
Event announcements and news

PRESS RELEASE: Space 18th SDG: Collaborating with U.N. COPUOS, Making Space Truly for All

Space 18th SDG: Collaborating with U.N. COPUOS, Making Space Truly for All

Virtual Round Table – 12 June 2024

—— For immediate release ——

On 12 June 2024, a Virtual Round Table will be held by the Space 18th SDG Coalition, on the theme of “Collaborating with U.N. COPUOS, Making Space Truly for All”.Organized by Space Renaissance International (SRI) and the National Space Society (NSS), the Space 18th SDG Coalition celebrates nearly 100 organizations from all corners of Planet Earth.

The United Nations established the U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), and the Committee for the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS) in 1959 to govern space exploration and space use for all humanity, with peace, security, and development. Including 102 member states, COPUOS represents the main international connecter among both space-faring and aspiring spacefaring countries.

COPUOS holds its 67th session General Assembly from 19 to 28 June 2024. The Space 18th SDG Coalition’s Virtual Round Table, held a week prior, will urge the international space community to establish more public and proactive positions on key priorities. In anticipation of the emerging cis-lunar economy and civilian-led peaceful space development, this collaboration seeks full and harmonious inclusivity for all stakeholders from all Countries.

The highly interactive workshop-style event, moderated by Robert S. Katz[[1]] (WIN), kicks off with a featured opening keynote by the Space 18th SDG Coalition’s visionary founder Adriano V. Autino[[2]] (SRI).  Following his call-to-action address, five eminent duos of highly esteemed space thought leaders chair five focused one-hour panels:

Panel #01 (15:00 UTC)  Use of Space Resources

Panel #02 (16:00 UTC)  Orbital Debris

Panel #03 (17:00 UTC)  Space Law and Private Entities in Outer Space

Panel #04 (18:00 UTC)  Sustainable Benefits 4 All Peoples of Earth

Panel #05 (19:00 UTC)  Sustainable Space Development and Space for Sustainability

Registration is still open! Register now to become a panelist and engage via Zoom with the chairs.

Panelist Registration                                 
Full Program                                                  
Speaker Bios

Join the Space18thSDG Coalition
Watch 12 June Roundtable on YouTube


  • Adriano V. Autino +39 335 8244435
  • Alfred B. Anzaldúa +1 520 409 5797

[1] Robert Katz, CEO & Executive Director of World Innovation Network (WIN)

[2] Adriano V. Autino, CEO & Co-Founder of Space Renaissance International (SRI)

Posted by Adriano in Events, Press Releases
15 September is done, and was great!

15 September is done, and was great!

It was done! The 15 of September is now in the past, and it was great! We had 30 speakers, in presence and from remote, giving beautiful contributions to our cause.First of all thanks a million to everybody who concurred to the success of yesterday! To the ones who have worked hard, to our colleague Henk Rogers, who generously sponsored the room, at United Nations Plaza 777, 11th floor, to everybody who spread the invitation and the message of the #Space18SDG! And thanks to our colleagues of the NSS, and of the other Co-promoter organizations, for their work too!

But may we think that the work is done? Not at all! The true work has just kicked-off!

First, our final statement could not be proposed and approved yesterday, as it was announced, since we had so many excellent contributions and suggestions, that couldn’t be summarized and integrated in such a short time.

A well conceived Final Recommendation is in progress of preparation, integrating our work of yesterday, and I believe it may be ready in few days.

In the same time, we are restlessly seeking a State Party that can present a resolution for the Space 18th SDG to the U.N. General Assembly, and working at COPUOS for such goal. We hope that, having we made such a great event yesterday, it will be a little easier to reach that goal.

The Co-promoters organizations are now 60, including Asgardia, the space nation, who joined officially yesterday, after a resolution of their Government. Our online petition: now 336 (2 days ago 260!). And the total sum of signatures, including the ones collected on our website, is 363.

In case you missed, here’s the whole day recorded video:

Please watch, spread the link, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!

The #space18sdg campaign is growing: let’s make it viral!

To sign the Space 18th SDG petition:

To add an organization to the Space 18th SDG Coalition:

See the abstract here:

See all the updates:

Ad Astra!

Adriano V. Autino, SRI CEO and Founder

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events
29 November 2022 – join us at SRI Giving Tuesday… we need a bit of your money!

29 November 2022 – join us at SRI Giving Tuesday… we need a bit of your money!

Dear SRI friends and supporters, in these days we are experiencing, let’s say, a troubled weather! Last, but not least, our beloved Manny (Manuel Perez, president of Space Renaissance USA) sadly passed away at just 69, while he still had so many things to do…

Now we have to work harder, also in order to carry ahead, and upwards, the mission of developing the space renaissance, to which Manny dedicated a meaningful part of his life.

Developing the space renaissance chiefly means to build Space Renaissance, our organization, and assure the sustainability of our program for 2023.

Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Newsletters


Space Renaissance International is participating to the 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022, in Paris, from Sunday 18 to Thursday 22 of September.The IAC 2022 theme is Space for @ll to reach beyond the space community and bringing together all communities to offer great opportunities for networking and forging new contacts and potential partnerships.SRI decided to invest in a booth at the exhibition center, together with our partners LUNEX EMM, MMAARS, ORIGIN, ITACCUS. Our place is D11B.

SRI is now a proud member of IAF, with which we are increasing collaboration in several committees.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, News, Newsletters, SRI Announcements
ARTEMIS I launch and pre-launch comments, by Space Renaissance and EuroMoonMars

ARTEMIS I launch and pre-launch comments, by Space Renaissance and EuroMoonMars

Monday August 29th , at 8:33 US EDT (12:33 UTC) an historical mission will launch from Kennedy Space Center.
ARTEMIS I is expected to reach the Moon orbit, to release some payloads and return to Earth.
Space Renaissance will follow the launch with two live events.
During the first livestream – the 28 August, in collaboration with EuroMoonMars – we will give some information about the main goals of the Artemis and SLS programs, and what Artemis 1 will actually bring to the Moon.
We will also briefly discuss what Artemis 1 represents, in this critical period of transition from traditional aerospace to the new space paradigm.
The panel, starting 12:00 UTC, includes:

  • Serena Crotti – Moderator
  • Bernard Foing – Artemis program overview
  • Cole Armagost – Artemis 1 Payloads and goals
  • Kete Rok – Space Launch System (SLS), launch and mission profile
  • Adriano V. Autino – What does Artemis mean for Civilian Space Development?
  • Gautam Kiran – What does Artemis mean for young explorers?

Other guests will take part to the discussion.

Here’s the link to follow the livestream on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel:

The second livestream, 29 August, will follow and comment the launch live:

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, Newsletters
SRI News – The Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival, Berlin – a reportage

SRI News – The Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival, Berlin – a reportage

From 7 to 9 July, the much anticipated Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival came to a close in Berlin Germany. Nearly one hundred in-person participants joined a larger virtual audience at the Archenhold Observatory for a celebration and exchange of ideas surrounding civilian space development and the Space Renaissance.More than 1000 people already viewed the sessions on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel.

In total, the program spanned three full days and saw over 60 speakers/artists presentations.

The full Acta of the Festival -– with links to all the speeches on YouTube –- can be seen on the SRI website.

Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, News, Newsletters
Space Renaissance International & Partners are happy and proud to announce  the Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival of Berlin

Space Renaissance International & Partners are happy and proud to announce the Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival of Berlin

The Festival will take place, from 7 to 9 July 2022, at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin (Germany).

You are welcome to join the Festival in presence, sizing an excellent opportunity to visit the historic Archenhold Observatory and the beautiful city of Berlin. However, the Festival will be an hybrid conference, therefore virtual attendees are welcome as well.

Register here for free 

A detailed programme, and all the information – including logistics and hotels accommodations – are available on this page

The agenda, in brief:

  • The first day, 7 of July, focuses on “Space Philosophy & Policy”, with a Panel on Civilian Space Development – How to accelerate it? How to support new space industry to achieve the goal of kicking off civilian space development within 2030? What should space agencies do, and what should the space activist organizations do?
  • The 8 of July, “Astronauts and Civilians, Science & Tech Day”, will see two panels: on Space Habitats and Analog Training; Space Night, after dinner: Night Observation at the giant telescope
  • The 9 of July, the “Space Art Day”, with two art panels, in German and English language

The programme includes several keynote speakers, e.g. Seth Shostak (SETI), Giuseppe Reibaldi and John Mankins (Moon Village Association), Michelle Hanlon (NSS President), Bob Zubrin (Mars Society Founder), Jan Wörner (former ESA Director General), Bernard Foing (SRI President, chair of ITACCUS and EuroMoonMars). Many experts will tell us what’s going on on the edge of space settlement, science, art and exploration.

Several space artists will present their artworks, including: Priscilla Thomas, Mary Kuiper, Barbara King, and many members of the MoonMars art group.

The Festival will host the GALIX Congress 2022.

The Partners contributing to organize the Berlin Festival:

  • Space Renaissance International
  • Space Renaissance Germany
  • ITACCUS – IAF Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space (ITACCUS)
  • The Mars Society
  • Support Association of the Archenhold-Observatory and the Zeiss Gross Planetarium Berlin e. V.
  • Society for Culture and Space e. V. (Gesellschaft für Kultur- und Raumfahrt e. V.)
  • LUNEX EuroMoonMars
  • Stiftung Planetarium Berlin (Berlin Planetarium Foundation)
  • SZ-Rechtsanwälte Steinhäußer & Zieschang
  • GALIX – Global Alliance for International Collaboration in Space

Registration is open, for free

The participation is free, however all attendees are kindly requested to register, to help the organization of the conference:

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events, News, SRI Announcements
The SRI mission to IAC2021 has kicked-off!

The SRI mission to IAC2021 has kicked-off!

A meaningful delegation of the Space Renaissance International will be present at IAC2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Presidente Bernard Foing will be there since October 20th to October 30th.

SRI Founder and Ambassador Adriano Autino will be there since October 25th to October 28th.

Julio Rezende — SRI Board Member and Chair of Space Renaissance Brasil — will be there since October 20th for the whole Congress.

Other SRI Members and Followers will be present as well; it will be an opportunity to meet, so let’s stay in touch, to be adjourned on dates and times of the meetings: just drop a message on Facebook Messenger to Adriano Autino.

We will present several papers and hold meetings for SRI and partner groups (such as ILEWG, SpaceMoonMars, and others) : see this page for details.

We will handle the following presentation leaflet:

Download the leaflet in pdf format, to handle and hang it on the bulletin boards at your place of work or study.

Posted by Adriano in Events, News
Space Renaissance International to participate to the International Astronautical 72° Congress, at Dubai

Space Renaissance International to participate to the International Astronautical 72° Congress, at Dubai

The Space Renaissance International will participate to the International Astronautical 72° Congress, at Dubai, next 25-29 October 2021. Several representatives of SRI will present papers: Prof. Bernard Foing, SRI President, Executive Director of ILEWG International Lunar Exploration Working Group, manager of EuroMoonMars programme, guest professor at VU Amsterdam/Leiden Observatory; Adriano V. Autino, SRI Founder and Former President, SRI Ambassador; Susan Ip Jewell, SRI Vice-President, CEO/Co-Founder of MMAARS,Inc, (Mars-Moon Astronautics Academy & Research Science). The SRI representatives will participate to several activities, such as: B. Foing will coordinate A3 Space Exploration Symposium 25-29 Oct, and chair 5 sessions, coordinate many committees, in the frame of ITACCUS. SRI will hold meetings with members, partners and friends. SRI will also handle a leaflet to all of the participants to the Congress.See some more detailed information about the SRI mission to IAC2021.

Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Press Releases



The 2021 Space Renaissance Congress held its final event July Thursday 15yth, and it was a great event! In case you missed it, you can watch it here.

Our new elected President, Prof. Bernard Foing, chaired the event with great competence and verve, and pronounced a brief address, unveiling the next five years period, towards the SRI 4th World Congress, in 2026.

The Congress had 300 registered attendees from 43 Countries: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canada, Ch, China, Denmark, Deutschland, Equador, France, Germany, Ghana, Hawaii, India, Iran, Iran, Italia, Japan, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Nl, Norway, Pakistan, Peru’, Philippines, Polska, Republic Of New Afrika, Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ucraina, Uk, Ukraine, Usa, Venezuela.

The Congress sessions had more than 1000 visualizations on the Space Renaissance Youtube channel.

Three Motions were approved during the June 30th 2021 Voting Session, and confirmed during the following 15 days by the online voting mechanism:

65.71% of the having right to vote expressed their vote for the 3 final motions.

The SRI President, Prof. Bernard Foing, was elected with 95.35% AYE, 0% NAY, 4.65% ABSTAIN

61.43% of the having right to vote expressed their vote for the new President.

The SRI Board of Directors was elected with 93.02% AYE, 0% NAY, 6.98% ABSTAIN

61.43% of the having right to vote expressed their vote for the new Board of Directors

The detailed SRIC3 Acta, including all the presented papers and oral presentations (Youtube videos)

The SRI President, Prof. Bernard Foing, was elected with 95.35% AYE, 0% NAY, 4.65% ABSTAIN

61.43% of the having right to vote expressed their vote for the new President

The SRI Board of Directors was elected with 93.02% AYE, 0% NAY, 6.98% ABSTAIN

61.43% of the having right to vote expressed their vote for the new Board of Directors

The detailed SRIC3 Acta, including all the presented papers and oral presentations (Youtube videos)

1) The complete and detailed Acta of the Congress is online, for all of us to be viewed and reviewed. On this page you can find:

  • The presented papers, for download
  • The pointer to each live presentation, in the recorded videos on YouTube (hyperlink-pointer to the hour:minutes:seconds)

When watching to any video on the YouTube Space Renaissance channel, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!

Soon we will also begin the work to assemble the Acta Book, to be published on Amazon, let’s say, within September 2021.

Prof. Bernard Foing — for 30 years ESA officer and tireless space activist — is the new elected President of Space Renaissance International.

Here’s the brief address Bernard pronounced during the Final Party:

“Thank you very much Adriano and all of you, dear friends and colleagues. It is really a honor and a pleasure for me to step into this task, of leading the Space Renaissance International, and all the initiatives we have been discussing. I want to give a special tribute to the Founders, our fathers founders! They gave us a great initial Constitution, the Statutes and also the initial direction. Thanks to all of you, who contributed to the recent Space Renaissance Congress. We discussed many ideas, concepts and contents, and we discussed the Theses documents, converging to our Final Resolution, that was adopted for the next five years. So, this part is a very clear line roadmap for what we could do. I am a man of soul, but also a man of action, I like to think with my hands too, well knowing they can help my brain. I want to pay tribute to the leaders of Space Renaissance International, in particular to Adriano, who has taken a very commitment and motivation to all of us. Then I rise this glass in honor of Adriano and all of our Directors.”

Taking the maximum cultural profit from our Congress. What is the main outcome of our Congress? It is constituted by the concepts that emerged during the presentations and discussions, the things we understood, or better clarified, thanks to the great collective work we made, since October 2020 to July 2021, through the webinar series and the five days of the Congress. During the next weeks and months we will produce several newsletters and articles, “mining” the conceptual contents. A few non exhaustive examples:

  • the social inclusivity, as a 4th parameter to assess the level of a civilization (with reference to the Kardashev-Zubrin-Sagan scale)
  • the solution of the energy issue on Earth, by moving the industries outside the planet, in the cislunar space
  • the key and indispensable role of the new space industry to save and lead the global economy growth, overcoming the multiple crisis
  • a gas strategy to kick-off the civilian space development before 2030
  • a new enthusiastic aim to bring art in space, giving voice and visibility to many passionate space artists
  • a new enthusiastic rush to give voice and representation to all of the Countries of Planet Earth, wherever there’s somebody aiming aim, out of this world
  • the urgency and the opportunity to start recovering and reusing space debris

Just to name some of the many key concepts we discussed in this congress.

Keep on following and supporting the Space Renaissance!

Also consider joining the SRI Crew…

Join the Space Renaissance Crew today, to help us implementing the civilian space development! 

Long live the Space Renaissance!

Posted by Adriano in Events, News, Newsletters, SRI Announcements