
SRI News

Mars, like the Moon? …. but … we would really put a great distance from the awful stench of death that rises from the old world …

Mars, like the Moon? …. but … we would really put a great distance from the awful stench of death that rises from the old world …

What follows is my personal opinion. I understand that this topic is a quite controversial one, but it is time for a serious discussion about priorities, since the current world situation will not allow many more strategic mistakes. However my constructive critics are not intended to offend, and I highly esteem America and what it made in space, however the largest and most advanced space program of the world.
Forty five years after the historic landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, without forgetting the good Michael Collins, who waited patiently for them in orbit, NASA officially announced a manned mission to Mars by 2030. By this announce NASA expresses, at least, a large confidence in the availability of the United States taxpayers to keep on supporting the space agency’ programs, even beyond the “low cost” policy, to which many today charge the responsibility for the space program’ failures and delays.
I take the freedom to applaud the NASA plan with several reserves and no little suspicion. Perhaps, when President Bush announced in 2004, the famous manifesto “Moon, Mars and Beyond”, did he aim to propose and consolidate, in fact, a methodology, more than a plan? Such methodology had already borne fruits, excellent for bureaucracies, but harbingers of stagnation and deepening global crisis for the entire human community.
To put it more explicitly: 1) what else does NASA space program include, before 2030? and, 2) what does NASA plan to do after the Mars mission, provided that it will develop and will be successful?
It is precisely the lack, once again, of a global vision, that raises my eyebrow. After the “conquest of Mars” NASA will sit for another fifty years on “laurels”, enjoying gifted public money?
Who does assure us that the 2030 Mars mission is not simply a way to revive a NASA strategy equal to the one of the last 45 years, dedicated solely to exploration and scientific research, and yet rigidly and stubbornely closed to the industrialization of the geo-lunar space, use of asteroids resources for the construction of the space infrastructure, a true expansion of civilization beyond the now narrow boundaries of our planet?
It should be clear, nowadays, even outside the international space community, that if the high frontier had been opened to privates thirty or forty years ago, as it was quite possible, likely today the global economy would be growing at double digits, and this horrible crisis would have been avoided. The fundamental question then is the following one: do they finally understood the lesson, or not? Did the space agencies finally understand their deep social responsibility, toward the civilization?

Should the announced program had made the mission to Mars as a spearhead of a true expansion and colonization plan, I’d applaud without reservation! A space program coherent with the current state of the world should definitely claim the leadership of a new industrial development, with primary emphasis on the construction of an orbital city, located at a Lagrange Point between Earth and the Moon, permanent stations on the Moon, to extract and process raw materials, capture near-Earth asteroids in order to use their raw materials, mainly virtually pure minerals. Not to mention that, in a contest of the world economy strong expansion, thanks to the development of civilian astronautics, both the Mars mission, and especially the subsequent initiatives for permanent settlements, would be much more sustainable. Meanwhile, the Twenty First Century Space Program should accelerate the development of Earth to Orbit fully reusable vehicles, develop orbital workshops and interchange stations, orbital hotels, to accommodate a growing population of space workers. And, also, to push hard the accelerator on studies for protection from solar heavy radiation and on the bio-technologies needed to sustain life in artificial environments. Should the NASA program include all of the above, the Mars mission would not appear as yet another “cathedral in the desert”, designed solely to seduce the taxpayers desire for adventure, keeping them well-chained to their seats, watching space exploration on TV … or , paraphrasing the much more poetic Herzog’s Fitzcarraldo, the theater of opera in the middle of the Amazon rainforest!

More and more we feel like the poor geese, nailed to a wood plank, to harvest the fois gras …

Meanwhile, in absence of a genuine ethically superior initiative, opening the frontier and achieving new resources, the terrestrial conflicts increase, rather than decrease, and not only in pre-industrial countries, but also in the heart of Europe.
And the stench of death rises beyond the bearable threshold, especially for those who love the wide spaces and freedom …

Posted by spacere in News
The SRI international Congress to be held in July 2015 (SRI Newsletter)

The SRI international Congress to be held in July 2015 (SRI Newsletter)

The SRI Executive held a meeting Sunday June 22nd, and decided that the second international congress will be held in July 2015, as it was scheduled by the first congress in 2011. It was unanimously agreed that several relevant reasons exist, to undertake the congress works, not only to respect the four years frequency established by our statute.
First of all the radical innovation in our strategic plan. SRI was born as a philosophical international association, and this is what it is and wants to keep on being. End of 2012, SRI decided to build national chapters, strongly rooted on territory, where members can work together, seeing themselves in face, organizing local events, talking to the people. Nowadays we have a working chapter in Italy, Space Renaissance Italia, a new chapter in the US, Space Renaissance International USA, a chapter on the way to be incorporated in India, Karnataka, and another chapter to be incorporated in UK, Scotland.
Our Theses, written in 2011, need to be updated as well. Many things occurred in the world, confirming our analysis, that expanding civilization into space is an essential condition to its survival: the conflicts for the remaining earthly resources are worsening. Opening the high frontier will allow the advanced countries, thanks to their technology, to “unplug” from the disastrous confrontation with tribal societies, and to become a moral model for the young people of those countries, removing them from the suicidal philosophy of the Jihād, and achieving them to the noble big project to assure new resources, energy and space for the whole civilization.

Read the whole newsletter here: SRI_Newsletter_24062014The SRI international Congress to be held in July 2015

Posted by spacere
SRI Takes its ‘Space Renaissance’ to ISDC – Press Release

SRI Takes its ‘Space Renaissance’ to ISDC – Press Release

SRI successfully took its version of the renaissance to the Space Renaissance-themed International Space Development Conference in Los Angeles.
Adriano Autino, the president of Space Renaissance International, along with Space Renaissance Italia’s artistic director, Elena Cecconi, and SRI-USA President Walter Putnam presented the organization’s case for space development in person during the event last week sponsored by the National Space Society.


Read the Press Release here: SRI Takes its ‘Space Renaissance’ to ISDC – Press Release SRI_Release_22.05.2014

Posted by spacere
The power of ideas: the messages of the Space Renaissance Italia’ congress – by R. Russo

The power of ideas: the messages of the Space Renaissance Italia’ congress – by R. Russo

The de-growth is an ominous prospect for humanity. The expansion into space is inevitable and urgent. Space tourism: the first mature sector toward civilian astronautics. The multi-culturalism as an essential tool to reach the conscience and to let people understand that space is not that far as it is perceived.

These are some of the conclusions of the Space Renaissance Italia’ national congress, held on May 8th and 9th this year at the Politecnico University of Milano, entitled “Space without frontiers: a greater world is possible!” An unique in its kind event, about which many were skeptic, that instead proved to be a great success. Futurists, scientists, philosophers, engineers, humanists and trans-humanists, technologists, musicians, and writers. And more, communication, television and films experts, as well as students. All of them integrated into the debate, giving rise to a deep cross-fertilization along the thin line of the Space Renaissance philosophy, which sees the expansion of civilization into space the healthiest and urgent solution, and perhaps the only one, to the crisis of growth that our civilization is facing, while the natural resources of our beloved Mother Earth are now insufficient to support its development. Echoing what Konstantin Tsiolkovsky said, humanity has to leave its cradle.

The conference clearly showed that we are now a mature movement, with great potential for growth, byb the way in strong agreement with the Futurists, the Trans-Humanists and with the “anthropic” imperative  proposed by the Italian Institute for the Future, to ensure the long term survival of human civilization.

Read the newsletter here: SRITALIA_Newsletter_12.05.2014-e

Posted by spacere in News, Newsletters
The development of Civilian Astronautics promises to create massive new employment, and enable definitive and permanent exit from global crisis – by A. Autino, R. Russo, P. Collins

The development of Civilian Astronautics promises to create massive new employment, and enable definitive and permanent exit from global crisis – by A. Autino, R. Russo, P. Collins

We at SPACE RENAISSANCE have a few clear and simple concepts, of which one is: THERE IS NO GROWTH WITHOUT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT – and without growth our civilization will die. The only way to really re-start economic growth, beyond merely short-term remedies, is to boot-strap the new era of human expansion beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, by accelerating the development of low-cost space travel. We therefore propose a strongly positive strategy, aiming upwards towards this clear goal. In the present recession, many investors are keeping their money uninvested, while “waiting for better times”. But this is worse than useless: the withdrawal of such funds from circulation reduces economic activity, making the possibility of economic revival weaker and weaker. To avoid this awful scenario, the only way is to create new fields for economic growth. The most promising new industrial opportunity is to finally trigger the new industrial revolution of civilian astronautics, which can quickly reverse the crisis, re-starting an era of double-digit growth in the developed countries as well as in the recently emerging countries, thereby creating millions of new high-level and middle-class jobs, both in space and on Earth. How is this to be done? The key step, which can open a true cornucopia of virtually unlimited future development, is investing in “space tourism”, that is, passenger space travel services, starting with sub-orbital flights. This is a very low-cost new approach to space development, which will supply popular services to the general public, and open new fields for investment with unlimited potential for further growth – through large-scale orbital industries leading on to lunar economic development and beyond. The first phase of these new industries should be supported by governments with friendly fiscal policies, as governments do for other selected industries. A pool of investment funds should also be created, specifically targeted to stimulate development of civilian astronautics in its many aspects.

Download the whole newsletter here: SRI_Newsletter_04032014 The development of Civilian Astronautics promises to create massive new employment, and enable definitive and permanent exit from global crisis

by A. Autino, R. Russo, P. Collins

Posted by spacere