
SRI News

A summary of the Space 18th SDG speeches and technical presentations at COPUOS Legal Subcommittee – 15-26 April 2024

A summary of the Space 18th SDG speeches and technical presentations at COPUOS Legal Subcommittee – 15-26 April 2024

Writing from Vienna, at the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee 63rd session, 15-26 April 2024.

Three speeches, so far, were released by members of our Space 18th SDG Coalition: a technical presentation, by Alfred Anzaldua, on behalf of NSS, and two oral speeches, by Adriano V. Autino (SRI), and Frederick Jenet (NSS).

Autino and Jenet gave their 5 minutes speeches the 22 of April, in a session in which several observer NGOs gave their speeches as well. Namely For All MoonKind (Marlène Losier), the MoonVillage Association (Giuseppe Reibaldi), and others. All the videos are available here.

A very interesting meeting was held this morning by the Romanian delegation, for the creation of an Action Team on Lunar Activities Consultation (ATLAC). Though very promising, the meeting was just the kick-off of a brainstorming period, going to define some guidelines, an agenda, and criteria for joining and submitting papers and proposals.

We’ll be here until the end of the session, Friday 26. We’ll probably share a report on the whole thing after the end.

If you like to comment or discuss this post, please do it on the SRI Open Forum: (ask to be added if you’re not a member yet).

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Adriano V. Autino (SRI),
Werner Grandl (SRI),
Alfred Anzaldua (NSS and SRI)

Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters
Alfred Anzaldua, NSS & SRI, at U.N. COPUOS Legal SubCommittee, on 19 April 2024

Alfred Anzaldua, NSS & SRI, at U.N. COPUOS Legal SubCommittee, on 19 April 2024

On 19 April 2024, Alfred Anzaldua gave a short presentation at COPUOS Legal SubCommittee in Vienna. on behalf of the NSS International Committee, SRI, and the Space 18th SDG Coalition. Watch the speech here, on the United Nations web tv.

Alfred has called for a circular blue economy in space and on Earth, emphasizing how the lessons (best practices) learned by communities living and working in space may be useful on Earth too.

Namely, he said that GREEN practices are not enough. Yet a Renewable Space Economy Tactics (ReSpEcT) = ZERO waste accumulation, is very much needed, in space and on Earth. Alfred also called for Orbital Debris salvage, repair, refurbishing, and reuse.

Worth remembering, the Space 18th SDG initiative is made in honor of the late David Dunlop, who promoted the 18th SDG concept in 2018.

The Space 18th SDG Coalition is growing each day! thanks to our restless work, there are now 75 organizations, and counting!

Today may be a beautiful day to join the Space 18th SDG Coalition! 

Want to know better what the Space 18th SDG is about? Then take a look at the abstract.

and the list of the co-promoter organizations so far.

Want to comment this post? You may do it on the SRI Open Forum:  (request access if you’re not a member yet)

Ad Astra!

Adriano V. Autino, SRI, CEO and Founder, Space18thsdg, Chair

#space18thsdg #spacerenaissance #SRI #NSS #COPUOS #UnitedNations
#SDG #SustainableDevelopment#UN2030 #CivilianSpaceDevelopment
#CircularEconomy #BlueEconomy #ZeroWaste #OrbitalDebris
#CislunarEconomy #WasteManagement #GreenEconomy #Space
#SpaceEconomy #ARTEMIS #ILRS #BestPractices #ReSpEcT

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Newsletters



Why do we support Elon Musk and Space X. Or, the political quagmire of the 21st Century

Contributions by Marie-Luise Heuser and Alberto Cavallo

Many Western countries are now confronting a “generational” problem. The population index is stable, if not declining (when slightly positive, this is only due to immigration). Governments then invent policies to help offset decreasing birth rates. They are doing this not because of “humanist” considerations, but rather as a decreasing birth rate will negatively impact national economies, e.g. the retirement system will face collapse, as the number of active workers is going to be insufficient to address monthly expenses. An elderly society weighs more on the state’s resources, due to increasing public expenses on health systems, in addition to all the negative effects an aging society has on innovation, education, culture, and shrinking markets. Continue reading →
Posted by Adriano in Articles, Blog, News, Newsletters


We enthusiastically followed the Starship launch and space operations with our Space Renaissance International community and friends, on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel. This historical Starship team achievement inspires us to further engage in boosting Civilian Space Development, the Space 18th SDG, Space For All, on Earth and Beyond!

On the 14th of March 2024, Space X successfully launched Starship 28 and Booster 10. for the first time, Starship reached orbital altitude (234 km) and orbital speed (>26200 km/h) . Many congratulations to Elon Musk and all of the “out of this word” Space X team, for the wonderful success of the Starship Flight Test 3!
While some incredibly poor journalism keeps referring to the Starship’s tests as a “failure”, development of the first fully reusable space vehicle is proceeding safely and expeditiously. Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in News, Newsletters


This time I don’t feel like sharing wishes for the end-of-the-year fests. This is not an SRI Newsletter, just a personal thought I want to share.

The reason is the dreadful situation of the world these last days, or should I say in these months or years.

We are witnessing the evident proof of the profound immaturity of our civilization. We are besieged by many global crises, such as pandemics, climate changes, and economic crises, just to name the main ones. Instead of uniting our efforts to go over, the craziness is gaining momentum. The primitive practice of war –the state’s legal murdering – is expanding to the neighbors of Europe. Humanity is not driven by the best practices but by the worst ones. Political leaders complain about the lack of financial resources, but they spend 2 trillion/year on military expenditure, and that will get worse, considering the continuous rise of new wars.

But really? Will we really still allow violence as the unique means of solution for any dispute? Should we allow old imperialist strategies – already and many times condemned by history – to raise their stupid and backward head once again over the sacrosanct right of all peoples to self-determine their future and how they want to govern themselves? Now it is enough. We are sick to death of these immature leaders, we shall get rid of them everywhere.

We have other things to do, and many worthwhile projects to deal with. We cannot keep on spending our time and resources going after these primitive leaders anymore. Just think about what we could do with 2 trillion/year! In space, we could develop a cislunar economy in 10 years, just like we have gone to the Moon in 10 years almost 60 years ago. We could start building O’Neill Lagrange Cities, with simulated gravity and duly protection from space-hard radiation. To start mining the Moon and the asteroids to produce propellant in space, and further downsizing the cost of any space transport. In a few words, to accelerate civilian space development, and civil expansion into outer space. On Earth, we could eliminate plastic pollution in a few years. About climate, I am not that confident that we can really reverse any ongoing process, yet we could for sure adopt active strategies to adapt, protecting coastal regions from the possible rising of the sea level, and placing in orbit shields for chilling or mirrors to warming some regions, to contrast in turn warming or icing ages.

But no, all of the above shall remain “too much expensive”, while we are burning 2 trillion/year and thousands of precious human lives! How can you claim that I will be reasonable, smiling, and sharing my Best Wishes for the New Year??! Also, my personal thought is that I don’t make any difference between “innocent civilians” and soldiers. The soldiers are humans too. The soldiers are 20-year-old boys and girls, our children!!! They are murdered like civilians, and if and when they are back home, they will forever remember – and be mentally disturbed by — the horrors they have lived. The leaders ordering wars and terrorist actions are murderers, guilty of homicide and genocide. Such immature leaders should stay in prison, not being publicly honored and acknowledged as persons having the right to order, rule, and decide for our destiny.

I am really pissed off. I am serious, not joking.

Nothing, I say nothing, can justify killing thousands of lives, whoever they are, for any possible reason.

The only thing I can wish, for next year, is that the United Nations will make a step upward, in interpreting the general wish of the Earth’s good willing people to turn toward progress and ethical evolution. To do so, the U.N. should take more power, and start acting as a real authority, bringing undisciplined states to stop killing people and ruining economies. U.N. should also finally bring the COPUOS, its space branch, to the light, giving public speeches, outreaching about the urgent need to start expanding civilization into the geo-lunar space region, and soliciting states and privates to invest in such a very worthy epochal enterprise. At the same time, the U.N. should strongly educate world powers on general disarmament, converting all military expenditure into peace and life projects, with civilian space development in the first place.

I am sure that, should a world referendum be organized, such a position would get a large majority.

SRI, together with the NSS and almost 70 space advocacy organizations, is promoting a Space 18th SDG to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agency. Everybody is invited to support this campaign, and our delegation at COPUOS, that will restlessly work for this purpose, in 2024.

These are my thoughts, my bitterness, my mourning for the thousands of lives brutally assassinated, and my hopes for humanity for the next year. Since I remain a sincere humanist, and I am sure that the large majority of the people of Earth do not want such butchery to continue.

Please also try to spend some joyful hours with those you love, during these reflective and worrisome days. And if you really don’t feel like celebrating, think that I am with you and I hope that we can combine our efforts to give peace and love a chance.

Ad Astra!

Adriano V. Autino, SRI CEO and Founder

Want to discuss this? You can do it on the SRI Open Forum:

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Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters
A SRI newsletter with 2 titles, 23 October 2023

A SRI newsletter with 2 titles, 23 October 2023

A newsletter with 2 titles!

The SRI President Bernard Foing and the SRI CEO and Founder A. V. Autino are in agreement on the text of this newsletter, but not on the title(!). We decided therefore to issue it with two titles. The first one, by A.V. Autino, establishes an ideological distance from the governance model that brought the civilization to the current situation, refusing any direct co-responsibility. The title proposed by B. Foing implies that “we” (the global society) are responsible for the general failure since we voted for the current leaders. He also suggested that should “we” (space humanists) be governing, he’s not sure that we would be able to do better than current leaders, for peace and development. Better than warmongers for sure! Replied Autino. However, both titles are true and have their reasons. That’s why we don’t want to choose one…

Both “reasonable” and crazy governance models have failed: now is the time for visionaries – A. V. Autino
We have failed so far: now is time for Space4all and peace, uniting citizens, leaders, and explorers – B. Foing

Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in Blog, News, Newsletters
PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 65 Space Entities held a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023 United Nations Plaza, 777 – The Final Recommendation

PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 65 Space Entities held a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023 United Nations Plaza, 777 – The Final Recommendation

—— 29.09.2023 – For immediate release ——

Final Recommendation of the Space 18th SDG workshop, at United Nations Plaza 777, the 15 of September 2023

Distinguished State Members of the United Nations,

We, representatives of 65 organizations convened on the 15th of September 2023 at U.N. Plaza 777, in concomitance with the U.N. General Assembly 78, recommend developing and introducing a resolution for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), called “Universal and Sustainable Space Development”.

We note that the Earth is in space, it has always been in space, and it will always be in space. Space is the context in which the 17 SDGs exist. Earth is the domain of life, and only by expanding this domain beyond Earth can we fulfill the 17 SDGs in the long term. Our proposed 18th SDG aims to accelerate humanity’s united expansion into the solar ecosystem to create sustainable capabilities for living and working in human communities in LEO and beyond, harnessing the lessons learned there to benefit people both on Earth and in Space. Collectively, we believe that the space environment should be available to benefit all of life. Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases
Marsha Freeman passed away on September 20

Marsha Freeman passed away on September 20

a remembrance by Adriano V. Autino

Marsha Freeman, the most coherent and passionate student of Krafft A. Ehricke, passed away on September 20. A bout with Covid combined with the deterioration of her Parkinson’s condition were too much for her small physique to handle. The Parkinson had already made it difficult for her to speak, particularly any public speaking, so she couldn’t speak at the SRI event, at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin, in 2022. Marsha authored hundreds of papers and articles, on the themes of space and U.S. space program, and has been published in Fusion Magazine, 21st Century Science & Technology, Acta Astronautica, and many others. Her campaign to revive the work and the thought of her dear friend, Krafft Ehricke, led to his last presentation in the  1980s on lunar industrialization at the American Academy of Sciences. Marsha was the author of several books, including “How We Got to the Moon: The Story of the German Space Pioneers”[1], “Challenges of Human Space Exploration”[2], and “Krafft Ehricke’s Extraterrestrial Imperative”[3]. There are also works of Krafft that have never been published, including a major book The Seventh Continent on lunar industrialization. His daughter, who has been the executor of his estate since the passing of his wife some years ago, would like to see this published. It was a project dear to Marsha, but difficult for her to take up in her condition. In the near future, Marsha’s beloved husband Bill Jones will try to find a publisher. That would be such a wonderful memorial to Marsha as well as to Krafft and a treasure to the space community.

Posted by Adriano in Blog, News
15 September is done, and was great!

15 September is done, and was great!

It was done! The 15 of September is now in the past, and it was great! We had 30 speakers, in presence and from remote, giving beautiful contributions to our cause.First of all thanks a million to everybody who concurred to the success of yesterday! To the ones who have worked hard, to our colleague Henk Rogers, who generously sponsored the room, at United Nations Plaza 777, 11th floor, to everybody who spread the invitation and the message of the #Space18SDG! And thanks to our colleagues of the NSS, and of the other Co-promoter organizations, for their work too!

But may we think that the work is done? Not at all! The true work has just kicked-off!

First, our final statement could not be proposed and approved yesterday, as it was announced, since we had so many excellent contributions and suggestions, that couldn’t be summarized and integrated in such a short time.

A well conceived Final Recommendation is in progress of preparation, integrating our work of yesterday, and I believe it may be ready in few days.

In the same time, we are restlessly seeking a State Party that can present a resolution for the Space 18th SDG to the U.N. General Assembly, and working at COPUOS for such goal. We hope that, having we made such a great event yesterday, it will be a little easier to reach that goal.

The Co-promoters organizations are now 60, including Asgardia, the space nation, who joined officially yesterday, after a resolution of their Government. Our online petition: now 336 (2 days ago 260!). And the total sum of signatures, including the ones collected on our website, is 363.

In case you missed, here’s the whole day recorded video:

Please watch, spread the link, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!

The #space18sdg campaign is growing: let’s make it viral!

To sign the Space 18th SDG petition:

To add an organization to the Space 18th SDG Coalition:

See the abstract here:

See all the updates:

Ad Astra!

Adriano V. Autino, SRI CEO and Founder

Posted by Adriano in Blog, Events

PRESS RELEASE – SDG18 Space For All, on Earth and Beyond: 47 Space Entities to hold a session for the U.N. General Assembly on the 15th of September, 2023

—— 22.08.2023 – For immediate release ——

Space Renaissance International (SRI) and the National Space Society (NSS), on behalf of 47 space advocacy organizations (this alliance is expanding), will host a panel at the United Nations in New York, on the 15th of September, 2023, from 9:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., to officially present their proposal for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), focused on Space Development, to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The hybrid panel will take place in the U.N. district, United Nations Plaza, 777 11th Floor, just in front of the U.N. headquarters[1].

In addition to SRI and NSS, the coalition includes The Mars Society, the Lifeboat Foundation, the Human Space Program, the Moon Society, Beyond Earth Institute, Space Development Foundation, EarthLight Foundation, space agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations. The complete list of Co-promoters may be found online at:

Continue reading →

Posted by Adriano in News, Press Releases