Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival – Berlin 7/9 July 2022

Hosting the GALIX Congress 2022          

Day 1 – Philosophy & Policy Day – 7 July 2022

Panel on “Civilian Space Development” 

How to accelerate it? How to support new space industry to achieve the goal of kicking off civilian space development within 2030? What should space agencies do, and what should the space activist organizations do?

Kolloquium zur “Zivilen Weltraumentwicklung” (in deutscher Sprache)

see the day 1 detailed program

Day 2 – Astronauts and Civilians, Science & Tech Day – 8 July 2022

Panel on Space Habitats 

Panel on Analog Training  

Kolloquium zum Thema Raumfahrt  

Space Night 

see the day 2 detailed program

Day 3 – Space Art Day – 9 July 2022

Art (In deutscher Sprache)

Art  (English language)

see the day 3 detailed program


Priscilla Chase Thomas, Barbara King, Sarah Drahtm Mary Kuiper, Eva Petric, Borghildur Indridadottir, ArtMoonMars Artists, MoonGallery Artists.

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The Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival Berlin is made in collaboration with:

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