Space Renaissance Academy Webinar Series

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Transterrestialism in the Renaissance and its Importance for today’s Space Philosophy


The transterrestrialist view of the world owns ancient roots, and is very much important today, while big crises are threatening civilization. Dr. Heuser gives a lecture on transterretrialist philosophy through history, and the relevance of a sane negentropic philosophic approach, to sustain humankind evolution into a Solar System civilization, defeating crises and regressive factors. In Read More

Why Art in Space? – with Sabine Heinz


If you think artists are useless, try to spend a quarantine period without music, books, poems, movies, paintings and games. The corona virus has changed our organizational structures worldwide. That also has positive aspects. New technologies have received a boost out of the need to maintain communication structures. This can also be an opportunity. Digitization Read More

Producing Food in Space – with Dr. Thomas Matula


Perhaps the biggest impact space settlement technology will have on the Earth’s multiple environmental crises is in agriculture. Space habitats will have limited space to produce the food and will need to advance the technology for food production to achieve agriculture self-sufficiency. Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is the next step in securing the human food Read More

Not going back, but going forward to the Moon


Prof. Johann-Dietrich Wörner -- former Director Generale of European Space Agency, will give a lecture on his vision for civilian space development. Some of the topics he will discuss: 100% reusable launch vehicles -- reducing cost to orbit -- are the 1st milestone in the agenda of Civilian Space Development. Will them be really available Read More

A greater world is possible! Adriano V. Autino presents his book


“A greater world is possible!” represents a deep reflection about the state of civilization, some possible futures and the deep moral implications of the great choices that civilization has to make. Very often such choices are driven by the evolution of social and international relationships, rather than by a reasoned and motivated rationale. There is Read More

Toward an Acceptable Framework for Off-Planet Resource Utilization, with Wes Faires


The Working Group on Space Resources under the United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS), presents an opportunity for a legally binding instrument to develop under the auspices of the United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNOOSA), and do so in a manner favorable to space resource utilization Read More

How to build a planet?


This title is not a new project for terraforming Mars or a "Plan B" for the time after the climate catastrophe. The title describes the anachronistic activity of traditional globe making. Admittedly, this craft seems out of time in times of Google Maps and GPS navigation. So why learn anything about traditional globe making? In Read More

Space Renaissance Festival Berlin 2022 July 7 – 9

3 days Space Renaissance Festival, at Berlin Archenhold Observatory Space Art, with many artists showing their artworks Space Science, Tech & Education, including Analog Training Space Philosophy,  civilization expansion in outer space, Civilian Space Development Organizing partners See the festival programme here! Interested to participate or to show at the SRI Berlin Festival 2022? Contact Read More

COLMENA, a new concept on lunar exploration


We are stepping at the gates of a new era in space exploration, one which will finally incorporate the inner solar system to society's daily life and economics. The first step is the Moon, and the asteroids will probably follow. The surface of those bodies presents special challenges for human and technological activities as well Read More

The hunt for life on Mars, with Ulrich Köhler


Is there, or was there life anywhere else out there in the Solar System? This question could indeed be answered in our time. The spacefaring nations and organizations sent and send super high-tech spacecraft to our neighboring planet Mars where scientists think the life had good chances to exist in the past, or even today. Read More

The Cosmic Zoo Hypothesis and the Expected Diversity of Planetary Alien Habitats


The Cosmic Zoo hypothesis states that if life originates on a planetary body it will eventually evolve to become complex, meaning plant- and animal-like, if the planet or moon stays habitable long enough (in general billions of years). Multiple biochemically pathways have been invented through natural selection to arrive at Earth´s biosphere as it is Read More



SRI supports peaceful, civilian expansion into outer space. But there is another point of view about space and expansion into it, not just as peaceful. Geopolitics is the study of international relations in consideration of geography – that is, how human as well as physical geography affects the relations among states and state-like organizations. The Read More