The Space18SDG proposer organizations

The following organizations signed the proposal to add an 18th SDG to the U.N. 2030 Agenda

[last update 21 February 2025].
WordPress Responsive Table
  1. Space Renaissance International
  2. National Space Society
  3. The Mars Society
  4. Lifeboat Foundation
  5. The Human Space Program
  6. Space Tourism Society
  7. The Beyond Earth Institute
  8. Caelus Foundation
  9. The Space Development Foundation
  10. Expanding Frontiers
  11. GenSpace
  12. Space Value Foundation
  13. The Space Development Steering Committee
  14. International Moonbase Alliance
  15. EarthLight Foundation
  16. Interstellar Foundation
  17. The Space Nation
  18. Asgardia
  19. Kepler Space University
  20. IPSA, École d’ingénieurs de l’air, de l’espace et de la mobilité durable
  21. ExoTesla
  22. OASA Hong Kong
  23. Ecomodernist Society of NorthAmerica
  24. Free AstroScience
  25. Societè Nouvelle d’Astronomie
  26. Advance Space Civilization Initiative
  27. SpaceFlight UK
  28. Ogba Educational Clinic
  29. Informatics India
  30. Space Renaissance Italia
  31. Space Renaissance France
  32. Space Renaissance USA
  33. The Mars Society Espana
  34. Foundaciòn ALCASIV
  35. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  36. Gesellschaft für Kultur und Raumfahrt e.V. (The Society for Space Culture)
  37. European Institute of Innovation for Sustainability
  38. Space Age Publishing Company
  39. The Space Treaty Project
  40. Space Base
  41. United Humanity of the Universe
  42. Reunion Island Space Agency
  44. Habitat Marte
  45. Polish Astronautical Society
  46. Space Renaissance Poland
  47. bbcmgtAI LLC
  48. Lonestar Lunar
  49. Lunex (Lunar Explorers Society)
  50. The Moon Society
  51. Sustain-A-Verse
  52. World Innovation Network
  53. Hyperdrive Anthropology
  54. 4 OMID
  55. Mature Development
  56. World’s Fair Bid Committee Educational Fund
  57. Interstellar Perfomance Lab
  58. Space 4 Climate
  59. Space Career and Leadership Center
  60. iDare Space Travel
  61. International Foundation for Aviation and Development
  62. Riebens Computers
  63. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua Managua
  64. International Space Elevator Consortium
  65. ARES Learning
  66. Africa VR Center and Campus
  68. Space For Progress
  69. Fornux, Inc.
  70. MARTEENS Escuela de Astronautas
  71. Astronautical Art Initiative
  72. Public Relations Pretobusiness
  73. Green Orbit Digital
  74. The Space Lead
  75. New Horizons
  76. Regional Sustainable Energy Centre of Excellence for Sub Sahara Africa
  77. BUEA University, Cameroon
  78. Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Buea Univ, Cameroon
  79. Dr. Melle Ekane Maurice
  80. International Space Alliance
  81. Aerospace Council, WICCI
  82. Cosmic Signature
  83. Leviathan Space Events
  84. Guayaquil Space Society
  85. Green Transformation & Sustainability Network
  86. Go Known
  87. Orbspace 
  88. Foundation for Development Diplomacy and Defense
  89. A Celebration Society
  90. The Futures Forum
  91. Space Trust
  92. AstroBen
  93. European Space Foundation
  94. Institut d’Estudios Espacials de Catalunya
  95. Cluster Aeroespacial de BC
  96. SpacePort Mexico
  97. Sky Peak Financial
  98. 4SPACE
  99. louno SPACE
  100. Business Acceleration Network   the 100th!!!
  101. Astralintu Space Technologies
  102. Teachers in Space
  103. SpaceLand
  104. Angkasa-x
  105. Puro Climate
  106. Society of Space Professionals On Campus
  107. Jan Perera Works
  108. SA Citizen Science Group
  109. icon
  110. Veer Bahadur Singh Planetarium
  111. Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela
  112. NatheMC
  113. Space Oasis Delft

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