On 18 May 2012, Prof. Herrmann was appointed honorary member of the Gesellschaft Deutschsprachiger Planetarien “for his extraordinary services to the communication of astronomical knowledge and for the development of the planetarium landscape in the German-speaking area”. Minor planet (103460) bears the name Dieterherrmann.
In 2019, Prof. Herrmann was awarded the prestigious Bruno H. Bürgel Prize of the Astronomische Gesellschaft for outstanding popular representations in the field of astronomy in the media. He has been a member of the advisory board of the Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives since 1994 and was appointed a member of the board by its president in 2020.
Since 2008, Dieter has been married to the Berlin artist Sabine Heinz, who is now in the Board of Directors of Space Renaissance International.
We offer our condolences to Sabine, family and friends, and we look with our Space Renaissance members to expand on the vibrant legacy of Prof Dieter B. Herrmann.
Bernard Foing, Adriano Autino and members of Space Renaissance International
Ref (*): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieter_B._Herrmann