
Space News from Planet Earth #03 – 04 July 2022

Space News from Planet Earth #03 – 04 July 2022

Space News from Planet Earth #03 – 05 July 2022

A bi-monthly newscast edited by Cole Armagost

1 Sierra Space signs agreement with Turkish Space Agency

by Jeff Foust — June 29, 2022

The “memorandum of cooperation was signed on the 29th of June . The memorandum was vague, but seemed to indicate a wide range of cooperative efforts involving spaceflight and potential lunar missions.  For Sierra Space,  it also projects future “engagement with Turkish businesses and Universities on space-related projects.” This agreement follows a stark increase in space involvement by the Turkish government over the last few years.  The Turkish Space Agency was only recently formed in 2018 (and officially launched in 2021), but is already conducting work on several satellite programs and has even proposed mini satellite launch vehicle with a target launch in 2026. It may be that, for this nascent agency, involvement in the deal with Sierra space could lay the framework for future work by countries with less developed technological/space capability.


Neeraj Gupta (left), senior vice president and general manager of destinations at Sierra Space, meets with Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım (center), president of the Turkish Space Agency, and Cem Ugur, director general for ESEN, along with a model of the company’s Dream Chaser vehicle. Credit: Sierra Space

2 First James Webb Full Color Images to be released 12 July 2022!

by NASA Press Release -June 1 2022

After a six month wait while the telescope calibrated and aligned its mirror array, the James Webb is set to release its first ever full-color images. From this point, the telescope will be continuing scientific work for the foreseeable future. Preceding this first year of operation, teams had to compete for experimental time with the telescope, whereby each experiment is carefully integrated with the others in order to make the most efficient use of the telescope’s time.

Credit: NASA





3 China tests engine for new crewed moon rocket (photo)

by Andrew Jones – July 1st

A recent hot fire test of a new rocket engine designed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) was successfully conducted last week. The engine is slotted to be integrated into a “next generation rocket capable of launching astronauts to the moon.” This test falls in line with a space white paper released in early January 2022, which outlined goals through 2025 for the Chinese Space Program. Among these goals included an intent to send Chinese Astronauts to the moon in the coming decade.

4 SpaceX’s Starship Super Heavy rocket prototype moves to launch pad for tests

by Elizabeth Howell , June 30

Though the aerospace giant’s newest project still requires a launch license, the massive 50 meter rocket booster seems to be on track for a test launch in July or August. The Starship program is planned to eventually serve as a launch vehicle for missions  going to the moon, mars and beyond in the coming decade. The last few months have shown the program in a kind of gridlock pending an environmental assessment by the FAA.

5 US military’s mysterious X-37B space plane zooms toward orbital record

by Leonard David, June 30

The robotic space-plane, which was the first launched by the US Space Force in May 2020, is set to break its own mission duration record in the coming days. As of today ( updated July 5 2022), the system has been in orbit for 779 days.  This comes 1 day short of the previous 780 day mission conducted by the X37-B. It is unknown when the ongoing mission will end. The US Department of the Air Force has X37-B has publicly.

Image Credits: L’usine Nouvelle (Boeing)





6 A success for the launch of the CAPSTONE satellite of the Artemis program towards the Moon

by Massimo Luciani, June 28

The cubesat-class system was launched recently with an intent to test, among other things, the orbital regime planned for NASA’s Lunar gateway. In testing this regime, CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment) will hopefully be able to identify any unexpected issues that could arise for the unprecedented lunar space station. . This launch represents just a small part of the ambitious Artemis project. Establishing a permanent lunar space station would be a huge leap in space development, but it also involves a lack of precedence that precludes an overly high dependence on simulations for mission design. Thus, NASA has begun real world testing with CAPSTONE.

7  U.K. government announces new space sustainability measures

by Jeff Foust, June 25

The “Plan for Space Sustainability,”  was recently announced by the U.K. Minister for Science, research and innovation. The initiative includes a policy package which outlines a system of incentives for commercial space enterprises considering operation in the United Kingdom. The plan is based upon four elements: the first is to “Lead in global regulatory standards for orbital activities.” The second is to work with international and supra-governmental partners like the United Nations on space sustainability. The third element is to develop so called “simple, accurate metrics” by which to evaluate the sustainability of the various activities involved in space operations. The fourth part involves “funding for an active debris removal program.” Rather than a crackdown, the effort seems to be an attempt at resolving environmental and spacefaring interests in order to allow space for both.


Space Renaissance International and partners

8 SRI to hold a workshop at UN, in September, together with ACES Worldwide

The workshop will include two panels: 1) on Space Safety, chaired by Prof. Joe Pelton (ACES WW) 2) on Science, Civilian Space Development and Exploration, chaired by Prof. Bernard Foing (SRI, President)

9 The Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival will take place, at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin, from 7 to 9 of July

Several keynote speakers will take part, bringing their view about kicking-off civilian space development before 2030. With others: Giuseppe Reibaldi (Moon Village), Bob Zubrin (Mars Society), Jan Woerner (former Director General of ESA), Michelle Hanlon (President of the National Space Society), Helga Zepp-LaRoche, Schiller Institute. Register for free to attend in presence or virtually:

See the full programme of the Festival:

10 SRI representatives to chair relevant workshops for International Space University at Oeiras (Lisbon, Portugal)

Adriano Autino, SRI Founder and Ambassador, will chair a workshop on Civilian Space Development for ISU Space Studies Program (SSP22) students the July 12nd at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Taguspark Campus, Oeiras, Lisbona Portugal. The students will be required to simulate the drafting of Statements of Work for hypothetical Call For Tenders on several projects in the geo-lunar space. Prof. Bernard Foing, SRI President, will also chair relevant workshops in the frame of the SSP22 initiative, taking place at Oeiras from June 27 to August 27.

11  SRI to participate to the Celebration of the 800 years anniversary of the Padova University, from 7 to 9 of September

Prof. Bernard Foing and Adriano Autino will participate to the organization of the space day of the event — 800 Years of Space at the University of Padua — the 9 of September. Autino will chair the Session on Humanities and Art in Space, while Prof. Foing will talk about the Space Renaissance Art chapter, the ArtMoonMars program and the ITACCUS projects bridging Space and Arts.

12 The Space Renaissance TV moves its first steps

A permanent window directly connected to the Space Renaissance YouTube channel is now visible on the Space Renaissance website, this page:

Such page will broadcast any livestream going on live on the channel.

Possible evolution includes an index of all podcasts, sorted by categories, likely organized in a new dedicated website to come.







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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters
The Space Renaissance News from Planet Earth — issue #02 2022

The Space Renaissance News from Planet Earth — issue #02 2022

Space News from Planet Earth #02 – 20 June 2022

A bi-monthly newscast edited by Cole Armagost

Our selection of news relevant for Civilian Space Development

  1. China’s moon sample-return mission finds water evidence twice over, by Andrew Jones – June 14 2022
  2. SpaceX’s Starship will be ready for 1st orbital flight in July, Elon Musk says, by Mike Wall – June 14 2022
  3. First tower segment for SpaceX’s Starship launch site moves to pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center, by Stephen Clark — June 16, 2022
  4. Sierra Space to start astronaut training program, by Jeff Foust — June 14, 2022
  5. D-Orbit charts ambitious course for space logistics business, by Debra Werner — June 15, 2022
  6. SLS test launch— June 20, 2022

Space Renaissance & Partners, Events and Activities

  1. The Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival will be held in Berlin, from 7 to 9 of July 2022. The 3 days conference will host several artists and experts of space matters and programs from Europe, US and other Countries. And, of course, a large representation of the German space community.
  2. The Space Renaissance Academy has kicked-off the SRI Ambassadors High Level Training Course. The Calendar of the lectures in 2022 is now published on the SR Academy website , where it is also possible to register to attend the lectures. Registration is free for SRI members, while we ask for a free donation by non members. The first lecture, to be given June 26th, is “Utopian thinkers and Space Philosophy”.
  3. SRI has kicked-off its internship programme. Already 3 conventions were signed with universities, to allow our interns to get credits by this activity. They are already helping in the frame of the SR Academy, to build our lectures, and to search world wide literature for adding references to our works (papers, presentations, projects). The Statement of Work for the available internship roles is published on the SRI website, where it is also possible to apply for the open positions.
  4. SRI and ACES World Wide are working to organize a special workshop at UN session of September 2022, on the theme of space safety and space science & exploration sustainability. More info to come.

Read the whole newscast here (pdf format).

Posted by Adriano in Blog, News
Space Renaissance News: Aldo Spadoni’s lecture on Space Art

Space Renaissance News: Aldo Spadoni’s lecture on Space Art

“Art moves you before you understand why.”

-Donald Anderson.

As members or supporters of SRI, you will recall the history seeded in the name of our organization. This namesake, the original Renaissance, is often described as a period of explosive cultural growth that spread throughout Europe over the course of several centuries. Collaboration between artists, thinkers, builders, and generous benefactors during the Renaissance left humanity with gifts of indescribable value. And many of the most oft-cited of these gifts come in the form of art. Art defined the old Renaissance, so we imagine you may want to know: How exactly does art play a role in the Space Renaissance?

Our guest speaker this last Monday June 6, sought to provide help in answering this very question, by his beautiful lecture “Exploring the Boundaries of Art, Design, Aerospace Engineering & Popular Culture”. See it on the Space Renaissance Youtube channel.

Aldo Spadoni, an aerospace engineer and self-taught artist, honored the Space Renaissance community by giving a talk on the role of art in advancing space exploration. Spadoni has decades of professional experience working as both a NASA engineer and as an artistic/technical consultant for the entertainment industry. The list of cinema projects alone to which he has contributed as an advisor include Iron man I (and II), Apollo 13, Supernova, and Stealth.

Mr. Spadoni spoke about the origins and roles of the International Association of Astronomical Artists (the IAAA). The association, of which he is currently the President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, was founded in 1982 by a small group of artists with experience and interest in both space-related STEM fields and art.  Now numbering nearly 200 members, the group seeks to provide a collaborative platform and incubator of sorts to the artists of today who render images of space and the human exploration of it. They organize workshops, exhibits and projects to promote space art because, as is written on their website, “the mind of the human artist can go where a camera cannot (yet!).”

How do these efforts drive the space exploration movement forward?

Space art, claims Spadoni, helps us to “envision the unseen.” By this he means two things: the first is that art can literally help us to envision the possibilities of space travel. The second is that it can be a useful way to communicate things that resist understanding ( a. When well crafted, art can lead its audience to develop a better handle on complex ideas that might otherwise be closed to them. Art can tell stories. Art can ask its own questions and provide its own answers. Art often gives a clear form to things which struggle to be understood without it. In this way, as Spadoni shows, the hugely complex engineering projects required by space exploration can find a communicative voice through men and women of artistic talent.

Scientific efforts can be notoriously difficult to explain to the layperson, but as Spadoni showed us, even something with a mission as abstract as the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) can be artistically presented in a coherent, compelling way.  It seems that the role of art for advancing space exploration then, is in part to bridge the gaps between scientific experts and the layman in a field that can sometimes have trouble “selling itself.” Space Artists like Spadoni are, in this way, agents of synergy between engineers pioneering new technology and the rest of the world.

For those who seek to advocate for more widely pursued global space expansion, it may be helpful not just to see space exploration as a mission, but as a movement. When we make this analytical shift, the role of art becomes clearer. Human social movements do not happen without an inspirational and sustaining source, without some catalyst which sets the roots of the movement in the minds of those who interact with it.  Art has continually proven itself as a useful and maybe necessary element of this catalytic force. Thus for the space exploration movement, Spadoni shows us, humankind may need art just as much as it needs astronautics.

Thank you all for your time and investment in SRI!

See you next time,

Cole Armagost, SRI Editorial Staff


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at Archenold Observatory, in Berlin 7-9 July 2022

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters
Space Renaissance International & Partners are happy and proud to announce  the Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival of Berlin

Space Renaissance International & Partners are happy and proud to announce the Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival of Berlin

The Festival will take place, from 7 to 9 July 2022, at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin (Germany).

You are welcome to join the Festival in presence, sizing an excellent opportunity to visit the historic Archenhold Observatory and the beautiful city of Berlin. However, the Festival will be an hybrid conference, therefore virtual attendees are welcome as well.

Register here for free 

A detailed programme, and all the information – including logistics and hotels accommodations – are available on this page

The agenda, in brief:

  • The first day, 7 of July, focuses on “Space Philosophy & Policy”, with a Panel on Civilian Space Development – How to accelerate it? How to support new space industry to achieve the goal of kicking off civilian space development within 2030? What should space agencies do, and what should the space activist organizations do?
  • The 8 of July, “Astronauts and Civilians, Science & Tech Day”, will see two panels: on Space Habitats and Analog Training; Space Night, after dinner: Night Observation at the giant telescope
  • The 9 of July, the “Space Art Day”, with two art panels, in German and English language

The programme includes several keynote speakers, e.g. Seth Shostak (SETI), Giuseppe Reibaldi and John Mankins (Moon Village Association), Michelle Hanlon (NSS President), Bob Zubrin (Mars Society Founder), Jan Wörner (former ESA Director General), Bernard Foing (SRI President, chair of ITACCUS and EuroMoonMars). Many experts will tell us what’s going on on the edge of space settlement, science, art and exploration.

Several space artists will present their artworks, including: Priscilla Thomas, Mary Kuiper, Barbara King, and many members of the MoonMars art group.

The Festival will host the GALIX Congress 2022.

The Partners contributing to organize the Berlin Festival:

  • Space Renaissance International
  • Space Renaissance Germany
  • ITACCUS – IAF Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space (ITACCUS)
  • The Mars Society
  • Support Association of the Archenhold-Observatory and the Zeiss Gross Planetarium Berlin e. V.
  • Society for Culture and Space e. V. (Gesellschaft für Kultur- und Raumfahrt e. V.)
  • LUNEX EuroMoonMars
  • Stiftung Planetarium Berlin (Berlin Planetarium Foundation)
  • SZ-Rechtsanwälte Steinhäußer & Zieschang
  • GALIX – Global Alliance for International Collaboration in Space

Registration is open, for free

The participation is free, however all attendees are kindly requested to register, to help the organization of the conference:

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, News, SRI Announcements
“A greater world is possible!”, the book, presented by the author, Adriano V. Autino

“A greater world is possible!”, the book, presented by the author, Adriano V. Autino

Monday 16 May 2022 Adriano Autino held a lecture, in the frame of the Space Renaissance Academy Webinar Series, conducted by the unparalleled Sabine Heinz.
The topic was his last book, a philosophical essay titled “A greater world is possible!”. Already in the subtitle we can understand what this book discusses: “The expansion of civilization beyond the limits of our home planet is the moral issue of our time”.
DISCLAIMER BY THE AUTHOR This book contains many highly infectious ideas. So read it at your own risk: you might come out with a completely changed perspective and view of the world, i.e. a hopeful one, and a fresh will to do semething in the good direction.
So, if you feel comfortable watching the desctruction of the civilization in tv, then don’t read this book, nor watch the lecture.During his presentation, Autino proposes a deep look into several concepts, as they are described in the book, connecting them to the nowadays situation. In a random way:

  • the long promised utopian future still not realized, and the gloomy future already foreseen during last 40 years by dystopian  sci-fi already awfuly present.
  • the controversial relationship between humankind and the rest of nature, and the deep awareness that we are part of nature, and we cannot resign from our responsibilities, as the most intelligent and aware species
  • recrudescence of resource wars and anthropology devolution in the closed world
  • morals: humanist scheme of values vs. nihilist sov
  • Prometheus today: giving 100% reusable transportation vehicles to humans, to faciitate the imminent evolutionary step
  • to kick-off civilian space development before 2030, in order not to loose the “Launch window” (a comversation with Gregg Maryniak)
  • all of the 17 UN SDGs depend from the 8th: “Decent work and economic growth”, and that is possible only expanding into outer space
  • the indivisible knot among energy, pressure and evolution (Kardashev and more)
  • the metaphysical warming on planet Earth, and its byproducts
  • value of human life and patrimony, vs. de-growthist doctrines
  • Earth is part of a cosmic ecology, and not a separate special object
  • demography and human fertility decline
  • ideologies, utopias and other dangerours yet necessary tools
  • the hope: evolutionary factors and how to sustain them

The lecture can be vieved on the Space Renaissance Youtube Channel 
(don’t forget to subscribe to the channel: it is free, but very important, to raise our audience!)

The book can be purchased on Amazon, in ebook or paperback format

Follow the Space Renaissance Academy Webinar Series

Last, but not least: do you like what we do? Want to help?
Then join the SRI Crew, for a very modest yearly fee, and come on leading the Space Renaissance!

Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Philosophy
The SRI webinar with former ESA Director General Jan Wörner

The SRI webinar with former ESA Director General Jan Wörner

Dr. Johann Dietrich “Jan” Wörner gave a beautiful lecture a few days ago – in the frame of the Space Renaissance Academy Webinar Series, coordinated by Sabine Heinz –, illustrating his favorite concept “Not going back, but going forward to the Moon”. Btw, that was also the subject of a brief speech he gave, as one of the keynote speakers, at the SRI 3rd World Congress, end of June 2021.Dr. Wörner was the Director General of the European Space Agency since 2015 to 2021.His mandate was somehow revolutionary: while the ESA’s strategy was still focused on Telecommunication, Science and Earth Observation, he dared to put on the table the concept of a Moon Village, a permanent human outpost on the Moon, dedicated to experiment life, to explore and conduct scientific research on the Moon.

The Moon Village is one of the main topics illustrated during the lecture: the Moon is the next interesting part of the Solar System. The Moon Village is proposed as a multi-partner open project, to develop many operations on the Moon surface, human and robotic, public and private, exploration, outreach, cosmology/astronomy, transportation, communication, logistics, resources management.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Science & Technology, Space Economy
A dialogue with Pope Francis on Peace and Sustainable Development

A dialogue with Pope Francis on Peace and Sustainable Development

Pope Francis re-proposed a few days ago what He already had proposed in His Encyclical Letter “All Brothers”[1] of 2020:“With the money spent on weapons and other military expenditures, let us establish a global fund that can finally put an end to hunger and favour development in the most impoverished countries, so that their citizens will not resort to violent or illusory solutions, or have to leave their countries in order to seek a more dignified life.”How could we disagree on such a proposition of the Holy Father?

In the quoted Encyclical Letter, He also talks about the dramatic lack of big projects, widely shared world-wide, to inspire and motivate people to work for the development of the whole humankind. He also talks about the philosophy of expendability, according to which certain parts of humanity are seen as expendable, when they are not productive, such as the elderly, and the lack of children, which causes an aging population, and a culturally decaying society.

Considering all of these negative conditions together, the current age, characterized by a multiple global crisis, could appear hopeless. Namely, the complain about lack of children sounds as a desperate call, when the widely shared sentiment is that there are “too many humans on planet Earth”.

Yet, we think that Francis’s calls are right and fully worth of support, though they are not properly sustained by concrete programs and strategies. The real question should be: how to assure proper sustainability to human growth, in the 21st Century?

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Open Letters
Why civilian space development is key today, for us humans, to overcome the global crisis

Why civilian space development is key today, for us humans, to overcome the global crisis

The crisis of Cuba in 1962 – mentioned in the Lord Rees’s book “Our Final Hour” (2003) — was the event that brought us closest to a nuclear war. According to the historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., one of Kennedy’s counselors, at that time: “This was not only the most dangerous moment of the Cold War. It was the most dangerous moment in human history. Never before had two contending powers possessed between them the technical capacity to blow up the world. Fortunately, Kennedy and Khrushchev were leaders of restraint and sobriety; otherwise, we probably wouldn’t be here today.”

I believe this is the main argument to respond to the nowadays under-estimators of the current war in Ukraine, and its effects on global economy, space policy and destiny of civilization at large. In addition to the Schlesinger Jr.’s statement, nowadays we have several leaders which are all but restraint and sober. First of all the new Zar, grown up in the paranoid environment of KGB. Yet we have other recent cases, in the western world too. Moving beyond the obvious condemn of the absurd invasion of Ukraine, suffocating any possibility for people to decide whether they want to be Ukrainian or Russian, the danger for civilization is extremely high, indeed. The availability of thousands of nuclear warheads in the hand of psychopathic leaders makes a WWIII extremely much more dangerous than the previous world wars, the very likely trigger of a global civilization implosion.

Relying on wars to solve conflicts and to relaunch economy through destruction was always a wrong way, yet nowadays is a total nonsense. It is not superfluous to restate this, since we perfectly know that, among Earthers, many secretely plauded to Covid19 pandemic as a “natural” agent to reduce population – the thought runs back to Nicolò Machiavelli, who plauded the pest, as a “purge” of society. The absurdity of such concept should be clear: a pandemic kills both bad and good people, useless and useful, including many which could offer solutions to thousands of shared small and big problems. And now such fellows of Armageddon, publicly sad for thousands deaths and million refugees, secretely plaud to the war, as another knight of Apocalypse, to “moderate” human growth.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, Newsletters, Open Letters
Make space, not war!

Make space, not war!

The world seems to be regressing back to Twentieth Century. Due to the war in Ukraine, humanity is paying a heavy price in terms of lives lost, as well as the severe cultural damage humankind is experiencing in many areas – including collaboration in scientific research, technology development, artistic enterprise, and (ultimately for us most consequential) international collaboration in civilian space development. The global economic cost of this war is difficult to determine, although we can estimate this must be in the order of trillions of dollars or euros. In just a few days, the stock exchange lost hundreds of billions. Moving weapons and soldiers into Ukraine and nearby countries has come at a very high cost. The global economy is being jeopardized, with incalculable damages to many companies – big and small. The cost of energy – already rising, now that the Covid19 pandemics is loosening its grip on the throat of civilization – continues to increase.

Let’s first reflect on what could be done, in space, with even a small fraction of the enormous amount of resources that this and other wars are wasting – including (1) a substantial boost to the realization of low-cost, safe, and 100% reusable launch vehicles, (2) the first rotating large space station, to start experimenting artificial gravity, (3) protection from the sun and cosmic radiation, (4) accelerated Moon settlements, (5) space debris recovering and reuse, (6) the inauguration of Moon and asteroid mining, and (7) the first steps toward manned Mars exploration.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters, Press Releases
A lecture on Space Renaissance Philosophy was given at International Space University

A lecture on Space Renaissance Philosophy was given at International Space University

by A. V. Autino

January 11 2022 i gave a lecture, as invited lecturer, at International Space University, in Strasbourg.

The theme was an introduction to Space Renaissance Philosophy.

Prof. Bernard Foing – SRI President and long time lecturer at ISU – introduced my lecture and helped me to go over the great emotion to be talking before about 40 students!

They followed my presentation with very much attention, taking notes, and making questions at the end. The teaching staff, and the ISU President too, expressed great appreciation for my lecture and for the chosen topics: the value of human patrimony, the very core concept of the space philosophy. And the very most relevant philosophical reason to expand civilization into outer space.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters, Philosophy, Space Renaissance Academy