Invitation to the SRI Giving Tuesday – 29 November 2022

All of the supporters and friends of Space Renaissance are warmly invited to the SRI Giving Tuesday – 29 November 2022, from 17:00 to 22:00 UTC, in a mini-marathon Zoom meeting.

The meeting will also be livestreamed on the Space Renaissance TV YouTube channel.

All of the participants will have the possibility to talk, asking questions, discussing about any space topics, and also tell us what they think about SRI, our outreach activities, the efficacy of our arguments, the usefulness of our initiatives to UN, to IAF, to ISU and the Academic world, in which measure we are reaching the large public opinion, and… donate some money to SRI!

We will hold a list of the donors, doesn’t matter the donation amount, and you will enter the roster of the “New Medici” enlightened benefactors! Since to support the Space Renaissance is currently the worthiest way to use a bit of your finance availability.It  is almost superfluous to remark the importance, in the global socio-economic scenario, characterized by several devastating crises, of philosophical cultural associations, which advocates the theme of expansion into space as a fundamental, indispensable support to the sustainability of civilization, which has just in these days passed the threshold of 8 billion citizens on one only planet. No one, nowadays, denies the need for philosophy and humanities, alongside science and technology, for an aware and mature orientation, for overcoming the multiple devastating crises gripping our society, in the direction of progress, and not implosive de-growth.

Are you a representative of a corporate? Does your corporate belong to the New Space or Traditional Aerospace segment? Then you should sponsor SRI, and we will bring your company’s name with us, conveying your expertise and mission in all public conference in which we participate, planet-wide (for now! 😁): Sponsor Space Renaissance International

Are you an individual space enthusiast, sharing our space humanist ideals, convinced that expanding civilization into outer space is necessary to keep on civilization economic, cultural and ethical growth? Then make a donation to SRI, and convince some friends to do the same: Donate to Space Renaissance International.

In both cases, you will be more than welcome to Join SRI as a Member

We are waiting for you at the Space Renaissance Giving Tuesday Nov 29, 2022!

17:00 – 22:00 UTC / 18:00 – 23:00 CET / 2pm – 7pm US ET  /  11am – 3pm US PDT  



See here our 2023 program and the justification of our request for financial support.

Here’s the SRI Giving Tuesday page on our website:

Adriano Autino

Posted by Adriano