A webinar on “Earth Orbit, Moon and Cislunar Industrial Development“, with particular focus on profitable industrial activities which could be kicked-off before 2030.
The panel includes:
Moderates: Adriano V. Autino, SRI, President
A real change of paradigm, from space exploration to space settlement, will take place only when a true global expansion process will kick-off, starting in Earth Orbit, progressively reaching the Cislunar Space Region and beyond. Such a process will be based on the development of several industrial activities, that could be developed in a time compatible with a reasonable ROI, e.g.:
Space Debris and wreckages recovering and reuse
In orbit satellites and spacecrafts assembly and maintenance: deployment, reconfiguring, life extension, orbital reposition, refueling, disposal
Earth to/from Orbit transportation for passengers and cargo
Evolution of the International Space Station for tourism and industrial activities
Sub orbital space tourism
Orbital space tourism
Orbit to orbit transportation
Low gravity products, e.g. medical items, biotech labs, hybrid methals, industrial crystals,
Space traffic management
Space weather monitoring
Space based solar power
Orbital hotels for tourists and business travelers
Fueling, parking and servicing stations
Orbital workshops, hangars, yards
Space farming and agriculture
Orbital real estate
Orbital sport, entertainment and culture
Lunar tourism: hotels, excursions, sports, arts entertainment
Industrial settlements: regolith, helium and other materials 3 mining, 3d building
Lunar Solar Power: solar power harvesting, packaging, distributing
Exploration and Research:
Astronomic observation settlements,
Lava tubes,
Mineral resources analysis and classification,
Dark side and poles exploration
Education: Lunar Campus, for earthling students
The Moon: just a stop station towards Mars?
Why the Moon is strategical for any space development program,
Moon: a space gym for space settlers, the kinder-garden of humans in space (Krafft Ehricke),
Working on the Moon, living in O’Neill Cislunar Cities
Lunar development: a possible schedule towards 2050:
The Artemis program, outpost of a permanent settlement?
The cost of traditional spendable rockets vs. reusable Space X Starship
Which perspective?
Surface only vs. cislunar stations:
living at 1/6 G and human physiology,
working on the Moon and living in Cislunar O’Neill cities
Legal aspects
Commercial and industrial activities: the lunar soil property issue;
The Outer Space Treaty and the Moon Treaty, which revisions are needed? or should them be trashed and developed brand new?
The plans of US and China, and the military issue
The necessary conditions to be developed asap, in order to allow the above development
Each panelist have the choice to present with or without the support of slides, or to simply reply to some questions, that will be proposed to the panelists:
- the low cost access to orbit is in progress, with the development of fully reusable vehicles; will such a condition be developed in time, to allow manned industrial activities to be kicked-off before 2030?
- is a fruitful international “ecosystem” of private and public dealers being set up, to sustain a real Earth orbit and Cislunar space region colonization?
- do the basic financial conditions exist for such a development?
- is the Earth orbit and Cislunar space region industrial development a necessary step on the road of civilization expansion into the outer space?
- will the Earth Orbit industrial development be synergic to the Cislunar industrial development?
- which are the main enabling technologies for the Earth Orbit and Cislunar industrial development, beyond low cost vehicles?
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