The green revolution is necessary but not enough!

The green revolution is necessary but not enough!

It is not a matter of “saving the planet”, but saving civilization and its development.
The only sustainable development is the one that aims at space, using the immense resources of the Solar System.

A 18th point shall be added to the agenda of the 17 UN 2030 sustainable development goals (SDG):


Space Community: let’s wake up and fight for our solutions!
Stop following or denying the insufficient closed world recipes!

Greta Thunberg has spoken at the US Congress, and the climate-friendly catchphrase is dominating all the media.
So let’s try to question the wikipedia oracle about the main greenhouse gases:

  • Water vapour – main greenhouse gas, responsible for about 70%, according to some up to 98%, of the greenhouse effect
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) – responsible for 5% to 20% of the greenhouse effect
  • Methane (CH4) – responsible for about 8% of the greenhouse effect (almost twice the minimum of the CO2 range). Its capacity to retain heat is 30 times greater than that of carbon dioxide.
  • Halocarbons – The concentration of these gases in the atmosphere is very low, but their heating potential is 3,000 to 13,000 times higher than CO2.
  • Nitrous oxide – constitutes a very small part of the atmosphere, and is a thousand times less present than CO2, but almost 300 times more powerful in retaining heat.
  • Ozone – its potential as a greenhouse gas compared to CO2 has not yet been calculated
  • The data that emerged confirm that domestic heating is by far the largest contributor to greenhouse gases, with a contribution of up to 80% compared to 20% of vehicle traffic.

Yet carbon dioxide has been chosen by the people as the scapegoat of global warming.
Why? Essentially due to ideological reasons. The orphans of the class struggle have identified CO2 as a powerful weapon: CO2 is produced by the main (terrestrial) industrial activities.
Where the mass movements of the twentieth century have failed to take capitalism out, radical ecologism can succeed.
However, the movements of the Twentieth Century had an alternative social project, right or wrong, which included progress. While the de-growthists don’t have any.

And, to date, although we do not like capitalism, it remains the only working “engine”: it is still the capitalist world that has produced leaders of the stature of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Robert Bigelow, who among other things include high values and social aims in their mission.

Will it still take a long time to understand that we need to move in a genuinely progressive direction?
To reduce the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is not wrong, since CO2 holds a heavy responsibility: the acidification of the sea. But it will certainly not be enough to ease the pressure of our growth on this planet.

Therefore, in the final analysis, Greta is also right: governments are not doing enough to counter the global threats hanging over civilization.
They should, I might add, give a decisive boost to civil expansion in space.

Adriano Autino

Posted by Adriano