Year 2400: with nuclear aneutronic fusion, and a decent manufacturing ability, people can set up wherever they want

Three days after another great webinar, that took place last Sunday March 14th on the Development of Mars, the Asteroids Belt and beyond, we can start drawing some lessons and capitalizing important concepts that we learned and compared during the online presentations and discussion. It was a more than 3 hours meeting, and both panelists and guests would had liked to keep on talking more. That will be possible, of course, during our next webinars and the symposia of the congress, and of June.Here’s the recorded video on youtube. By several short newsletters, we’ll give abstracts of the speeches of the Webinar Series. Starting from the last one: Isaac Arthur.

Isaac has shown a movie about colonizing Neptune, the farthest planet of the Solar System. Both Uranus and Neptune – the icy planets – are rich of Helium 3, that makes nuclear fusion the best energy source in that space region. A true piece of science fiction, in year 2400, after a travel to colonize Neptune. A travel made by nuclear neutronic fusion propulsion, to establish Helium3 refineries in the outer solar system. Neutronic fusion reactors, smaller in size, are the best for starship propulsion and far space station feeding. That will open the door to the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud too. Constant acceleration will allow to reach 1% of the light speed, just a five weeks travel from Earth to the outer solar system. Elliptic orbital rings will be built around giant planets like Neptun, to mine gas. In the 25th centuries billions people use to live and work in space. Projects are anymore made on small budgets. The solar economy is spreading and growing. With aneutronic fusion, and a decent manufacturing ability, people can set up wherever they want.

The other speeches, here mentioned in short, will be proposed in the newsletters to come.

Jerry Stone presented a beautiful project of him: Island 0. It is an evolution of the famous project of another Jerry: Jerry O’Neill, Island 1.

Susan Jewell illustrated a wide range of education facilities, courses and practical analog simulations, provided by the Mars-Moon Astronautics Academy & Research Science, the institute she founded and is directing.

Dan Cottita, CEO of United Frontiers, illustrated how sea launch facilities will facilitate the exponential increasing number of launches we will have during next years.

Bruce Mckenzie presented a broad and strategical concept: Mars, a gateway to the Solar System.

Shaun Moss has shown a beautiful excursus on Mars and best promising celestial bodies for possible human settlement, behind Mars.

Adriano Autino, in few brief speeches, proposed the vision of a global expansion, from Earth Orbit to the Moon and Cislunar space region, Mars and the Asteroid Belt, as a continuous global spherical process. “A brief greeting and introduction”“Any expansion strategy is better than none, let’s go!” “New space is accelerating the civilian space development and civilization evolution”

Also, consider that everything we are making is thanks to the generosity of our Members. So do not hesitate: join the SRI Crew today!


2021 Space Renaissance – “The Civilian Space Development”

3rd SRI World Congress

We kicked-off the Pre-Congress period, towards the SRI 3rd World Congress “The Civilian Space Development” Congress, the conclusive events to take place June 26th – 30th 2021.

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Adriano Autino

Posted by Adriano