The following organizations signed the proposal to add an 18th SDG to the U.N. 2030 Agenda
[last update 21 February 2025].
- Space Renaissance International
- National Space Society
- The Mars Society
- Lifeboat Foundation
- The Human Space Program
- Space Tourism Society
- The Beyond Earth Institute
- Caelus Foundation
- The Space Development Foundation
- Expanding Frontiers
- GenSpace
- Space Value Foundation
- The Space Development Steering Committee
- International Moonbase Alliance
- EarthLight Foundation
- Interstellar Foundation
- The Space Nation
- Asgardia
- Kepler Space University
- IPSA, École d’ingénieurs de l’air, de l’espace et de la mobilité durable
- ExoTesla
- OASA Hong Kong
- Ecomodernist Society of NorthAmerica
- Free AstroScience
- Societè Nouvelle d’Astronomie
- Advance Space Civilization Initiative
- SpaceFlight UK
- Ogba Educational Clinic
- Informatics India
- Space Renaissance Italia
- Space Renaissance France
- Space Renaissance USA
- The Mars Society Espana
- Foundaciòn ALCASIV
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Gesellschaft für Kultur und Raumfahrt e.V. (The Society for Space Culture)
- European Institute of Innovation for Sustainability
- Space Age Publishing Company
- The Space Treaty Project
- Space Base
- United Humanity of the Universe
- Reunion Island Space Agency
- Habitat Marte
- Polish Astronautical Society
- Space Renaissance Poland
- bbcmgtAI LLC
- Lonestar Lunar
- Lunex (Lunar Explorers Society)
- The Moon Society
- Sustain-A-Verse
- World Innovation Network
- Hyperdrive Anthropology
- 4 OMID
- Mature Development
- World’s Fair Bid Committee Educational Fund
- Interstellar Perfomance Lab
- Space 4 Climate
- Space Career and Leadership Center
- iDare Space Travel
- International Foundation for Aviation and Development
- Riebens Computers
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua Managua
- International Space Elevator Consortium
- ARES Learning
- Africa VR Center and Campus
- Space For Progress
- Fornux, Inc.
- MARTEENS Escuela de Astronautas
- Astronautical Art Initiative
- Public Relations Pretobusiness
- Green Orbit Digital
- The Space Lead
- New Horizons
- Regional Sustainable Energy Centre of Excellence for Sub Sahara Africa
- BUEA University, Cameroon
- Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Buea Univ, Cameroon
- Dr. Melle Ekane Maurice
- International Space Alliance
- Aerospace Council, WICCI
- Cosmic Signature
- Leviathan Space Events
- Guayaquil Space Society
- Green Transformation & Sustainability Network
- Go Known
- Orbspace
- Foundation for Development Diplomacy and Defense
- A Celebration Society
- The Futures Forum
- Space Trust
- AstroBen
- European Space Foundation
- Institut d’Estudios Espacials de Catalunya
- Cluster Aeroespacial de BC
- SpacePort Mexico
- Sky Peak Financial
- louno SPACE
- Business Acceleration Network the 100th!!!
- Astralintu Space Technologies
- Teachers in Space
- SpaceLand
- Angkasa-x
- Puro Climate
- Society of Space Professionals On Campus
- Jan Perera Works
- SA Citizen Science Group
- icon
- Veer Bahadur Singh Planetarium
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela
- NatheMC
- Space Oasis Delft
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