throughout society.

SRI entered its 2.0 phase, going over the mere “propaganda”, toward a concrete engagement in the social reality. We will be open and collaborative in order to be able to listen to all of the voices which can be available to work for the renaissance. We shall reach out to many renaissance persons, creative minds which can contribute to the renaissance, if given the proper tools and channels.

During next four years, towards 2020, we shall bring the awareness of the extreme urgency to open the space frontier to civilian and industrial activities to the broad general public. We will support the quick development of low cost launch vehicles, promote public support for the NewSpace industry, promote a space industrial political platform, promote space based solar power, contribute to space law and promote a “presentist” vision and narrative of our immediate future life in space. We begin by lobbying governments, space agencies and international institutions. We will try to create collaborations with all the renaissance initiatives, which are not limited to the Space Renaissance’s ones. In order to realize such an ambitious program, SRI will initiate a major world-wide program:

The Space Renaissance Tour

We want to bring the space renaissance message to all five continents in the next 2 to 3 years. This will be achieved with public conferences having their focus on few key themes, namely: accelerating the development of low cost Earth-Orbit passenger and cargo transport vehicles, promoting civilian space development as an alternative to conflicts and the risk of a World War III; celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and to reaffirm the Human Right to Development as stated by United Nations in 1986. To lead such a grand tour which we will call the true renaissance vanguard of our time: we salute all of the NewSpace industries making the Space Renaissance happen!

Now, to realize all of the above we must rely upon the help of all the renaissance persons in the world. By registering as a member of SRI, you will help us by creating a seed fund, by which we can hire proper services and build up our very ambitious but urgently needed program. We need your financial contribution as well as your ideas and your projects, but mostly we need your activist volunteer commitment.

please join us, join the renaissance,


The SRI participation to the MacArthur 100&CHANGE prize 

Also download the pdf version of this article.

Posted by spacere in News, Newsletters, Press Releases, SRI Announcements