Samantha Cristoforetti is safe back on Earth, after personal record of 200 days in space.

Turin, June 11, 2015 – Today is a day worthy of celebration. AstroSamantha has returned to Earth after a historic stay on board the International Space Station. Welcome back Samantha, and thank you for the scientific, popular and human commitment that you have demonstrated.

It seems logical, however, to ask some questions of the space agencies:

Why, 54 years after Yuri Gagarin’s first flight in orbit, are there still no space transportation services for civilian passengers?

Posted by spacere in News, Newsletters


Space Renaissance International’s executive committee has adopted the theme “Space, not War” for SRI’s Second International Congress, which will be held sometime during the middle of next year in Italy, the home of the original Renaissance and SRI’s incorporation.

Posted by spacere in Events, News, Newsletters
Call to action!

Call to action!

Facing continuing brutality despite all of its advances, civilization, forced into the now narrow space of the pre-Copernican closed world, needs all humans to embrace the arms of culture, science, philosophy and technology to open the world to a new renaissance, the space renaissance.

Posted by spacere in News, Newsletters
Mars, like the Moon? …. but … we would really put a great distance from the awful stench of death that rises from the old world …

Mars, like the Moon? …. but … we would really put a great distance from the awful stench of death that rises from the old world …

Forty five years after the historic landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, without forgetting the good Michael Collins, who waited patiently for them in orbit, NASA officially announced a manned mission to Mars by 2030. By this announce NASA expresses, at least, a large confidence in the availability of the United States taxpayers to keep on supporting the space agency’ programs, even beyond the “low cost” policy, to which many today charge the responsibility for the space program’ failures and delays.
I take the freedom to applaud the NASA plan with several reserves and no little suspicion. Perhaps, when President Bush announced in 2004, the famous manifesto “Moon, Mars and Beyond”, did he aim to propose and consolidate, in fact, a methodology, more than a plan?

Posted by spacere in News
The SRI international Congress to be held in July 2015 (SRI Newsletter)

The SRI international Congress to be held in July 2015 (SRI Newsletter)

The SRI Executive held a meeting Sunday June 22nd, and decided that the second international congress will be held in July 2015, as it was scheduled by the first congress in 2011. It was unanimously agreed that several relevant reasons exist, to undertake the congress works, not only to respect the four years frequency established by our statute.

Posted by spacere
SRI Takes its ‘Space Renaissance’ to ISDC – Press Release

SRI Takes its ‘Space Renaissance’ to ISDC – Press Release

SRI successfully took its version of the renaissance to the Space Renaissance-themed International Space Development Conference in Los Angeles.
Adriano Autino, the president of Space Renaissance International, along with Space Renaissance Italia’s artistic director, Elena Cecconi, and SRI-USA President Walter Putnam presented the organization’s case for space development in person during the event last week sponsored by the National Space Society.

Posted by spacere
The power of ideas: the messages of the Space Renaissance Italia’ congress – by R. Russo

The power of ideas: the messages of the Space Renaissance Italia’ congress – by R. Russo

The de-growth is an ominous prospect for humanity. The expansion into space is inevitable and urgent. Space tourism: the first mature sector toward civilian astronautics. The multi-culturalism as an essential tool to reach the conscience and to let people understand that space is not that far as it is perceived. These are some of the conclusions of the Space Renaissance Italia’ national congress, held on May 8th and 9th this year at the Politecnico University of Milano, entitled “Space without frontiers: a greater world is possible!”

Posted by spacere in News, Newsletters
The development of Civilian Astronautics promises to create massive new employment, and enable definitive and permanent exit from global crisis – by A. Autino, R. Russo, P. Collins

The development of Civilian Astronautics promises to create massive new employment, and enable definitive and permanent exit from global crisis – by A. Autino, R. Russo, P. Collins

We at SPACE RENAISSANCE have a few clear and simple concepts, of which one is: THERE IS NO GROWTH WITHOUT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT – and without growth our civilization will die. The only way to really re-start economic growth, beyond merely short-term remedies, is to boot-strap the new era of human expansion beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, by accelerating the development of low-cost space travel. We therefore propose a strongly positive strategy, aiming upwards towards this clear goal.

Posted by spacere