The Space Renaissance International was incorporated today in Italy.
Replace Oil with Space Solar Technology
Replace Oil with Space Solar Technology – Media release of the SRI Council
How many SBSP plants could be made…?
How many SBSP plants could be made with the money wasted in the Gulf of Mexico disaster? A time for urgent decisions is coming… by A. V. Autino
Space Renaissance Education Chapter Launched
The Space Renaissance Education Chapter launched several projects, the Naming X competition and a new MSW Design Contest: see this page for details!
Africa Space Renaissance Chapter is constituted
The Africa Space Renaissance Chapter (ASRC) is constituted, and invites all the good willing individuals and communities to join working with us!
Lower House of Mexican Congress approves AEXA
The Lower House of Mexican Congress voted to approve the creation of the Mexican Space Agency (AEXA), see the press release.
SICES 2010 Clean Energy Summit
The Space Renaissance invites all of our members to participate and support the SICES 2010, The Sichuan International Clean Energy Summit, promoting Space Based Solar Power!
Open Letter to Barack Obama
Open Letter to Barack Obama about supporting the new space economy.
Please translate it in your language, and send it to the government of your country.
SRI First International Congress
The Space Renaissance Initiative will hold its first International Congress within the springtime of 2011, in a location to be defined.
SRI endorses LIDC
The Space Renaissance Initiative endorses Buzz Aldrin’s Lunar Infrastructure Development Corporation – PRESS RELEASE