The incorporation of the UK Chapter will be on the 11th of July. The meeting will start 11.00am at the Dornie Village Hall Committee Room, and will continue after lunch.
9.30 visit of the Dornie Castle.
Introductory speeches (at least) by:
– Marianne Rugard (chair of the SRI UK Chapter),
– Adriano Autino (Space Renaissance International, President),
– Patrick Collins (SRI, VicePresident),
– David Ashford (Bristol Spaceplanes).
The founders will discuss the basic strategic plan for SRI UK, and how to promote space tourism and civilian astronautics development. The main projects and activities to be developed will be presented and discussed as well.
The official incorporation ceremony of the SRI UK Chapter will close the meeting.

The SRI UK Chapter to be incorporated the 11th of July, in Dornie, Scottish Highlands.
The incorporation of the UK Chapter will be on the 11th of July. The meeting will start 11.00am at the Dornie Village Hall Committee Room, and will continue after lunch.