Medici Fund in progress:

collected money so far = 3897,31 €  (38.97%)

                                    goal (2024)  = 10,000.00 €

Help us making the progress bar to progress!

The Medici Fund was established by Space Renaissance International with the goal to support  the renaissance of our civilization in space and, namely, the science and the enabling technology for the civilian space development.

This is named after the influential Renaissance Italy family who were renowned for their generosity of funding for the arts and sciences.  As a non-profit grant making body (equivalent to the US 501(c)(3) Private Operating Foundation) SRI operates the Medici Fund Program.

This will soon become one of the largest not-for-profit grant-based collaborations and equity partnerships for space entrepreneurs, but not only.

The Medici Fund will also fund, through the Space Renaissance Academy, one of the top educational scholarship and bursary programs in the civilian space sector, and provide grant-aid and sponsorship opportunities for members to enable them to participate in a range of projects undertaken by partner organizations.

Every donation to the Medici Program helps fund your future in space. Medici funds are used directly to support the development of those disruptive and enabling technologies that will assist mankind in becoming an interplanetary species.  Together we can guarantee the construction of the orbital infrastructure vital to the expansion of humanity beyond the gravity-well.  Together we can guarantee the establishment of permanent colonies on the Moon, and Mars.  Together we can guarantee the expansion of humanity to the outer planets and beyond.

Become a New Medici: