
SRI News

PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 65 Space Entities held a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023 United Nations Plaza, 777 – The Final Recommendation

PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 65 Space Entities held a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023 United Nations Plaza, 777 – The Final Recommendation

—— 29.09.2023 – For immediate release ——

Final Recommendation of the Space 18th SDG workshop, at United Nations Plaza 777, the 15 of September 2023

Distinguished State Members of the United Nations,

We, representatives of 65 organizations convened on the 15th of September 2023 at U.N. Plaza 777, in concomitance with the U.N. General Assembly 78, recommend developing and introducing a resolution for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), called “Universal and Sustainable Space Development”.

We note that the Earth is in space, it has always been in space, and it will always be in space. Space is the context in which the 17 SDGs exist. Earth is the domain of life, and only by expanding this domain beyond Earth can we fulfill the 17 SDGs in the long term. Our proposed 18th SDG aims to accelerate humanity’s united expansion into the solar ecosystem to create sustainable capabilities for living and working in human communities in LEO and beyond, harnessing the lessons learned there to benefit people both on Earth and in Space. Collectively, we believe that the space environment should be available to benefit all of life. Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases
Marsha Freeman passed away on September 20

Marsha Freeman passed away on September 20

a remembrance by Adriano V. Autino

Marsha Freeman, the most coherent and passionate student of Krafft A. Ehricke, passed away on September 20. A bout with Covid combined with the deterioration of her Parkinson’s condition were too much for her small physique to handle. The Parkinson had already made it difficult for her to speak, particularly any public speaking, so she couldn’t speak at the SRI event, at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin, in 2022. Marsha authored hundreds of papers and articles, on the themes of space and U.S. space program, and has been published in Fusion Magazine, 21st Century Science & Technology, Acta Astronautica, and many others. Her campaign to revive the work and the thought of her dear friend, Krafft Ehricke, led to his last presentation in the  1980s on lunar industrialization at the American Academy of Sciences. Marsha was the author of several books, including “How We Got to the Moon: The Story of the German Space Pioneers”[1], “Challenges of Human Space Exploration”[2], and “Krafft Ehricke’s Extraterrestrial Imperative”[3]. There are also works of Krafft that have never been published, including a major book The Seventh Continent on lunar industrialization. His daughter, who has been the executor of his estate since the passing of his wife some years ago, would like to see this published. It was a project dear to Marsha, but difficult for her to take up in her condition. In the near future, Marsha’s beloved husband Bill Jones will try to find a publisher. That would be such a wonderful memorial to Marsha as well as to Krafft and a treasure to the space community.

Posted by Adriano in Blog, News
15 September is done, and was great!

15 September is done, and was great!

It was done! The 15 of September is now in the past, and it was great! We had 30 speakers, in presence and from remote, giving beautiful contributions to our cause.First of all thanks a million to everybody who concurred to the success of yesterday! To the ones who have worked hard, to our colleague Henk Rogers, who generously sponsored the room, at United Nations Plaza 777, 11th floor, to everybody who spread the invitation and the message of the #Space18SDG! And thanks to our colleagues of the NSS, and of the other Co-promoter organizations, for their work too!

But may we think that the work is done? Not at all! The true work has just kicked-off!

First, our final statement could not be proposed and approved yesterday, as it was announced, since we had so many excellent contributions and suggestions, that couldn’t be summarized and integrated in such a short time.

A well conceived Final Recommendation is in progress of preparation, integrating our work of yesterday, and I believe it may be ready in few days.

In the same time, we are restlessly seeking a State Party that can present a resolution for the Space 18th SDG to the U.N. General Assembly, and working at COPUOS for such goal. We hope that, having we made such a great event yesterday, it will be a little easier to reach that goal.

The Co-promoters organizations are now 60, including Asgardia, the space nation, who joined officially yesterday, after a resolution of their Government. Our online petition: now 336 (2 days ago 260!). And the total sum of signatures, including the ones collected on our website, is 363.

In case you missed, here’s the whole day recorded video:

Please watch, spread the link, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!

The #space18sdg campaign is growing: let’s make it viral!

To sign the Space 18th SDG petition:

To add an organization to the Space 18th SDG Coalition:

See the abstract here:

See all the updates:

Ad Astra!

Adriano V. Autino, SRI CEO and Founder

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events

PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 47 Space Entities to hold a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023

—— 22.08.2023 – For immediate release ——

Space Renaissance International (SRI) and the National Space Society (NSS), on behalf of 47 space advocacy organizations (this alliance is expanding), will host a panel at the United Nations in New York, on the 15th of September, 2023, from 9:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., to officially present their proposal for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), focused on Space Development, to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The hybrid panel will take place in the U.N. district, United Nations Plaza, 777 11th Floor, just in front of the U.N. headquarters[1].

In addition to SRI and NSS, the coalition includes The Mars Society, the Lifeboat Foundation, the Human Space Program, the Moon Society, Beyond Earth Institute, Space Development Foundation, EarthLight Foundation, space agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations. The complete list of Co-promoters may be found online at:

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Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases


There have been rumors in recent weeks, that the United Nations Secretariat was now looking beyond 2030, and that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was somewhat outdated. We don’t know if that is true, or just a speculation. If true, what does it mean? Have the United Nations realized that the 17 SDGs were an unattainable utopia, and are they preparing to move on? What we knew, before hearing such voices, was that some kind of review of the 2030 Agenda was scheduled in 2024 / 2025, to measure the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and possibly to update it, according to some relevant developments, which occurred after 2015. The need for an overhaul of the 2030 Agenda was easy to be seen, even for the most blind bureaucrat. Several historical milestones have been achieved, in 2015 and subsequent years. First of all, the new space economy revolution, boosted by the rockets’ reusability, developed by SpaceX. The space economy is nowadays the most progressive industrial segment, trying to balance, alone, the profound global crisis, which grips the world economy. Notwithstanding that, space is still stubbornly out of the 2030 Agenda. That’s the main reason motivating the Space 18th SDG initiative, supported now by 47 space advocacy organizations[1]. Such a proposal was already presented at COPUOS 66th session in Vienna, last 5 of June, in a historical discourse[2] pronounced by Karlton Johnson, on behalf of NSS, SRI, and the whole coalition of the co-promoters. The Space 18th SDG will be presented at United Nations General Assembly 78, the 15 of September, in a hybrid panel at United Nations in New York[[3]. There will be other announcements and news about this significant event.What we want to reflect on, today, is the actual social relevance of the 17 SDGs, and if it makes sense to maintain 2030 as a deadline for the achievement of such key socially relevant goals.Looking back some decades, the National Security Agency (US) had foreseen a very critical period from 2025 to 2030, possibly an irreversible civilization-implosive crash (I am sorry that I cannot provide any link to proper articles, yet I had commented on such a forecast in some of my newsletters). While we are approaching 2025, have those concerns lowered or increased? Considering the many symptoms that we are witnessing – pandemics, extreme climate events, enduring economic crises, and wars in the “advanced” world countries – it is easy to reply to the question. That devastating crisis is already here, some years in advance, with respect to the NSA’s prediction. Should we use Hari Seldon’s psychohistory[4] terms, even if we don’t own his “Radiant” tools, we could say that we are very close to a “cusp”. No doubt that several crazy events are occurring, in reaction to the multiple crises. No doubt that it makes sense to interpret the current age with the tools of psychohistory, at least from a conceptual point of view. Thus, is 2030 still an important date, or should we forget the 17 SDGs and start looking beyond? My first answer is yes, definitely: 2030 is even more important than it was in 2015 when the UN 2030 Agenda was approved. Since most of the 17 SDGs are social goals, it is of paramount importance to fight for their sustainability and to underline that the only way to achieve them is to kick off a new, strong, development strategy, i.e. to accelerate civilian space development.

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters



The European Parliament has passed (by a very narrow majority) a law to divest 20 percent of farmland in favor of restoring a “natural” environment. On the wave of panic caused by the climate crisis and suffocating plastic pollution, the European Union Parliament decided to penalize farmers – the same farmers who are currently beleaguered, finding entire crops destroyed by rampant wild boars and animals reintroduced into areas where they had long since become unsustainable by local economies.

Thinking of “restoring nature” in a super-urbanized and super-industrialized territory is like wanting to put the toothpaste back into the tube once it comes out. This would unavoidably penalize various sectors.
Particularly unfair is hitting first the very sector that provides us with food! With prices already on an upward ramp (due to post-pandemic circumstances and the current war in Ukraine), it is easy to foresee further surges in vegetable prices. Who will subsidize the “restoration of nature”? The less affluent classes will clearly find even traditional chip food unaffordable. After all, Serge Latouche had already warned us about this in his delirious little booklet on so-called “happy de-growth” (2008): “De-growth will certainly cause some social problems, but this is a problem of governments, it does not concern us.”

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters


Historically, colonialism was initially predicated on a simple “rob and take home” concept. During the first colonialist age, the superpowers of that era (primarily England and France) used to send their agents overseas to obtain precious goods at very low prices, and to bring those goods back to their home countries, selling them at very high prices (today, such practices are far from being obsolete!). Such policies were often socially detrimental, especially when they boosted the use of drugs (e.g., stimulating opium dependence in several Chinese provinces). In many cases, colonialist policies lead to conflicts and wars (in order to ensure control over certain regions). In most cases, nothing positive remained for the colonized populations, since the colonialist behaviors primarily engaged populations with a culture based on robbery and exploitation – not to advance civil rights. Regarding the “new world” (America’s two continents), colonialists have also invaded these territories, stealing the land and natural resources from native inhabitants, and exterminating these inhabitants by any means. During the last age of colonialism (up to the 20th Century), the practice of depredation continued, in many cases retarding or preventing the development of colonized countries, notwithstanding the abundance of natural riches, from which native peoples could never benefit.

Ok, I am listening now to your classical objections. I, for one, have noted this several times while discussing space colonization: in the solar system there are no native intelligent beings, therefore we would not steal anything from anyone, by colonizing territories on the Moon, Mars, Jupiter Moons and beyond. Of course, I am talking about the very essential part of colonialism: to take resources and bring them home. In our cases, to take asteroid and exo-planetary resources from the Moon, asteroids, Mars and beyond, and bring them on Earth surface – why would this be harmful?

Space colonialism would be both a dangerous and harmful undertaking for several reasons.

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Posted by Adriano in Articles, Blog, International Projects, Newsletters


We are witnessing a revolution in the space industry. For the first time we are seeing representatives from US, Russia, Europe, China, Japan and all major space agencies, committed for a sustainable human presence on the Moon. We are also witnessing a dramatic reduction on the launching cost and increased capabilities on space transportation. The reduction of launching cost is promising new markets, like space tourism, manufacturing in space, space based solar power and many more. This new space industry paradigm will trigger the upcoming revolution. Expanding humanity into outer space is therefore a destiny, not a choice. In fact, millions living and working in space is the only way for humanity as a species to survive. Unfortunately, most of the world population don’t realize the new paradigm and how humanity’s survival as a species is in danger, and fully depends upon expanding into outer space.

Unlike the terminology “Space Exploration”, the terminology “Expanding Humanity into Outer Space” involves all human activities, including culture, arts and everything else that we can’t even imagine, nowadays. Space Exploration is only concerned with science and engineering. The upcoming growth of the space domain in the future will have social, economic, and political impacts. Humanity should prepare itself for this upcoming revolution by conducting research on the implications of expanding humanity into outer space. Space Ethics is seen today as an independent field concerned with the study of the implications of expanding humanity into outer space. I add my voice to those who are seeking reformations for major space agencies to consider space ethics. But also, I would like to add that I see an opportunity for developing countries, which have not yet established a space agency. The establishment of space agencies with strong ethical foundations will have positive impacts both locally and on the whole global society.

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Posted by Adriano in News
PRESS RELEASE:  NSS and SRI urge COPUOS State Parties for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, SDG18 Space4All focused on Space Development

PRESS RELEASE: NSS and SRI urge COPUOS State Parties for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, SDG18 Space4All focused on Space Development

Vienna (Austria), June 7th 2023
NSS and SRI urge COPUOS State Parties for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, SDG18 Space4All focused on Space Development
In an historical UN COPUOS session, the 5th of June 2023, Karlton Johnson from NSS gave a speech on behalf of the National Space Society (NSS), Space Renaissance International (SRI) and many other space advocacy organizations. The speech proposed an 18th Sustainable Development Goal to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The #Space18SDG fosters Universal and Sustainable Space Development, Space for All, on Earth and Beyond. From the Johnson’s discourse: “We need sustainable initiatives to reclaim our planet from destruction. And we need to emphasize sustainability as part of our space activities. Therefore, in partnership with SRI, the National Space Society places a proposal on the table urging COPUOS State Parties to develop and introduce a resolution for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). This proposed 18th SDG aims to accelerate humanity’s expansion into space with a focus on creating sustainable capabilities for living and working human communities in LEO and beyond, harnessing the lessons learned there to benefit both Earth and other space-related activities.”

SRI, together with NSS, has already obtained large support from 31 organizations (and counting) to promote this resolution. Such noteworthy alliance includes, but is not limited to, Beyond Earth Institute, The Human Space Program, The Mars Society, The Lifeboat Foundation, Expanding Frontiers, The Space Tourism Society, Gen Space, The International Moon-base Alliance, and many others. Says Adriano Autino (SRI founder): “We will have a first event, June 12 to follow up, and a special session at Science Summit U.N. General  Assembly 78, on 18th September”.

“Our space4all SDG initiatives builds on decades of activity in research, capacity building, and development of new space society and economy,”  says Bernard Foing (SRI President), “it is now the right moment for the Space Renaissance to go further for the benefit of all on Earth and beyond.“

The SRI president will also give a presentation on Space4all on 7 June afternoon for UN COPUOS Assembly.

In his closing remarks, Karlton Johnson underlined the uniting character of space activities for many decades so far: “Humankind’s further expansion into space to establish a permanent presence there can garner the same effect in the near future.” And more “Solving our global challenges, encouraging innovation, expanding and sharing what we learn, and planting the seeds for humanity’s continuance for eons to come; this can be one of humanity’s greatest and enduring achievements.”

Join the alliance of the 31 Co-promoters:

Sign the petition for #Space18SDG on

Follow the live event “Space for All, on Earth and beyond”

Posted by Adriano in Press Releases