Our delegation was composed of Adriano V. Autino, Bernard Foing, Marie-Luise Heuser, and Werner Grandl.
Autino has given a technical presentation, on February 7th: 3xE Energy Economy Environment. The presentation discusses the issue of the skyrocketing global energy demand, due to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, web communication, electronic money, and electrical mobility. Both fossil and renewable sources, together, are not sufficient to pair the demand. The proposal advanced by SRI – to relocate big data farms in space – was very well received, and some promising partnerships are now going to be initiated.
Prof. Foing has given a Technical Presentation as well, on February 11th, providing a detailed panoramic of the SRI mission and activities, a comprehensive illustration of the rationales and expected outcomes of the Space 18th SDG, to be added to the U.N. 2030 17 SDGs. The Space Renaissance Art Gallery – a collection of miniaturized artworks that will fly into orbit in June 2025 – was illustrated. Last, information was given about LUNEX Analog Training programs, which are going on in many countries.
Grandl presented, on February 12th, his concept of an industrial plant to be built in L5 Lagrange Point of the Earth-Moon system. The case has been discussed in detail, illustrating the lunar and asteroid materials that may be processed in a Lagrange Space Factory. Orbital Debris might be reprocessed as well, to get new raw materials for industrial production.
SRI, also in the name of the Space 18th SDG Coalition, marked a meaningful presence at this important meeting of the UNOOSA/COPUOS Scientific Technical Subcommittee.
The three presentations are visible on the UNOOSA TV website [1], and on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel too:
- Adriano V. Autino – 3xE Energy Economy Environment [2]
- Bernard Foing – Space Renaissance, Space 18th SDG, Space Renaissance 4 All Art Gallery, LUNEX [3]
- Werner Grandl – Building a Lagrange Space Factory in L5 [4]
Released on Planet Earth – 13 February 2025
About Space Renaissance International:
Space Renaissance International (SRI) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the peaceful civilian development and further exploration of outer space for the benefit of all humanity. SRI advocates for space philosophy and sustainable space development as key factors in addressing global challenges and securing a prosperous future on Earth and Beyond. For more information about Space Renaissance International and its initiatives, please visit https://spacerenaissance.space.
[1] https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/copuos/stsc/2025/index.html
[2] https://youtu.be/7DDCFVrn6sA
[3] https://youtu.be/un0NxvZK8qo
[4] https://youtu.be/idNaBmz2zyU
USA: Robert Katz – rsk(at)win.ngo